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42 Cards in this Set

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Embryonic Period
Weeks 3-8 of prenatal development
Week 1 of prenatal development; zygote undergoes successive cell divisions without growth
Fetal Period
Week 9-> birth;
16-32 cells produced during cleavage; formed from blastomeres that undergo compaction
formed during cleavage as morula hollows; forms trophoblast and inner cell mass
forms chorion; part of placenta
inner cell mass
forms embryo and other extraembryonic membranes
occurs during 1st week; trophoblast cells digest into endometrium of uterus; inner cell mass segregates into epiblast (top layer) and hypoblast (bottom layer)
Amniotic Cavity
fluid-filled space between epiblast and trophoblast
Bilaminar embryoblast
cells of epiblast & hypoblast in contact
Trilaminar embryoblast
Occurs during 3rd week; Part of gastrulation; Epiblast cells move toward primitive node & primitive streak
During gastrulation, cells of epiblast ingress through streak to become:
endoderm (displacing hypoblast), mesoderm, ectoderm
During gastrulation, what population of cells forms along the midline from the primitive node?
notochordal process
When notochordal process changes from tube to rod, it becomes the.....
3 types of mesoderm
1. paraxial mesoderm - adjacent to notochord
2. intermediate mesoderm
3. lateral plate mesoderm (coelom forms here)
Through neural induction, notochord instructs ectoderm to form.....
Neural crest contributes to what structures?
peripheral nervous system, many other structures
Closure of anterior and posterior neuropore occur at what fetal age?
25-26 days
What structures are formed from ectoderm?
brain, spinal cord (neuroectoderm), epidermis, hair, nails, cutaneous glands, enamel (surface ectoderm)
- neural crest forms peripheral nervous system and lots of other structures!!
What structures form from paraxial mesoderm?
bone/cartilage/connective tissue, muscle, dermis
What structures are formed from intermediate mesoderm?
parts of urinary system and gonads
What structures are formed from lateral plate mesoderm?
- somatic layer = forms limb skeleton, part of body wall
- splanchnic layer = forms most of the gut, except its lining
Endoderm forms...
GI tract, lungs, liver/gall bladder/pancreas, urinary bladder
Intramembranous ossification
Direct ossification of mesenchyme
- examples: many bones of skull, sesamoid bones
Endochondral ossification
Formation of a cartilaginous template that is replaced by bone
- examples: most bones of postcranial skeleton, base of skull
3 major divisions of somites:
1. dermatome: dermis of back
2. myotome: skeletal muscle
3. sclerotome: cartilage and bone
What bones re-segment to lie intersegmentally?
Vertebrae & ribs
Cells that surround the neural tube form the...
vertebral arch
Cells that surround the notochord form the...
vertebral body
Cells that migrate laterally form the...
ribs or costal elements
3 primary ossification centers of vertebrae
one for each side of the neural arch, one for the vertebral body
Notochord may contribute to which part of intervertebral disc?
Nucleus pulposus
Sclerotomal cells that do not contribute to adjacent vertebral bodies form...
annulus fibrosis
Posterior neuropore closes at what vertebral level?
Lower sacral levels
Ribs develop from...
sclerotome cells that migrate into somatic lateral plate mesoderm
The sternum forms...
from bilateral edges of the somatic lateral plate mesoderm
Myotomal cells separate from dermamyotome migrating dorsally to form....
Myotomal cells migrate ventrally to form...
Cells of epimere become what muscles?
epaxial (intrinsic back muscles)
Cells of hypomere become what muscles?
Hypaxial muscles, including limb muscles
Somatic LPM forms:
body wall of embryo
Localized proliferation of LPM results in...
limb bud