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155 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Respiratory system
Power source for speech
Phonatory system
Sound source for voicing
Articulatory/resonance system
Speech sound production source and sound resonator
Part 1 bodyTorso/trunk
A. Thorax/chest
B. abdomen/belly
C. Dorsal trunk- back
Part 2 body Pelvis
Upper and lower extremities arms, legs head, skull
A. Cranial cavity
B. Vertebral Canal
C. Thoracic cavity
D. Abdominal Cavity
1. Axial Skeleton- Head & Torso/Trunk
a. Axis- imaginary midline of the body around which it pivots
b. Verebral column is the axis

2. Appendicular Skeleton- upper & lower limbs
A. Anatomical position
1.Upright, facing observer
a. prone "on belly'
b. supine "on the back"
Planes of Reference - 1
Sagittal plane
vertical plane dividing body into left and right portions

a. parallel to sagittal suture of skull
b. midsagittal/median sagittal
c. sagittal section
Planes of Reference - 2
Frontal/coronal plane
vertical plane dividing body into front and back portions

a. parallel to coronal suture
b. coronal/ frontal section
Planes of Reference - 3
Transverse Plane
horizontal plane dividing body into upper and lower parts

a. parallel to ground
b. transverse/ horizontal section
Directional relationships- 1
Frontal plane divides body into:
1. anterior/ventral- front
2. posterior/dorsal - back
Directional relationships- 2
Sagittal plane divides body into:
1. medial- toward the midsagittal plane
2. lateral- away from the midsagittal plane
Directional relationships- 3
transverse plane divides body into:
1. superior/cranial- above; toward the head
2.inferior/caudal- below; toward the head
Terms of comparison-1
away form the body surface
Terms of comparison- 2
toward the body surface
Terms of comparison-3
nearest the trunk or point of origin
Terms of comparison-4
away from trunk or point of origin
Terms of comparison- 5
on the same side of the body
Terms of comparison- 6
on opposite sides of the body
Basic tissues- 1
Epithelial tissue
a. covers surface of body
b. lines cavities & passageways (IE: Oral Cavity and trachea)
Basic tissues- 2
Connective tissues (some)
A. Tendons
Connect muscle to bone, to cartilage, or to other muscles.
Basic tissues- 2
Connective tissues (some)
b. Ligaments
connect (a) bone to bone, (b) bone to cartilage, or (c) cartilage to cartilage
Basic tissues- 2
Connective tissues (some)
all other dense connective tissue that is not tendons or ligaments

-generally forms membranous sheets around muscles an organs
-one type separates/organizes muscle fibers into functional units.
Basic Tissues
2. Cartilage
A. Fibrocartilage
Strong, unyielding cartilage
IE: intervertebral disks )
Basic Tissues
B. Elastic (yellow) cartilage
Flexible cartilage found where there is a need for changes in shape IE: pinna, Eustachian tube, epiglottis.
Basic Tissues
c. Hyaline Cartilage
Very common, strong cartilage with
some give; IE: thyroid, cricoid, & arytenoids cartilages
of larynx; articular surfaces of bones
Basic Tissues
also consists of bones
Basic Tissue
Muscle Tissue
*Striated/skeletal muscle
Muscles under voluntary control
Basic Tissue
Muscle Tissue
*Smooth Muscle
Muscles under control of autonomic nervous system (involuntary control)
Basic Tissue
*Muscle Tissue
Also consists of cardiac muscles
Basic Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Nerve cells
A. Function to transfer info (in the form of neural signals) with in the nervous system; neural signals pass form neuron to neuron
B. Also function to transfer info to muscles; Signal passes form neuron to muscle fibers VIA NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTIONS
Basic Tissue
Nervous Tissue
*Glial Cells

