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22 Cards in this Set

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What is a cell?
the most basic unit of life, made up of microscopic units of tissue
What is 4 things is a cell responsible for?
nutrient absorption, excretion of waste, respiration, reproduction
What are the components of a cell?
cell membrane, nucleus, organelles
What is a cell membrane and what does it do?
a membrane covering the surface of a cell, it keeps the cell separate from the rest of the body
a cell membrane is also known as
a plasma membrane
a cell membrane is selectively permeable. What does this mean?
It selectively allows things to travel into through its pores by simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport mechanisms.
In what ways do items travels through the cell membrane?
simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport mechanisms
What is the nucleus?
the brain of the cell, all its information will pass on to offspring
Where is the nucleus located?
in the cytoplasm
What does the nuclei contain?
chromosomes and nucleoli
What do nucleoli produce?
What do the organelles contain?
Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, Lysosomes, Centrosome/centrioles
What is Mitochondria?
Cellular respiration; Energy removed from food and stored as ATP; Smooth outer surface, folded inner membrane; Increases surface area where ATP produced; Active components of cell; Found in large numbers in cytoplasm
What are Ribosomes?
Free floating in cytoplasm; Responsible for protein synthesis
What is Endoplasmic Reticulum?
Network of cavities and tubes lined with membranes; Inside cytoplasm; Two types (rough and smooth); RER has several ribosomes attached (bumpy look); RER transports protein; SER has smooth appearance; SER synthesizes/transports lipids and steroids
What is the Golgi Apparatus?
Stack of flattened sacks in cytoplasm; Modifies proteins by adding carbohydrates; Helps with production of lysosomes
What are Lysosomes?
Sacks in cytoplasm with digestive enzymes; Digest any foreign material in cell; Destroys old organelles
What are Centrosome/centrioles?
Used in cell division
What is Mitosis?
Somatic cells only; Cell replicates by dividing in two identical halves; Involves four active stages and one resting stage; During resting stage (interphase) cell replicates DNA for next division
What are the 4 stages of Mitosis
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
What is Meiosis?
Germ cells only; Ova/sperm have half the required chromosomes; Must occur before fertilization; Involves eight stages
What are the 8 stages of Meiosis?
Prophase, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II,