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40 Cards in this Set

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What is an Antigen?
The Donor
What is an Antibody?
The Recipient
Can type B give to type A?
No because B-antigens will attack A antibodies
Which blood type is universal, and why?
Type AB, because they have no Antibodies
Who is the universal donor, and why?
The universal donor is type O because they have no Antigens(Donors)
What do Red Blood Cells Do?
RBC'S transfer oxygen
What do White Blood cells do?
WBC's fight immunity
What do platlets do?
Platelets clot
Which cells are the most abundant?
Red Blood Cells are the most abundant
What is sickle cell anemia?
Lots of white blood cells
Define Aggulation?
the cross matching of antigens and antibodies.
Define Antigen?
a protein that can cause an immune response on your cell membrane.
Type A blood has what kind of antigens, and what type of antibodies?
Type A blood has A-antigens and B-antibodies.
Type AB blood has what kinds of antigens, and what kinds of antibodies?
Type AB blood has AB-antigens and No antibodies.
What type of antigens and antibodies does type O have?
No antigens and AB-antibodies
What does the term RH+ mean?
Rhesus Monkeys
What is Hemoglobin?
Protein in RBC's
Define Hematocrit or PCV (Packed Cell Volume)
the percentage of RBC's
Define Myocardium?
the muscular layer of the heart.
Explain what the function of veins do?
Bring blood back to the heart.
Define P-wave?
atrial depolarization
Define QRS-wave?
ventricular Depolarization
Define T wave?
Ventricular Repolarization
What is the layer of the heart where all of the structures are found?
Why is the QRS-wave the largest peak on the cardiac cycle?
Because there is more ventricular muscle cells.
Define Diffibulator?
stops the heart
Define Normal Sinus Rhythm?
The SA-Node is in charge, and it has a normal resting rate of 60 beats per minute.
Define Arrhythmia?
Abnormal rythm
Define Sinus Tachycardia?
the SA-Node is in charge, but the resting rate is above 100 beats.
Define Atrial Tachycardia?
the SA-Node is in charge, and it can also be called the super ventricular
Define Atrial fibrillation?
Atrial quivering, the SA-Node is not in charge.
Define Sinus Bradycardia?
SA-Node is in charge, and the resting heart rate is less than 60 beats.
Define Ventricular Bradycardia?
SA-Node is not in charge, and the heart rate is less than 60 beats.
Define Ventricular fibrillation?
SA-Node is not in charge, and the ventricles are quivering.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Decrease the heart rate
Sympathetic Nerve Action
Increase the heart rate.
Decrease the heart rate
Increase heart rate
Reduced Ca+ levels in the blood
decreases the heart rate
Increase in temperature (Fever)
Increase heart rate