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141 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
what are the three components of the sternum?
xiphoid process
what is the sternal angle?
angle of Louis

angle between manubrium and body of sternum
with what does the sternum articulate?
clavicle (sternoclavicular joint)
7 ribs
what allows the clavicle to hold the scapula away from the trunk?
coracoclavicular ligament
what prevents superior dislocation of the humerus?
the acromion and coracoacromial ligament
what is the name for the part of the scapula that articulates with the humerus?
glenoid cavity
which of the bones of the forearm is larger at the elbow?
which of the bones of the forearm is larger at the wrist?
what forms the anterior wall of the axilla?
mammary gland
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
subclavius muscle
what forms the posterior wall of the axilla?
teres major
latissimus dorsi
what forms the medial wall of the axilla?
ribs 2-6
serratus anterior muscle
what forms the lateral wall of the axilla?
intertubercular sulcus
tendon of long head of biceps brachii
what forms the base of the axilla?
skin and fascia of the armpit
what is the apex of the axilla?
triangular space, bounded by clavicle, upper border of scapula, and rib 1
what are the attachments of the pectoralis major muscle?
clavicle (clavicular head)
sternum (sternal head)
lateral lip of bicipital groove
what are the actions of the pectoralis major?
adducts humerus
medially rotates humerus
flexes humerus
what innervates the pectoralis major muscle?
medial pectoral nerve
lateral pectoral nerve
what are the attachments of the pectoralis minor muscle?
ribs 2-6 (usually 3-5)
coracoid process of scapula
what are the actions of the pectoralis minor?
protracts the scapula
what innervates the pectoralis minor muscle?
medial pectoral nerve
what forms the borders of the deltopectoral triangle?
pectoralis major (inferior)
deltoid (superolateral)
clavicle (superomedial)
what is transmitted through the deltopectoral triangle?
cephalic vein
through what does the cephalic vein pierce to join with the axillary vein?
deltopectoral triangle
costocoracoid membrane
into what vein does the cephalic vein drain?
axillary vein
of what fascia is the costocoracoid membrane a part?
clavipectoral fascia
what is enclosed within the clavipectoral fascia?
subclavius muscle
pectoralis minor muscle
what does the clavipectoral fascia become below the pectoralis minor?
suspensory ligament
to what does the suspensory ligament of the clavipectoral fascia attach?
base of the axilla
what produces the axillary fossa?
suspensory ligament from the clavipectoral fascia
what forms the borders of the medial triangular space?
subscapularis (superomedial)
teres major (inferior)
long head of triceps brachii (superolateral)
what forms the borders of the lateral quadrangular space?
surgical neck of the humerus (superolateral)
subscapularis (superomedial)
teres major (inferolateral)
long head of triceps brachii (inferomedial)
what are the attachments of the serratus anterior?
ribs 1-8
medial border of scapula
what are the actions of the serratus anterior?
protracts scapula
assists in rotation of scapula
what innervates the serratus anterior?
long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)
what causes winged scapula?
lesion of long thoracic nerve and paralysis of serratus anterior muscle
when does the subclavian artery become the axillary artery?
inferior border of rib 1
when does the axillary artery become the brachial artery?
lower border of teres major muscle
with what fascia is the axillary sheath continuous?
prevertebral fascia of the neck
what are the attachments of the subclavius muscle?
costochondral junction of rib 1
subclavian groove
what are the actions of the subclavius muscle?
stabilizes clavicle during movements of distal portions of upper limb

prevents subclavian artery from being compressed between clavicle and rib 1
what innervates the subclavius muscle?
nerve to subclavius (C5, C6)
what are the branches (from proximal to distal) of the axillary artery?
supreme thoracic artery
thoracoacromial artery
lateral thoracic artery
subscapular artery
posterior humeral circumflex artery
anterior humeral circumflex artery
what branches from the first part of the axillary artery?
1st part is between rib 1 and pec minor

supreme thoracic artery
what branches from the second part of the axillary artery?
2nd part is posterior to the pec minor

