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157 Cards in this Set

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classification of blood vessels
by size and histological organization
tunica media
muscle, largest in artery
tunica externa
collagen and elastin
blood flow
volume of blood flowing in unit time
blood pressure
hydrostatic pressure in arterial system
circulatory pressure
pressure difference between base of ascending aorta and entrance to right atrium
peripheral resistance
resistance of arterial system as effected by vascular resistance, viscosity and turbulence
resistence due to irregular swirling movement of blood at high flow rates or exposure to irregular surfaces
vascular resistance
friction between blood and vessel wall effected by vessel diameter
venous pressure
hydrostatic pressure in venous system
flow is proportional to
pressure gradient and 1/resistance
resistance is proportional to
elastic arteries
conducting, near to heart; large vessels, pulmonary truck, aorta
muscular arteries
distribution arteries; medium sized, tunica media has many muscle cells
small, little to no tunica externa, thin or incomplete tunica media
bulge in arterial wall, caused by weak spot in elastic fibers, pressure may rupture vessel
continuous capillaries
endothelial cells all connected to each other, end of artery
fenestrated capillaries
have pores between endothelial cells, large things can move across
nein, externa and endothelium but no tunica media
capillary structure
only tunica intima, diameter size of red blood vessel
sinudoidal capillaries
gaps between adjacent endothelial cells; in liver, spleen bone marrow, endocrine organs. permit free exchange or h2o and large proteins, monitored by phagocytic cells
precapillary sphincter
guards entrance to each capillary, opens and closes causing capillary blood flow in pulses
arteriovenous anastromosis
skip over tissues
multiple arteries that contribute to one capillary bed, allow circulation if one artery is blocked
formation of new blood vessels, vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates growth. occurs in embryo tissues and in response to factors released by cells
contraction/relaxation cycle to move blood in capillaries
big, low blood pressure
vein valves
folds of tunica media, prevent blood from flowing backward, push blood forward
distribution of blood
30-35% in heart, arteries and capillaries, 60-65% in venous system
ability to strech
pressure gradient
difference between pressure at heart and pressure at peripheral capillary beds
proportional to pressure difference divided by resistance
pulse pressure
difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
mean arterial pressure
diastolic pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure because 1/3 time spent in systole and 2/3 in diastole. avg pressure on arteries
normal BP
elastic rebound
arterial walls stretch in systole and rebound in diastole
driven by hydrostatic pressure, water and small solutes forced through capillary wall, leaves larger solutes in bloodstream
result sof osmotic pressure
blood colloid osmotic pressure
equals pressures required to prevent osmosis caused by suspended blood proteins that are too large to cross capillary walls
movement out
CHP greater than BCOP, creates positive NFP (arterial)
movement in
CHP is less than BCOP so negative NFP (venous)
net capillary colloid osmotic pressure
difference between blood colloid osmotic pressure and interstitial fluid colloid pressure
net filtration pressure
difference between net hydrostatic pressure and net osmotic pressure
capillary hydrostatic pressure
reduced CHP and NFP increasing reabsorption of interstitial fluids
increases BCOP accelerates reabsorption
increase in CHP or BCOP causing fluid to move out of blood and build up in peripheral tissues
tissue perfusion
blood flows through tissues brings O2 and nutrients carries away CO2 and waste
autoregulation of cardiac output and BP
immediate, localized, homostatic adjustments
neural regulation of BP and cardiac output
respond quickly to changes at specific sites
endocrine mechanisms of regulating BP and cardiac output
direct, long-term changes
local vasodilators
high CO2 or low O2, low pH, high H+, nitric oxide, high K+, chemicals released by inflammation, elevated local temperatures. controlled by cholenergenic nerves (NO)
local vasoconstrictors
constict single capillary bed by damaged tissues, constrict precapillary sphincters. controlled by arenogenic nerves
vasomotor tone
produced by constant action of sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves
baroreceptor reflexes
respond to changes in blood pressure, increases to lower BP, inhibited when BP falls. in walls of carotid sinuses, aortic sinuses and right atrium
chemoreceptor reflexes
respond to changes in chemical composition particulary pH and dissolved gases. in carotis bodies and aortic bodies
