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47 Cards in this Set

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What is Anatomy?

Study of the body structure

What is Physiology?

Study of how the body functions

What is Pathology?

Study of the causes and effects of diseases

What is the anatomical Position?

-Body erect

-Arms at sides with palms forward

-it is the position of reference for anatomical nomenclature

-feet shoulder width apart

-eyes facing forward

-feet on floor

Where is the anterior?


Where is everything measured towards?

Midline of the body

Where is the posterior?

In the back

Where is the ventral?

On front of your body

Where is the dorsal?

On the back of your body

What is superior?

Above the transversal plane

What is inferior?

Below transversal plane

What is mesial?

Towards the midline

What is distal?

Away from the midline?

What is lateral?

Away from the midline if the body

What is medial?

Towards the midline of the body

What is proximal?

Refers to the part of body closest to the point of attachment




1. Sagittal plane

2. Coronal plane

3. Transverse plane

What is the sagittal plane?

-Divides body into left and right halves

-Mid sagittal plane is 2 equal halves

What is the Coronal plane?

-Divides body into the front and back

-also called frontal plane

What is the transverse plane?

-Divides body into upper and lower sections

-also called horizontal plane

What is the Dorsal body cavity?

Posterior portion of the body (spinal canal and cranial cavity)

What does the cranial cavity contain?

Contains the brain

What is the ventral body cavity?

Anterior portion of the body (thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, and pelvic cavity)

What does the Thoracic Cavity contain?

Chest cavity, lungs, heart, and all accessory parts needed for their functioning

What does the abdominal cavity contain?

Most of the digestive tract and all organs needed for the process needed for digestion

What does the pelvic cavity contain?

Urinary bladder, rectum, and reproductive system

1. Cranial cavity

2. Dorsal body cavity

3. Thoracic cavity

4. Vertebral cavity

5. Abdominal cavity

6. Pelvic cavity

1. Cranial cavity

2. Vertebral cavity

3. Ventral body cavity

4. Abdominal pelvic cavity

5. Cranial cavity

6. Dorsal body cavity

7. Vertebral cavity

What is the Axial Region?

Bones of the cranium, face, spinal column, ribs, and sternum

What is the Appendicular Region?

Bones from the upper and lower extremities (arms, hands, legs, feet, shoulders, and hips)

What are the 2 lines pointing to?

Axial skeleton (in blue)

Appendicular skeleton (pink)

What are the two main body cavities?

-Dorsal cavity

-Ventral Cavity

What makes up the Ventral Cavity?

Thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, and pelvic cavity

Which cavity contains the brain?

Cranial cavity

Which region contains the upper and lower extremities?

Appendicular Region

What bones are in the Axial Region?

Cranium, face, ribs, spinal column, sternum

What are the 4 main groups of tissue in the human body?





What is the function on of the Epithelial tissue?

Protection, secretion, absorption, and filtration

What is the function of connective tissue?

Support and protection

What is the function of nervous tissue?

Sensing stimuli and transmitting signals to and from different parts of an organism

What does the skeletal do?

Functions in pairs to bring about the coordinated movements of limbs, trunk, jaw, etc.

What's another name for skeletal?


What does smooth do?

Controls slow involuntary movements

What does cardiac do?

Most important role, contraction of the atria and ventricles of the heart

Where is the Epithelial tissue?

Covers the body surface and forms the lining for most internal cavities

What is connective tissue found?

-Ordinary loose connective tissue

-fat tissue

-dense fibrous tissue



-blood and lymph

-skeletal, smooth, and cardiac

Where is nerve tissue found?

-Lines the body surface or divide organs into parts

-Also found in brain, spinal cords and nerves