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69 Cards in this Set

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What are the male peritoneal pouch(es)?
Rectovesical pouch - reflection of peritoneum from bladder onto rectum
What are the female peritoneal pouch(es)?
Vesicouterine pouch - reflection of peritoneum form bladder onto uterus
Rectouterine pouch (of Douglas) - reflection from uterus onto rectum
Where do the ureters join the bladder?
posteroinferior aspect by entering obliquely
How is the bladder attached?
firmly attached by pubovesical ligaments
What does the wall of the bladder contain?
contains smooth detrusor muscle and is lined by transitional epithelium
What is the trigone?
non-contractile triangular area with ureters entering at superolateral corners and urethral orifice at apex
Where does the urethra leave the bladder?
leaves neck of bladder at apex of trigone
What is the internal urethral sphincter?
circular arrangement of detrusor muscle around internal urethral orifice
What are the parts of the urethra in males?
male has prostatic, membranous and penile portions with major curve in proximal part of the penile urethra (in bulb)
The rectum is continuous with the sigmoid colon at what vertebral level?
What is the inferior portion of the rectum and where does it lie?
ampulla which lies below inferior rectal fold
What is the position of the uterus in females?
- curves anteriorly over bladder
- angled anteriorly at juction of cervix and body (anteflexed)
- angled anteriorly at junction of vagina and cervix (anteverted)
What is the innervation of the vagina?
somatic to lower 1/4th of vagina
What are the different portions of the uterine tubes?
- isthmus is hort, thick-walled proximal portion
- ampulla is widest and longest portion
- infundibulum is funnel-shaped distal end surrounding ostium with fimbriae
Where is the mesometrium?
extends laterally from body of uterus to pelvic walls and contains round ligament of uterus travelling to deep inguinal ring
Where is the mesovarium?
on posterior surface of mesometrium and attaches to ovary and ovarian ligament
Where is the mesosalpinx?
above mesovarium enclosing uterine tube
What does the ovarian ligament support?
attaches ovary to lateral aspect of uterus
What is the function of the round ligament?
it is a continuation of ovarian ligament which passes through the inguinal canal to attach to labium majorum
What is the uterosacral ligament?
thickening of endopelivc fascia that attaches cervix to sacrum
What is the transverse cervical ligament?
attaches cervix to lateral pelvic wall
What is the suspensory ligament of ovary?
fold of parietal peritoneum covering vascular bundle and attached to lateral pole of ovary
Where do the bulbourethral glands secrete into?
penile urethra
What is the ejaculatory duct?
where ampulla of vas/ductus deferens and seminal vesicle meet to join prostatic urethra
What are the branches of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery?
- iliolumbar and lateral sacral
- superior gluteal leaves pelvis via greater sicatic foramen above piriformis
What are the branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?
- obturator
- inferior gluteal and internal pudendal
- umbilical gives off superior vesicles then becomes obliterated umbilical
- middle rectal
- uterine (female)
- inferior vesicle (male)
- vaginal (female)
Wher does the obturator artery pass through?
obturator canal
Where does the inferior gluteal and internal pudendal arise from and where do they pass through?
arise from common trunk and leave through greater sciatic foramen below piriformis
What does the inferior vesical artery supply?
inferior bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles
What does the vaginal artery supply?
lower vagina and inferior bladder
Where does lymph from the rectum drain into?
- superior part drains to pararectal to inferior mesenteric to lumbar nodes
- inferior parte drains to internal iliac nodes
Where does lymph from the fundus of the uterus drain?
lumbar nodes
Where does lymph from the body of the uterus drain?
external iliac nodes
Where does lymph from the cervix drain?
internal iliac nodes
What type of nerve fibers does the superior hypogastric plexus contain?
Peliv autonomics
superior hypogastric containing sympathetics divides into right and left hypogastric nerves which join pelvic splanchnic nerves to form inferior hypogastric plexus
What is the perineal membrane?
- strong connective tissue sheet attached to ischipubic rami
- posterior border of membrance attaches to fascia of external anal sphincter
- muscles lie superior to it in deep perineal pouch
- membrane and muscles used to be called 'urogenital diaphragm'
What is the deep perineal pouch (space)?