central chemoreceptors
monitor cerebral spinal fluid
angiotensin II
responds to fall in renal blood pressure, stimulates aldesterone, ADH, thirst, cardiac output and peripheral vasodilation
short term response to BP drop
sympathetic activation and release of adrenal hormones E and NE to increase cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstriction
long term response to BP drop
kidneys release renin to activate angiotensin II, erythropoeitin released
increases RBC production
natrial natriuretic peptides
produced by cells in right atrium
brain natriuretic peptides
produced b ventricular muscle cells
natriuretic peptides
respond to excessive diastolic stretching, lowers blood volume and pressure, lowers blood sodium via urine
light exercise
extensive vasodilation occurs increasing circulation, venous return increases with muscle contraction, increased cardiac output
heavy exercise
activates sympathetic nervous system, increase cardiac output to max, restrict blood flow to nonessential organs, redirect to skeletal muscle, lungs, heart, blood to brain doesn't change
short term compensates until 20% of blood volume is lost, failure to restore leads to shock
compensated shock
body is coping
blockage of coronary blood flow
angina, tissue damage, heart failure, death
microscopic organisms tat cause disease, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, each attacks in specific way
product of all body cells, not just lymphocytes
fluid similar to plasma but no plasma proteins; connective tissue
function of lymphnotic system
to produce, maintain and distribute lymphocytes
production of lymphocytes
in lymphoid tissues, lymphoid organs, red bone marrow
lymphatic capillaries
small, single celled walls. differ from blood in: start as pockets not tubes, larger diameters, thinner walls, flat or irregular outline, one way not loop
lymphatic flow
from capillaries to larger lymphatic vessels containing one way valves, travel with veins
lymph fluid circulation
blood plasma to lymph and back to venous system, transports hormones, nutrients and waste
lymphocyte circulation
blood to interstitial fluid through capillaries returns to venous blood through lymphatic vessels
special lymphatic capillaries in small intestine to transport lipids from digestive tract
thoracic duct
expands into cisterna chyli (receives lymph from right and left lumbar trunks, intestinal trunk) empties into left subclavian vein
lymphatic duct
collects lymph from right trunks, empties into right subclavian vein - only drais upper right half of body
blockage of lymph drainage from a limb causing severe swelling, interferes with immune function
20-30% circulating WBC/leukocytes
T Cells
thymus dependent lymphocyte, created in bone marrow, 80% circulating lymphocytes, cell mediated immunity
cytotoxic T cell
kill cells infected with virus
memory T cell
respond to foreign substance and remain in circulation
helper T cell
mediator, stimulates immune by stimulating T cell and B cell
suppressor T cell
mediator, inhibits immune T and B cells to control response
B cells
antibody mediated response, 10-15% circulating lymphocytes, differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells
targets that identify any pathogen or foreign compound
antibodys, the binding of a specific antibody to antigen initiates antibody-mediated immunity to destroy
natural killer cells
5-10% of circulating lymphocytes, responsible fr immunological surveillance, large and granular, attack foreign cells, virus infected cells and cancer
involves bone marrow, thymus, peripheral lymphoid tissues,
in bone marrow; lymphoid stem cells
group I stem cells
remain in bone marow and develop with help of stromal cells to produce B and NK
group II stem cells
develop in thymus, produce T cells and are environmentally isolated by blood thymus barrier
B cell differentiation
triggered with exposure to hormone cytokine (interleukin-7)
t cell differentiation
triggered with exposure to several thymic hormones
lymphoid nodule
areolar tissue with densely packed lymphocytes with center of dividing lymphocytes
palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil, pharyngeal tonsil (adnoid)
mass of fused lymphnoid nodules
outer cortex of lymph node
B cells
deep cortex fo lymph node
T cells
medulla of lymph node
rapidly dividing cells, germinative center
dendritic cells
marcophages on outside of lymph node that present pathogens to immune system
in mediastinum, atrophies after puberty, diminishing effectiveness of immune system 2 lobes divided into septa
extract from thymus that promotes development of lymphocytes
functions of spleen
removal of abnormal blood cells and other blood components by phagocytosis, storage of iron, initiate of immune response by B cells and T cells in response to antigens in blood. only organ that filters blood and lymph
