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16 Cards in this Set

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Epithelial tissue
covers body surfaces, lines body cavities, hollow organs, ducts; and form glands
Connective tissue
protects and supports the body and its organs-binds organs together stores energy and reserves as fat, provides immunity
muscle tissue
nervous tissue
initiates and transmits nerve impulses to help coordinate body activities
blood vessels are located adjacent to connective tissue
Function of Epithelial tissue
protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, sensory reception, reproduction
Simple Squamous
-thinness allows for active passive movement of substances
-allows diffusion of respiratory gases
-ex: lungs heart kidney
Simple Cuboidal
-produces body secretions; sweat and enzymes
-important in the secretion of substances (such as tears and saliva) and absorption
Simple non ciliated Columnar
contain micro-villi and goblet cells
-micro-villi are finger like projections that serve to increase surface area of plasma membrane causing greater absorption
-goblet cells modified columnar secrete mucous
-lines the inside of stomach and small intestines
Simple ciliated columnar
-protect underlying tissues
-specialized for absorption and secretion
-move mucous secreted by goblet cells
-respiratory track->move foreign particles toward throat were it could be swallowed or spit out
Transitional epithelium
-cell shape depends on whether relaxed or distended
-function is to help prevent rupture of an organ
-range in shape from flat squamous to columnar;as a result of distention expansion or movemnt in body part
ex: bladder
Stratified Squamous
-surface layer is flat while deeper layers vary from cuboidal to columnar
-bottom repeats by cell division
-new cells move outward and loose blood supply-dehydrated

-two forms keritinized and non keritinized

keratinized-tough layer of keratin deposited in surface cells(keratin is a protein that protects the skin from invasion by microbes, injury and also waterproofs)
ex: outer layer of skin

non-keratinized-remain moist
ex:mouth tongue
stratified cuboidal
main function is protection
ex: ducts of adult sweat glands
stratified columnar
funtion is protection and secretion
ex:lines part of urethra
pseudo stratisfied columnar
-function as secretion
-covering and lining epithelium
-nuclei are at varying depths
-all cells are attatched to basement membrane
-some cells do not reach the surface
-the cells that reach the surface have cilia
ex:respiratory tract
glandular epithelium
-functions as secretion
-gland can consist of one cell or a group of highly specialized epithelial cells
-classified as endocryine or exocrine

exocrine-exits sweat mucous oil
-secrete products into ducts
-empty at the surface of covering and lining

endocrine- hormones ENter extracellular fluid and diffuse into blood
-ex: adrenaline