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70 Cards in this Set

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What factors effect the way a muscle exerts force at a joint (4)?
How do muscles generally effect the joint they cross?
Stabilize the joint
What two bones form the shoulder girdle?
Scapula and the clavicle
The scapula and the clavicle articulate via what structure?
What are the borders of the scapula?
Superior angle
Medial border
Axillary border
Inferior angle
What is the first long bone to ossify? When?
Clavicle in 5-6th week
What type of bone formation does the clavicle undergo?
Membraneous ossification
What two joints are formed by the clavicle?
What is the only bony attachment of the upper limb to the axial skeleton?
Via the sternoclavicular joint
At what rib does the lower margin of the scapula lay?
Around rib 7-8
What two ligaments form the coracoclavicular ligaments?
trapezoid and conoid ligaments
What ligaments form the Acromioclavicular joint?
Coracoclavicular ligaments: trap and conoid
Coracoacromial ligament
What ligament forms the roof of the Acromioclavicular joint?
Coracoacromial ligament
At what joint does shoulder separation occur?
Acromioclavicular joint
At what joint does shoulder dislocation occur?
Glenohumeral joint
What fracture is common in a shoulder separation?
Clavicular fracture in the middle and lateral thirds
What ligaments are potentially damaged in a shoulder separation?
Coracoclavicular ligaments
Coracoacromial ligaments
What ligaments stabilize the clavicle at the sternum?
Sternoclavicular ligament
Costoclavicular ligament
For the sternoclavicular joint, what movements occur on the vertical axis?
protraction and retraction
For the sternoclavicular joint, what movements occur on the AP axis?
Elevation and depression
For the sternoclavicular joint, what movements occur on the oblique axis?
Medial and lateral rotation
Movement of the inferior angle of the scapula define which type of movement?
Medial and lateral rotation at the sternoclavicular joint
What portion of the abduction potential of the shoulder takes place at the glenohumeral joint?
What portion of the abduction potential of the shoulder takes place at the sternoclavicular joint?
The split abduction of the shoulder between two joints is a 2:1 ratio called ...
scapulohumeral rhythm
What are the movements of the trapezius on the vertical axis?
What are the movements of the trapezius on the AP axis?
Upper and middle portions elevate
Lower portion depresses
What are the movements of the trapezius on the Oblique axis?
Lateral rotation
What supplies motor innervation to the trapezius?
What supplies proprioceptive innervation to the trapezius?
C3 and C4
Where is the primary action of the Latissimus dorsi?
At the Glenohumeral joint, but can assist in retraction and depression of the shoulder girdle at the sternoclavicular joint.
What is the attactment and insertion of the latissimus dorsi?
from the thoracolumbar fascia to the humerus
What is the action of the latissimus dorsi?
Powerful adductor and extensor of arm
What is the nerve supply of the latissimus dorsi?
thoracodorsal nerve
What (3) superficial muscles act on the scapula?
Levator scapulae
What is the action of the rhomboids?
Retract and medially rotate scapula
What is the nerve supply for the rhomboids?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What is the action of the levator scapulae?
Elevates and medially rotates scapula
What is the nerve supply for the levator scapulae?
Dorsal scapular nerve
What is the action of the pectoralis minor on the shoulder girdle?
Depresses, protracts, and medially rotates the girdle
What is the innervation of the pectoralis minor?
Medial pectoral nerve
What supplies the innervation to the serratus anterior?
Long thoracic nerve
What is the action of the serratus anterior on the girdle?
Depresses on the AP axis
Protracts on the vertical axis
Laterally rotates on obliques axis
If you see "winging" in a patient, this might be a because of damage to what structure?
Long thoracic nerve
What muscles supply protraction at the SC joint (2)?
Serratus anterior
Pectoralis minor
What muscles supply retraction at the SC joint (2)?
Trapezius (mid)
What muscles supply elevation at the SC joint (3)?
Trapezius (up)
Levator scapulae
What muscles supply depression at the SC joint (3)?
Serratus anterior
Pectoralis minor
Trapezius (low)
What muscles supply medial rotation at the SC joint (3)?
Pectoralis minor
Levator scapulae
What muscles supply lateral rotation at the SC joint (2)?
Trapezius (all)
Serratus anterior
Arm movement occur at what joint?
glenohumeral joint
What rotation is allowed on the horizontal transverse axis of the GH joint?
Flexion and extension
What rotation is allowed on the horizontal AP axis of the GH joint?
Abduction and adduction
What rotation is allowed on the vertical axis of the GH joint?
medial/lateral rotation
What is the innervation of pectoralis major?
Medial and lateral pectoral
What is the action of the pectoralis major at the GH joint?
Medial rotation
What is the innervation of the deltoid?
Axillary nerve
What movements does the deltoid allow at the GH joint?
Flexion: A
Extension: P
Abduction: M
Adduction: P/A
Medial rotation: A
Lateral rotation: P
What nerve innervates teres major?
lower subscapular
What nerve innervates latissimus dorsi?
thoracodorsal nerve
What movements does the latissimus dorsi allow at the GH joint?
Medial rotation
The muscles of what (4) tendons form the rotator cuff?
teres minor
What prevents the greater tubercle from hitting the acromion during humeral flexion or abduction?
External rotation of the humerous
What muscle is responsible for abduction of the rotator cuff?
What muscle is responsible for medial rotation of the rotator cuff?
What muscle is responsible for lateral rotation of the rotator cuff?
Teres minor
What is the innervation and blood supply to the supra/infraspinatus?
Suprascapular nerve and artery
What is the innervation and blood supply to the teres minor?
axillary nerve and post humeral circumflex artery
What is the innervation and blood supply to the subscapularis?
Upper and lower subscapular nerve
Circumflex scapular artery
What are the (4) blood supplies to the shoulder girdle?
Dorsal scapular
Posterior circumflex humeral
Circumflex scapular via the subscapular