nonspecific defenses
physical barriers, phagocytes, immunological surveillance (NK), interferons, complement, inflammation
immunological surveillance
constantly monitors normal tissues with NK cells
chemical messengers that trigger production of antiviral proteins in normal cells, do not kill viruses but block replication
system of circulating proteins, assists antibodies in destruction of pathogens, most bacteria
neutrophils and eosinophils, leave bloodstream enter peripheral tissues to fight infections, nonspecific defense
large derived from monocytes, distributed throughout body, engulf and destroy with enzymes, bind to pathogens so other cells can destroy it, destroy pathogen by releasing toxic chemicals, nonspecific
special histocytes
microglia (in CNS), kpeffer cells in liver
alveolar machrophages
in alveoli of lung
activation of NK cells
identify and attach to abnormal cells, golgi apparatus froms perforin vesicles, vesicles release perforins via exocytosis, perforins lyse abnormal cell's plasma membrane
immunlogical escape
cells that escape NK cells
chemical messangers acting locally and globally as hormone released by activated lymphocytes and macrophages - interferon
alpha interferon
produced by WBC to stimulate NK
beta interferon
secreted by fibroblasts to slow inflammation
gamma interferon
secreted by T cells and NK cells to stimulate macrophage activity
classical pathway
fast method, CI binds to antibody attached to antigen, protein works as enzyme causing C3B to attach to cell wall and lyse bacteria
alternative pathway
slow method, exposed to antigen, factors P, B and D interact in plamsa to trigger C3B to lyse bacterium, antibody binding not necessary
membrane attack complex
5 complement proteins attacking pathogen membrane
tagging cell to phagocyte and work with antibodies
body temp above 37C or 99F, caused by pyrogens (interleukin - 1)
four properties of immunity
specific, versatile (many types of lymphocytes), memory, tolerance (ignores normal antigens)
antigen presentation
I cells only recognize antigens that are bound to glycoproteins in plasma membranes
MHC proteins
membrane gylcoproteins that bind to antigens, genetically coded in chromosome, differs for each individual, self identifying
class I MHC
on all nucleated cells, pick up small peptides and carry to surface, T cells ignore normal peptides, viral peptides cause I cell to destroy
class II MHC
only on antigen presenting cells and lymphocytes. antigen fragments from antigen processing of pathogens bind to class II protein then inserted into plasma membrane to stimulate T cells
antigen presenting cells
APC, responsible for activating T cells against foreign cells and proteins, is not to be destroyed but signals something bad has been present and taken care of
phagocytic APC
fixed and free machrophages, kupffer cells, microglia
nonphagocytic APC
langerhans cells in skin, dendritic cells in lymph noes and spleen
antigen recognition
inactive T cell receptors recognize class I or II MHC proteins, binding occurs when MHC protein matches antigen
CD markers
in T cell membranes molecular mechanism of antigen recognition, more than 70 types
receptor complex found in all t cells
found on cytotoxic T cells and suppressor T cells, respond to antigens on Class I MHC proteins
found on helpter T cells, respond to antigens on class II MC proteins
major histocompatibility complex
for T cell to be activated it must be costimulate by binding to stimulating cell at second site which confirms first signal
activation of CD8 cells
exposure to antigens, one responds quickly to produce cytotoxic and memory T cells, other responds slowly to produce suppressor T cells - respond to Class I
activation of CD4 cells
activate helper T cells, secrete cytokines, memory helper T cells remain in reserve
four functions of cytokines
stimulate division of T cells, attract and stimulate macrophages, increase activity of cytotoxic T cells, promote activation of B cells
B cell sensitization
antigen taken up by B cell, processed and reappear on surface bound to class II MHC protein
plasma cells
large, pump out large amount of antibodies, from B cells
antibody structure
two parallel pairs of polypeptide chains (one heavy one light) each chain had constant and variable segment
partial antigen, must attach to a carrier molecule to act as a complete antigen, carrier also attacked (penicillin allergy)
5 classes of antibodies
determined by constant segments, have no effect on antibody specificity
largest, most diverse class of antibody, 80%
attach to basophil and mast cells, role in allergy
role in sensitization, bind antigens
1st secreted after antigen encounter
secreted in tears, salica, mucous, breast milk to stop pathogen before they enter body
oncotic pressure
osmotic pressure exerted by proteins in blood plasma that usually pulls water into circulatory system