thoracoacromial artery
lateral thoracic artery
what branches from the third part of the axillary artery?
3rd part is between pec minor and lower border of teres major

subscapular artery
posterior humeral circumflex artery
anterior humeral circumflex artery
why is only the first part of the axillary vein enclosed in the axillary sheath?
so that the remaining part can expand
in relation to the axillary artery, where does the axillary vein lie?
medial to the axillary artery
what is the continuation of the basilic vein?
axillary vein
where does the axillary vein become the subclavian vein?
at the level of rib 1
what veins from brachial and axillary arteries join the axillary vein?
venae comitantes
for what is a subclavian venipuncture performed?
central venous access
what is punctured in subclavian venipuncture?
terminal part of the axillary vein
(medial to rib 1)
where is the cephalic vein located?
superficially on the lateral side of the arm
where is the basilic vein located?
superficial on the medial side of the arm
what is the order of organization of the brachial plexus?
Remember To Drink Cold Beer

how many rami are in the brachial plexus? where are they located?
5 ventral nerve rami

located in the neck
how many trunks are in the brachial plexus? where are they located?
3 trunks

upper (C5, C6)
middle (C7)
lower (C8, T1)

located in the neck
how many divisions are in the brachial plexus? where are they located?
6 divisions (3 anterior and 3 posterior)

posterior to the clavicle
how many cords are in the brachial plexus? where are they located?
3 cords (lateral, posterior, medial)

posterior to pectoralis minor
how many terminal branches come from the brachial plexus? where are they located?
6 terminal branches

distal to the pectoralis minor
from what is the posterior cord of the brachial plexus formed?
posterior divisions from all three trunks
from what is the lateral cord formed?
anterior divisions from superior and middle trunk
from what is the medial cord formed?
continuation of the anterior division of the inferior trunk
which branches of the brachial plexus are supraclavicular?
dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
nerve to subclavius (C5, C6)
long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)
suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
what branches from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus are infraclavicular?
lateral pectoral nerve
musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6, C7)
lateral head of median nerve
what branches from the medial cord of the brachial plexus are infraclavicular?
medial pectoral nerve
medial head of median nerve (C5, C6, C7, C8, T1)
ulnar nerve (C7, C8, T1)
medial brachial cutaneous nerve
medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
what branches from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus are infraclavicular?
upper subscapular nerve
lower subscapular nerve
thoracodorsal nerve
axillary nerve (C5, C6)
radial nerve (C5-T1)
which root of a typical spinal nerve carries efferent fibers?
ventral root
which root of a typical spinal nerve carries afferent fibers?
dorsal root
what type of fibers are carried in spinal nerves?
afferent fibers
efferent fibers
what are the divisions of a spinal nerve?
dorsal ramus
ventral ramus
what is innervated by a dorsal ramus?
muscles acting on spinal column and overlying skin
what is innervated by a ventral ramus?
muscles and skin of anterior 3/4 of body wall
in what fascia does the mammary gland lie?
superficial pectoral fascia
where does the mammary gland extend (vertical and horizontal limits)?
ribs 2-6

side of sternum to midaxillary line
what connects the glandular tissue of the breast to the skin?
suspensory ligaments (of Cooper)
what causes drooping of breasts?
atrophy of suspensory ligaments of Cooper
what causes dimpling of breasts?
contraction of suspensory ligaments of Cooper from fibrosis around a carcinoma
what is polymastia?
supernumerary breasts
what is polythelia?
accessory nipples
where do polymastia and polythelia occur?
along the embryonic mammary ridge
(the milk line)
what is amastia?
absence of a breast
what innervates the mammary gland?
intercostal nerves 2-6 via lateral and anterior cutaneous branches