Q. What do these cells support?
specialized cells in the nervous system that support neurons

A. Neurons
Muscle Actions
functional connections between bones and cartilages
Muscle Actions
*Fibrous/immovable joints
Thin connective tissue connects bones, allowing little movement;
Muscle Actions
*Cartilaginous/yielding joints
Fibrocartilage found between bones, allowing some movement
Muscle Actions
Ends of bones are covered with
hyaline cartilage and joint is encapsulated and bathed in
synovial fluid; allows substantial movement.
Muscle Classification
1. Agonists/Prime Movers
Primary movers of a structure
Muscle Classification
2. Antagonists
oppose movement of agonists
Muscle Classification
Muscles having a similar and mutually helpful function or action
Innervation of muscles (Nerve Supply)
1. Motor
each motor neuron innervates a number of muscle fibers
Innervation of muscles (Nerve Supply)
2. Sensory
sensory neurons send signals back to CNS
Can muscles pull?
No, they can only push
muscles can pull on one structure which pushes on another (example)
pull up on mandible, which pushes up tongue
Direction of muscle pull can be diverted by any structure that acts as a pulley (example)
tendon of tensor palatine muscle loops around the hamulus of the sphenoid none
For every muscle force pulling in one direction [agonist]
there are opposing muscular forces [antagonists] pulling in the opposite direction
how do you determine the muscle or muscles that produce a particular movement?
look first for muscles that pull in the direction of the movement, or that have their direction of pull changed by a pulley
A. Air
a vibrating source impacts air molecules and causes them to move closer together or further apart .

undisturbed air may be in a state of equilibrium
Sound waves = Pressure waves
1. Sound Wave
A sound wave consists of progressive pulses of compression and rarefaction of air molecules, outward in all directions from the source
Sound waves = Pressure waves
*Characteristics of sound waves 2
(how they're measured)
1.Frequency (pitch)
-rate of vibration
-measured in Hertz (Hz)
2.Intensity (loudness)
-amplitude of vibration
-measured in decibels (dB)
Sound waves = Pressure waves
*Human Hearing
*Frequency Range

Q. If a stero is 30,000 Hz would you by it?
from 20 - 20,000 Hz

A. No, too high
Sound waves = Pressure waves
*Human Hearing Dynamic Range
0 - 140 dB

*intensity soft- loud
*pressure of the loudes sound humans can withstand is 10x greater than the softest sound (20-200micropascals)
Anatomic Components of Ear
1. External/Outer
2. Middle
3. Inner
4 Neural Pathway
Anatomic Components of Ear
1.External/Outer Ear
1. Auricle/Pinna
2.External auditory meatus/canal
Anatomic Components of Ear
2.Middle Ear (4)
1.Tympanic Membrane (TM)
2. Middle ear cavity (Tympanic cavity)
Anatomic Components of Ear
3.Inner Ear

Q. What does the Vestibular apparatus function as?
1.cochlea - hearing organ
2. Vestibular apparatus - Balance organ
Anatomic Components of Ear
4. Neural Pathway
1.Auditory nerve (CNIII) inner ear - brain
2.Central auditory nervous system
Functional Components of Ear
ear transduces & transmits auditory info to the brains cortex
Functional Components of Ear
Info arrives at the ear as acoustic energy then changed to______
transduced into electrochemical energy form transmission and analysis in the nervous system
Functional divisions
1)Conduction Mechanism (outer & middle ear)
transmits energy through the outer and middle ears to the inner ear
The outer ear transmits _____ energy to the middle ear
The middle ear transduces acoustic energy into ______energy and trasmits this to the inner ear
Functional Divisions
2) Sensorineural mechanism (inner ear and vestiublocochlear nerve)
transmits energy through the inner ear and vestibulocochlear nerve to the brain
Functional Divisions
2) Sensorineural mechanism (inner ear and vestiublocochlear nerve) Transduces/changes in energy:
inner ear (cochlea) transduces energy form mechanical/hydrodynamic to electrochemical energy.

