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78 Cards in this Set

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I: Axillary N.

A: Abduction, flexion, extension, Med. & Lat. rotation of arm

Teres Minor

I: Axillary N.

A: Lateral Rotation of arm


I: Suprascapular N.

A: Abduction of arm


I: Suprascapular N.

A: Lateral rotation of arm

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

I: Radial N.

A: Extension of hand

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

I: Deep Radial N.

A: Extension of hand and radial deviation


I: Deep Radial N

A: Supination of forearm

Flexor Digiti Minimi

I: Deep Branch of Radial N.

A: Flexion of Pinky

Triceps Brachii

I: Radial N.

A: Extend Elbow


I: Radial N.

A: Assists the triceps


I: Radial N.

A: Pronation and Supination, flexion of forearm


I: Musculocutaneous N.

A: Flexion and Extension of arm

Biceps Brachii

I: Musculocutaneous N.

A: Flexes elbow, abduction of shoulder


I: Musculocutaneous N.

A: Flexes Elbow

Palmaris Longus

I: Median N.

A: Flexes Hand

Pronator Teres

I: Median N.

A: Pronation of forearm, flexes elbow

Flexor Carpi Radialis

I: Median N.

A: Flexion of hand

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

I: Median N.

A: Flexes elbow, hand, digits

Flexor Pollicis Longus

I: Median N.

A: Flexion of Thumb

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

I: Median N.

A: Flexion of hand and digits

Pronator Quadratus

I: Median N.

A: Pronation of forearm

Abductor Pollicis Brevis

I: Median N.

A: Abduction of thumb

Flexor Pollicis Brevis

I: Median N. (superficial head) , Ulnar N. (deep head)

A: Flexion of thumb

Opponens Pollicis

I: Median N.

A: Thumb Opposition

Lumbrical Muscles

I: Median N. (Lateral two)

Ulnar N. (Medial two)

Palmar Interossei

I: Ulnar N.

A: Adduction of digits

Dorsal Interossei Muscles

I: Ulnar N.

A: Abduction of digits

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

I: Ulnar N.

A: Flexion of hand

Adductor Pollicis

I: Deep Branch of Ulnar N.

A: Adduction of thumb

Abductor Digiti Minimi

I: Deep branch of Ulnar N.

A: Abducts pinky

Opponens Digiti Minimi

I: Deep Branch of Ulnar N.

A: Opposition of pinky to thumb

Extensor Digitorum

I: Posterior Interosseous branch of deep radial N.

A: Extension of digits and hand

Extensor Digiti Minimi

I: Posterior Interosseous Branch of deep radial N.

A: Extension of pinky and hand

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

I: Posterior Interosseous branch of Deep Radial N.

A: Extension of hand, ulnar deviation

Abductor Pollicis Longus

I: Posterior interosseous branch of Deep Radial N.

A: Abduction and extension of thumb

Extensor Pollicis Brevis

I: Posterior interosseous branch of deep radial N.

A: Extension of proximal phalanx at MCP joint

Extensor Pollicis Longus

I: Posterior interosseous branch of deep radial N.

A: Extension of thumb

Extensor Indicis

I: Posterior interosseous branch of deep. radial N

A: Index finger extension

Teres Major

I: Lower Scapular N.

A: Adduction and medial rotation of arm


I: Adduction and medial rotation of arm

Pectoralis Major

I: Lateral Pectoral N.

A: Adduction and medial rotation of arm

Pectoralis Minor

I: Medial Pectoral N.

A: Pulls scapula forward and down

Serratus Anterior

I: Long Thoracic N.

A: Elevation of arm past 90 degrees.

Occipitofrontalis (epicranius)

I: Facial N. (CN7)

A: Wrinkles forehead, astonishment exp.

Oribicularis Oculi

3 Parts : Orbital, Palpebral, Lacrimal

A: expression of worry and concern

Corrugator Supercilli

I: Facial N.

A: Pulls eyebrows down, Thinkers brow

Orbicularis Oris

I: Facial N.

A: closes the mouth, aids sucking ,eating


I: Facial N.

A: blowing air out of mouth, keeping food between teeth wile chewing.

Zygomaticus Major

I: Facial N.

A: Smiling muscle, lifts corners of mouth

Zygotamicus Minor

I: Facial N.

A: Aids zygomaticus major and contractions deepens the nasolbial groove


I: Facial N.

A: produces the nasolabial folds, contraction gives expression of action .

Levator Labii Superioris

I: Facial N.

A: Lifts the lips

Lavator Anguli Oris

I: Facial N.

A: lifts angle of mouth giving smirk or self confidence expression

Depressor Anguli Oris

I: Facial N.

A: pulls mouth downwards, expresses sadness

Depressor Labii Inferiorsis

I: Facial N.

A: Pulls lower lip down giving expression of preserverance


I: FN.

A: produces chin lip furrow, expression of doubt and indecision



A: Contractions forms wrinkles on the skin of the bridge of the nose



A: involved in respiration. expresses desire.

Levator Labii Superioris Alqeque Nasi


A: elevates upper lip and expresses displeasure


I: Mandibular N.

A: Powerfully closes the jaw by elevating the mandible


I: Mandibular N.

A: Strongest elevator of lower lower jaw

Lateral Pterygoid

I: Mandibular N.

A: Mandibular movements, guiding muscle

Medial Pterygoid

I: Mandibular N.

A: Elevates mandible and pushed it forward, rotational movement


I: Facial N.

A: Brings corners of mouth down, expresses sadness


I: Accessory N. C3-C4

A: Elevation, retraction of scapula, adduction of arm


I: Accessory N.

A: Turns head to opposite side, lifts head


I: Cervical Ansa (C1-C3)

A: opens mouth and helps in lateral flexion of the head


I: Cervical Ansa (C1-C3)

A: approximate thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone


I: Cervical Ansa (C1-C3)

A: Approximate thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone


I: C1

A: Approximate thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone


I: Anterior Belly Trigeminal N. CNV/iii

Posterior Belly: Facial N.

A: rasing hyoid and stabilizing it in speaking and swallowing, depresses mandible


I: Facial N.

A: Elevates and retracts hyoid bone , elongates floor of mouth


I: Mandibular N.

A: Elevates hyoid and floor of mouth and tongue in swallowing and speaking.


I: C1 via Hypoglossal N.

A: Pulls the hyoid antersuperiously, shortens floor of mouth

Rectus Capitis

I: Cervical Plexus (C1)

A: Helps to flex the head

Longus Capitis

I: Cervical Plexus (C1-C4)

A: Bend the head forward and sideways

Longus Colli

I: Cervical and Brachial Plexus (C2-C8)

A: bends head forward and side, bends cerivical spine forward.

Scalene (Ant., Med., Post.)

I: Brachial Plexus(C4-C8)

A: quiet inspiration. Lifts first 2 pairs of ribs, tilts cervical column to one side.