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43 Cards in this Set

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anatomical position
Palms up forward, the body is erect
towards the head
eyes are superior to the mouth
towards the feet, lower in position
chest is inferior to the neck
anterior (ventral)
towards the front
frontal bone is anterior (ventral) to the occipital bone
posterior (dorsal)
towards the rear
The occipital bone is posterior (dorsal) to the frontal bone
towards the midline
towards the side, away from midline
a part extending beyond the level of its surroundings
the withdrawal of a part from its normal position
a hollow or concave region
the state or condition of being thrust forward or projecting
exhibiting a depressed or hollow surface; a concavity
curved evenly; resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere
slope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical
correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts that are on opposite sides of the face
lack of symmetry, balance, or proportion
two sides
bilateral differences
dissimilarities existing in the two sides or half of an object
median (sagittal) plane
a lengthwise cut that divides the body into right and left portions/ into two equal halves
If the division is into two equal halves, it is called , Edina or mid-sagittal
horizontal (transverse)
divides the body into superior and inferior sections
frontal (coronal)
divides the body into anterior and posterior sections
occipitofrontalis (epicranius)
broad muscle covers the top of the skull/ it consists of 2 parts, the occipitalis, or back part, and the frontalis, or front part
This muscle draws the scalp posterior and anteriorly, causing eyebrows to raise and wrinkles to form on forehead
temporalis (2)
a broad muscle arising in the temporal cavity and inserting in the mandible
A muscle of mastic at ion and is the strongest chewing muscle/ assists in side to side movement of the mandible
masseter (2)
a muscle arising from the zygote arch and inserting in the mandible
a muscle of mastication (chewing)/ it closes the mandible
orbicularis oculi (2)
the sphincter muscle surrounds the eye socket
closes the eyelid and compresses the lack sac
corrugator (2)
a pyramid- shaped muscle of facial expression/ this muscle lies beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi
known as the frowning muscle
levator palpebrae superioris (2)
a muscle of facial expression that runs from the inside of the eye socket to the superior tarsal plate of the eyelid
raises the upper eyelid
procerus (1)
this muscle covers the bridge of the nose
draws the skin of the forehead imferiorly, causing transverse and vertical wrinkles in the forehead
orbicularis Oris (puckering muscle)
a flat band of muscles in the upper and lower red lips and integumetary lips
closes the lips, compresses the lips against the teeth, shapes lips during speech
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (2)
a muscle of facial expression
raises the upper lip and dialects the nostrils
levator labii superioris
a muscle of facial expression
elevates and extends the upper lip
muscles of the cranium face and neck
levator anguli oris (2)
a small muscle at the angle of the mouth
elevates the angle of the mouth
zygomaticus minor (2)
muscle of the face
draws the upper lip superior and laterally
zygomaticus major (2) (laughing muscle)
extends from the cheekbone to the angle of the mouth
draws the upper lip posteriorly, superiorly, and laterally as in smiling or laughing
buccinator (2) (trumpeter muscle)
the principle muscle of the cheek/ originates in the skin over the molar teeth and insert into the skin at the anguli oris (corners of the mouth)
compresses the cheek, and it 0ulls the anguli oris posteriorly/ it produces an he act of sucking
risorius (2) (false smiling muscle)
extends from the skin over the masseter muscles to the corner of the mouth
draws corners of the mouth posteriorly
depressor anguli oris (2) (triangularis)
a muscle of facial expression that arises from the mandible to insert into the angular oris
depresses the angle of the mouth
depress or labii inferioris (2) (quadratus)
a muscle of the facial expression
depresses the lower lip imferiorly and slightly lateral
mentalis (1)
this muscle is located on the tip of the chin
elevates and protrudes the lower lip/ it also wrinkles the skin over the chin
platysma (2)
thin layer of muscle covering the anterior aspect of the neck
wrinkles the skin of the neck and chest/ also depresses the mandible and anguli oris, as is in pouting
sternocleidomastoid (2) (SCM)
a thick muscle that originates from the head of the sternum and the clavicle and inserts at the mastoid process of the temporal Bo e
rotates and depresses the head
diastric (2)
a double-blind muscle of the neck, which attaches to the astoid process and mandible
draws the hyoid bone superiorly