vestibulococholear nerve- transmits electrochemical signals to the brain.
Structure of External Ear
Pinna (auricle)
1.Cartilaginous - flexible
Structure of External Ear
External Auditory meatus/canal
2.4 cm S shaped canal
-cartilaginous canal
outer 1/3
-sebaceous & creuminous glands
-Osseous *bony* canal
located in the temporal bone (petrous protion)
ends at TM
Structure of the Middle ear
5 Components
1.Tympanic Membrane (TM) *ear drum*
2.Middle ear cavity
2.Eustachian tube orifice
5.Muscles and liaments
Middle Ear
Cone Shaped membrane seperating External Auditory canal from ME cavity
Middle Ear TM otoscope

Q. What color is a healthy TM?
A.pearl gray (healthy)

malleus can be seen through the TM
umbo depressed
part (center)
cone of light 5 R 7 L
Middle ear TM
Layers of TM
outer - epithelial tissue lining external auditory canal.

inner mucous membrane lining the middle ear cavity

Central layer- fiberous (provides stiffness)
Parts of TM
Pars tensa- vibrates for sound waves

pars flaccida- flexible part that serves as a relieve valve for pressure in ME cavity as pars tensa vibrates
Middle Ear (tympanic) cavity

Q.What does the ME cavity contain?
Air filled bony cavity within the petrous portion of the temporal bone containing the ossicles and muscles

A.ossicles and muscles
Middle Ear
*Epitympanic recess
(like a rectangular box)
upward extension
opens posteriorly into the tympanic antrum, which communicates with the mastoid air cells
Middle ear
Lateral wall
Dominated by the TM
Middle ear
Medial Wall

Q. What does the Medial wall separate from the cochlea of the inner ear?
seperates the ME cavity from the cochlea of the inner ear

A.the ME cavity
Middle Ear
Oval Window

Q. what fits into the oval window?
-located between the middle and inner ears
-the footplate of stapes fits into window
Round Window

Q.known as the Secondary ______
located below the oval window
and between middle and inner ears

secondary TM covers window
Middle ear
Facial nerve canal prominence
-chorda tympani- branch of facial nerve passes thorough ME cavity

taste and sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongue
Middle Ear
Anterior Wall (2)
Eustachian Tube exits ME cavity, near floor

tensor tympani muscle- exits form bone above Eustachian tube
Middle ear
Posterior wall
stapedius muscle exits form canal
Middle ear
Roof (2)

Q. what seperates the ME cavity from cranium?
Epitympanic recess is an upward extension of the ME cavity

Tegmen typani - small plate of bone separating ME cavity form cranium above
Middle ear
jugular vein below
Eustachian tube

Is this tube the same in people of all ages?
extends from ME cavity to lateral wall of nasopharynx

tube that is osseous near the middle ear cavity and carilaginous near the pharynx

angle different between children and adults
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
to equalize air pressure

drain ME cavity

malfunciton leas to ME problems
On an airplane when the elevation changes what equalizes the air pressure?
Eustachian Tube
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
Tensor palatini
a muscle attached to the soft palate, opens the pharyngeal end of eustachian tube when a person swallows or yawns
When you swallow or yawn opens ____ in what tube _____
pharyngeal end

Eustachian tube
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
small bones in the middle ear that connect the TM with an opening into the inner ear (oval window)
What is the smallest bone in the body
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
manubrium is an extension, attached to the TM
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
between malleus and stapes
-long and short processes; long process articulates with stapes
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
head, two crura, and a footplate
Footplate fits in oval window
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
Function of Ossicles
to deliver sound vibrations form the TM to the inner ear fluids
Middle ear
Two (2) small muscles
muscle fibers located within bony canals
tendons enter ME cavity and attach to ossicles
Middle ear
Tensor Tympani
extends from a canal above the Eustachian tube & attaches to malleus' mabubrium
Middle ear
Tensor Tympani Action
contraction pulls malleus
increases tension on tm
What attaches to Malleus' Manubrium?
Tensor Tympani
Middle ear
extends form a canal in the posterior wall
attacehs to head of stapes
Middle ear
Stapedius action
contraction pulls head of stapes
increases tension on ossicular chain
what increases tension on ossicular chain and pulls on head of stapes?
Middle ear
Function Muscles
protection theory
responds to loud sounds above 80 dB SL delay in contraction
no protection against high freq sounds
Middle ear
Functions of Conduction Mechanism
Ear Canal resonance e ect
Sound frequencies between 1500 to 7000 Hz will resonate, increasing the sound pressure level SPL range from 5 to 20 dB at about 2500 Hz much of speech sounds' energy is found in this range