- fascial space superior to perineal membrane
- contains deep transverse perineal and sphincter urethrae muscles
- contains bulbourethral gland in male
- muscle fibers around urethra form external urethral sphincter
What are the contents of the deep perineal pouch (space)?
deep transverse perineal, sphincter urethrae muscles, bulbourethral gland in male
What is the perineal body?
- connective tissue mass
- attaches posterior edge of perineal membrane to deep fascia of external anal sphincter of pelvic diaphragm
What is the superficial perineal pouch?
space between perineal membrane and superficial perineal fascia
What are the contents of the superficial perineal pouch in females?
crura of clitoris, ischiocavernosus muscles, bulbs of vestibule, and bulbospongiosus muscles, greater vestibular glands
What are the contents of the superficial perineal pouch in males?
crura of penis, ischiocavernosus muscles, bulb of penis, and bulbospongiosus muscle
What is the superficial perineal fascia a continuation of?
Scarpa's fascia and attaches to posterior edge of perineal membrane
What does the deep perineal fascia cover?
covers muscles on crura and bulb(s) of penis and clitoris
What is the labia majora?
- fat-filled, hair-bearing folds of skin
- provide protection for vaginal and urethral orifices
What is the labia minora?
- thin folds of skin lying medial to labia majora
- converge anteriorly/superiorly and surround glans of clitoris as prepuce
What is the vestibule?
- space between labia minora
- receives vagina, urethra, ducts of vestibular glands
- greater vestibular glands lie posterolaterally to vaginal orifice and secrete mucus into vestibule
- lesser vestibular glands lie anterior to greater vestibular glands and also secret mucus into vestibule
What are bulbs of vestibule?
- two masses of corpus spongiosum lying lateral to vestibule
- bulbospongiosus muscle is skeletal muscle covering bulbs
What is the clitoris?
- erectile tissue structure with body and glans
- body is paired corpora cavernosa which separate proximally as crura and attach to perineal membrane
- ischiocavernosus muscle covers crura
What muscle covers the crura of the clitoris?
ischiocavernosus muscle
What muscle covers the bulbs of vestibule?
bulbospongiosus muscle
What is the arterial blood supply to the penis?
deep artery of penis in each corpus cavernosum and paired dorsal arteries are branches of internal pudendal
What is the venous drainage of the penis?
venous drainage into deep dorsal vein
What is the penis made up of?
three masses of erectile tissue enclosed by tunica albuginea
What lies superficial to the tunica albuginea in the penis?
deep (Buck's) fascia
Where is the penile urethra located in the penis?
corpus spongiosum
What is the scrotal raphe?
represents line of fusion of labioscrotal swellings
What is the scrotum?
sac of skin, dartos muscle (smooth), and superficial scrotal fascia
What are the muscles of the superficial pouch in males?
- ischiocavernosus muscle covers crura
- bulbospongiosus covers bulb of penis
What is the ischioanal fossa?
fat-filled space on either side of anal canal permitting expansion of anal canal
What are the borders of the ischioanal fossa?
- perineal membrane and deep pouch structures lie inferior
- ischium and obturator internus lie lateral
- levator ani lie superomedial
What does the ischioanal fossa contain?
pudendal neurovascular bundle on lateral wall in pudendal canal
What is the blood supply to the perineum?
- external pudendals from femoral artery supply superficial perineal tissues
- internal pudendals from internal iliac supply deep perineal tissues
What supplies parasympathetics to the perineum?
pelvic splanchnics
What supplies sympathetics to the perineum?
sacral splanchnics
What do branches of ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves do in the perineum?
somatic sensory from external genitalia and perineal skin
What does the pudendal nerve (S2-S4) do in the perineum?
- somatic motor to external anal and urethral sphincters, muscles of both pouches
- somatic sensory from perineal skin, external genitalia including lower part of vagina, anal canal below pectinate line
What is the lymph drainage of the perineum?
- superficial (skin, external ganitalia, anal canal below pectinate line) to horizontal group of superficial inguinal nodes
- deep to internal inguinal nodes