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20 Cards in this Set

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Where does the spinal cord end in adults? infants?
Adults - L1-L2

Infants - L3
Describe the namiing of the spinal nerves?
In the cervical region they are named by the inferior vertebra. At T1 they are all named by their superior vertebra.
What is the conus meduallaris?
It the narrowing of the spinal cord -- nerves still come off of the conus meduarlis
Where does the cadua equina extend from? what is it made up of?
Extends from the conus meduaris to the coccyx

Made up of T10 to Cox1 levels
What is the filum terminale made up of?
the pia mater
What is the gray matter made out of/
gial cells and neuronal cells
What does the fibers in the ventral root do?
Sends out motor fibers that innervate the somatic muscles
What does the dorsal root do?
Receives sensory fibers from the PNS and brings it into the CNS
How can the dorsal root ganglion have no synapses?
Because the nerves in there are unipolar so they extend their -- synapses in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
Where does the dura mater extend to?
What does the epidural space contain?
internal plexus of veins that drain the spinal cord
What contains the CSF? Where is it made?
the subarchnoid space - made in the choroid plexus
C5 --Clavical
C6 -- Thumb
T4 - Nipples
T10 - Belly Button
L1 - Groin Region
What is the dermatome pattern for the upper limb?
The lateral arm = C5
lateral foream and thenar =C6
medial fingers =C7
median hand and forearm = C8
medial upper limb = T1
What is the dermatome pattern for the lower limb?
L2 and L3- thigh
L4 - knee
L5- lateral leg and foot dorsum
What are the sacral levels dermatome? and the coccygeal levels form around?
medial level of the sacral level
S1, S2 - midline of the back of thigh, leg and lateral half plantar surface

coccygeal - around the anus
How many anterior spinal arteries are there and how many posterior spinal arteries?
Anterior -- 1
Posterior - 2
What is the primary source of blood supply to the cadual part of the vertebral column?
Because the 3 spinal arteries diminish as you go caudally you need segmental arteries to get lower
What does the ANS innervate?
cardiac muscle and smooth muscle
Visceral afferents--
sensory fibers associated with the ANS