the gain in intensity is about 20 dB at 2500 Hz
what range are much of speech sounds' energy found at
5 to 20 dB at about 2500 Hz
Frequency/ vibration/ pitch is measured by what?
Hertz Hz
amplitude/ intensity/ loudness is measured by what?
decibels Db
Middle ear
Functions of Conduction Mechanism
Assists in sound localization
sound coming from the front are louder than behind
sounds come from both sides
True or False- Sounds coming from the back are louder than those that come form the front?
Middle ear
Middle Ear Transformer
Impedance matching
Impedance mismatch between outer & inner ears

2."Sound waves traveling in a medium of some given elasticity and density will not pass readily into a medium with different elasticity
and density but, rather,...most of the sound will be reflected away"
True or False -Sound waves traveling in a medium of some given elasticity and density will not pass readily into a medium with different elasticity
and density but, rather,...most of the sound will be reflected away
Middle ear
Middle Ear Transformer
Impedance matching
sound is acoustic energy

inner ear contains fluid because impedance(i.e., resistance) of the media are different, much sound energy would be reflected away from the ear

If (acoustic) sound waves traveled directly to fluid of inner ear, sound intensity would be attenuated by about 30 dB.

Therefore impedance matching is necessary
Middle ear
Middle Ear Transformer
Impedance matching
Lever action provides only a minimal gain
ossicles act as levers __ pressure at the oval window exceeds that at TM

+2 dB
True or false Lever action provides a maxim gain?
Middle ear
Middle Ear Transformer
Impedance matching
*Area advantage
Provides greatest gain

area of TM is about 17x greater than that of footplate of stapes

pressure is focused on stapes

+ 17:1 25 dB
Speech and Hearing Systems
Hearing & Balance
Auditory/Vestibular system
Speech and Hearing Systems
Speech Production (3) systems
1. Respiratory system- power source for speech
2.Phonatory system- sound source for voicing
3.Articulatory/ resonance system- speech sound production source & sound resonator
Cochlear Anatomy
Location & Structure
within the PETROUS portion of the TEMPORAL bone, medial to the middle ear
Cochlear Anatomy
1. Bony (osseous) labyrinth

-bony outer shell of entire inner ear
-perilymph contained immediately with in this labyrinth

2. Membranous Labyrinth

-membranous structure within the entire bony labyrinth
-perilymph surrounds the outside and enolymph is in membranous lab is continuous throughout the entire inner ear
Cochlear Anatomy
Functionally consists of:
Vestibular apparatus
Cochlear Anatomy
Vestibular Apparatus
Semicircular canals
Urticle & saccule
Cochlear Anatomy
Vestibular Apparatus
Semicircular canals
three canals
1. superior

extend from the vestibule
Cochlear Anatomy
Vestibular Apparatus
Utricle and saccule
two membranous sacs located within the vestibule
Cochlear Anatomy
Vestibular Apparatus

Membranous portion of semicircular canals, utricle, &
saccule are filled with endolymph, are interconnected; (this portion of the membranous labyrinth connects with it counterpart in the cochlea).

Responsible for sense of balance (equilibrium) by
detecting changes in acceleration and gravity).

Neural signals are sent to the brain via the
vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII)
No Flipside
Cochlear Anatomy
Vestibular Apparatus
Cochlea Energy & signals
Energy from sound is present here in different form: hydraulic, mechanical, and electromechanical

neural signals (electrochemical signals) sent to brain via the cochlear branch of the vestibular nerve.
Cochlear Anatomy
serves at the cochlea's central core

the cochlea curves around this central core
Cochlear Anatomy
Osseous/bony sprial lamina
bony shelf that curves around the central core (screw like)
Bony sprial lamina projects into the cochlear canal

Habenula perforata perforations in the lip of the spiral lamina that produce a harmonica- like appearance
these provide space for nerve fibers to enter the modiolus
what provides space for nerve fibers to enter the modiolus?
Habenula perforata
Cochlear Anatomy
Cochlear Canal
large canal contained within the outer cochlear shell that spirals around the modiolus

base/basilar - end (in the vestibule)
Apex/ apical -end

separated into three smaller canals by the membranes of the membranous labyrinth
Cochlear Anatomy
(ribbon like)
separate the large cochlear canal into 3 smaller canals, which extend from the base of the cochlea to the apex
Cochlear Anatomy
Basilar Membrane aka cochlear partition
From a superior view: It can be seen to extend from the
base of the cochlea to its apex.

From a cross-sectional view:

medial attachment is the bony spiral lamina lateral attachment is to the outer wall of cochlear canal
[by spiral ligament]

Two changes in the membrane occur as it extends
from base to apex: becomes wider becomes more flexible
Cochlear Anatomy
Vestibular (reissner's membrane)
Vestibular (Reissner's) membrane

Also extends from base to apex.

Cross-sectional view:

attaches to cells on top of spiral lamina angles up at 45 degrees to attach to the outer wall of
cochlear canal, above basilar membrane

Very flexible
Cochlear Anatomy
canals: cochlear duct, scala vestibuli, scala tympani
ea. canal extends from the base to the apex
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media
Enclosed between the basilar and vestibular membranes,
which join together at the apex of the cochlea
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media contents

Organ of Corti

End organ of hearing.

Wave motion in inner ear stimulates hair cells
here, which in turn stimulate electrochemical
response in adjacent nerve fibers.

Hydraulic to electrochemical energy.
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media contents
Stria vascularis
Capillary network lining the inside of the outer wall of the scala media.

Influences the chemical, oxygen, and electrical content of the endolymph.

(Creates a positive electrical charge (+80 mV)
in the endolymph; differs from the negative
charge found in the organ of Corti.
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media contents
Scala vestibuili
Located "above" the vestibular membrane

Oval window and footplate of stapes found at its basilar

Contains perilymph.
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media contents
Scala tympani
Located "below" the basilar membrane
and spiral laminal.

Round window covered by secondary tympanic
membrane, found at basilar end.

Also contains perilymph

Helicotrema is a small opening connecting the scala
vestibuli and scala tympani at apical end of cochlea.
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media contents
Organ of Corti
end organ of hearing
Spiral structure
on the basilar membrane; extends all the
way from the base to the apex.

Contains hair cells
(the sensory cells of the cochlea
Organ of Corti framework 5
Pillars of Corti—Rod-like pillars which form an arch along
the length of the organ of Corti.

Tunnel of Corti
—Tunnel through the arch formed by the
above; filled with fluid called

Phalangeal (& Deiter’s) cells

Serve as
foundations/supports for the hair cells
Located on basilar membrane, just medial or lateral
to the rods of Corti.

Several other
supporting cells
help form the organ of Corti:
border cells, Hensen’s cells, Claudius’ cells, etc.

Reticular lamina
--covers the upper surface of the organ of
Corti; separates the endolymphatic space of the scala
media from the organ of Corti.
Corti hair cells
the sensory receptors for hearing

Respond to stimulation and, consequently, initiate
electrochemical currents (neural signals) in the auditory
neurons. These neural signals will be processed by the
auditory nervous system.

Two rows
Inner hair cells
—single row; number about 3500
Outer hair cells
—three to four rows; number about
12,00 to 13,000.

Cilia/stereocilia (small filaments)
extend up from hair cells
and pass through the reticular lamina
up to or into the
tectorial membrane

stereocilia of outer hair cells then pierce the tectorial
stereocilia of inner hair cells do not Base of each hair cell synapses with a branch of a

; neurons carry electrochemical nerve
impulses from the cochlea to the brain.
Cochlear Anatomy
cochlear duct/ scala media contents
Tectorial Membrane
Soft, gelatinous membrane resting over the rest of the organ of Corti.

Attached medially to the spiral limbus, a mass of cells on
the osseous spiral lamina
Inner hair cells
Many-to-one innervation
(many neurons/nerve cells
connect to one hair cell)—Each hair cell connected to
several VIII nerve neurons (up to 10)—neural input from
inner hair cells to auditory nervous system is “strong.”
Most are large, myelinated neurons (Type I)—fast
transmission of neural signals
outer hair cells
One-to-many innervation
(one neuron/nerve cell connects
to many hair cells)—Several hair cells (up to 10) connected
to one neuron—neural input from outer hair cells is relatively

Most are small, myelinated and unmyelinated neurons (Type
II)—slower transmission of neural signals.
2 functions of the cochlea
1. transduction of energy into electrochemical signals
2.initial analysis of sound freq and intensity
cochlea process 3
Traveling waves along the basilar membrane of the cochlea occur
in response to auditory stimulation.
The waves cause the hair cells in the organ of Corti to stimulate
neural responses in the neurons of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Frequency and intensity analysis involve analysis of the place
where the wave peaks and the magnitude of the peak
cochlear physiology
traveling waves
the stapes at the oval window, the secondary tympanic membrane
at the round window, and the fluid-filled scala vestibuli, scala
tympani, and scala media are instrumental in the production of
traveling waves along the basilar (and tectorial) membranes in
response to sound vibrations.
In response to vibration of the stapes at the oval window, a
traveling wave
will begin on the basilar membrane at the
base of the cochlea, and travel toward the apex.
The amplitude of the traveling wave will increase to a
maximum (crest) and then rapidly decay.
traveling waves location
of the peak along the
basilar membrane
and the
(size) of the peak depend respectively on the
of the sound vibration.
Where along the basilar membrane the crest of
the traveling wave occurs depends upon the
the sound.
The magnitude of the wave depends upon the
of the sound.
***** STUDY (*****Why does the location of the crest of the traveling wave vary with
the frequency of the sound?
(Why are there
peak locations?)
Because there are variations in the width (mass)
and sti
ness of the basilar membrane.
Basilar membrane decreases in sti
ness from the base to
the apex of the cochlea
(i.e., it is sti
er near the base and
more flexible near the apex),
and the membrane becomes
wider from base to apex
(i.e., it is narrow at the base and
wide at the apex).
er and less massive objects will respond better to high
frequency stimulation, more flexible and more massive
objects will respond better to low frequency stimulation.
Therefore, the basilar membrane responds to
sounds nearer its
and to
low frequency
sounds nearer its
Base: 20,000 Hz
Apex: 20 Hz
Mid: 1000 to 2000 Hz
2 sound stimuli - traveling waves
Repetitive sinusoidal vibration (i.e., pure tone) - series of
identical traveling waves moves down the membrane.
Complex sounds (e.g., speech) that consist of several
partials - traveling wave stimulates several places along the
basilar membrane
traveling waves summary
Footplate of stapes sets up traveling waves along basilar
Each place along the basilar membrane is tuned to a
particular frequency.
due to changes in sti
ness and width of the
range 20 Hz to 20000 Hz
Louder sounds produce greater displacement (i.e.,
movement) of the basilar membrane than softer sounds
organ of corti phys
rests on the basilar membrane

Is covered by the tectorial membrane

Contains the hair cells with their cilia
, which extend up to or into the tectorial membrane.

[cilia of outer hair cells (OHC) pierce the tectorial
cilia of inner hair cells (IHC) do not pierce the tectorial
Outer hair cells (OHC) phys