sympathetic: innervation via intercostal nerves or vessels
what vascularizes the mammary gland?
2-3 branches of the internal thoracic artery (internal mammary artery)
2 branches from lateral thoracic artery
small branches from intercostal arteries
pectoral branch of thoracoacromial artery
where do main lymph vessels of the mammary gland converge?
converge on the nipple
where do the lymph vessels from the superficial portion of the breast drain?
subareolar plexus
where do the lymph vessels from the deep portion of the breast drain?
submammary plexus
what are the clusters of axillary lymph nodes?
apical nodes
central nodes
lateral (brachial or humeral) nodes
pectoral nodes (anterior)
subscapular nodes (posterior)
deltopectoral nodes (infraclavicular)
where are the low nodes of the axillary region?
below the level of the pectoralis minor
where are middle nodes of the axillary region?
deep to the level of the pectoralis minor
where are the upper (apical) nodes of the axillary region?
between the upper border of pectoralis minor and lower border of clavicle
where are Rotter's nodes?
between pectoralis minor and pectoralis major
what is peau d'orange sign?
skin of the breast resembles the skin of an orange (has prominent pores due to edema of the skin)
what muscles can be used for breast reconstruction surgery to hold the implant in place?
latissimus dorsi flap

transverse rectus abdominal muscle (TRAM) flap
what is included in the nuchal area?
parietal bones
occipital bone
temporal bones
what is the inion?
external occipital protuberance
(bony prominence in the center of the superior nuchal line)
what is the external occipital crest?
median nuchal line
(prominent bony line down the median line of the occipital bone to the foramen magnum)
what is on the posterior aspect of C1?
posterior tubercle
what is another name for C1?
which vertebrae have bifid spines?
which vertebra is the vertebra prominens?

(though it has a less prominent spinous process than T1)
which vertebral spines are palpable?
C6 to L5
what is another name for C2?
what is another name for the ligamentum nuchae?
supraspinal ligament
to what does the supraspinal ligament (ligamentum nuchae) attach?
cervical spines
external occipital crest
what are the two sufaces of the scapula?
costal (ventral)
what are the three borders of the scapula?
medial (vertebral)
lateral (axillary)
what are the three angles of the scapula?
what are the two processes of the scapula?
coracoid process
spine of scapula
what are the 3 fossae of the scapula?
at what structure do the supraspinous and infraspinous fossae communicate?
spinoglenoid notch
what closes off the suprascapular notch superiorly?
transverse scapular (suprascapular) ligament
what passes inferior to the suprascapular ligament?
suprascapular nerve (for protection)
what passes superior to the suprascapular ligament?
suprascapular artery and vein
(able to expand with increased blood volume)
where is the iliocostalis muscle attached to the ribs?
at the angles of each of the ribs
what is the inferior attachment of the erector spinae (sacrospinalis) muscles?
iliac crest
what is a dermatome?
the area of skin supplied by sensory terminal branches of both dorsal and ventral rami of a single dorsal nerve root
into what does the dorsal ramus of the typical spinal nerve divide?
medial branch
lateral branch

(both supply muscles and then one or the other becomes cutaneous for the back)
where do medial branches of the dorsal ramus of a spinal nerve become cutaneous?
above the mid-thoracic region (T1-T9)
where do the lateral branches of the dorsal rami of spinal nerves become cutaneous for the back?
below mid thoracic region (T10 down)
what is the longus dorsal ramus?
cutaneous (lateral) branch of T12

(extends to shoulder area)
what muscles compose the superficial muscles of the back?
latissimus dorsi
levator scapulae
rhomboidei (major and minor)
what is the function of superficial muscles of the back?
act on upper limb
what are the attachments of the latissimus dorsi?
thoracolumbar fascia of inferior 6 thoracic vertebrae, all lumbar and all sacral spines
outer lip of iliac crest
ribs 9-12

floor of bicipital groove (intertubercular sulcus)
what innervates the latissimus dorsi?
thoracodorsal nerve (C6, C7, C8)
from where does the thoracodorsal nerve branch?
posterior cord of the brachial plexus
what are the actions of the latissimus dorsi?
extends humerus
adducts humerus
medially rotates humerus
what are the attachments of the trapezius?
all spines of cervical vertebrae (ligamentum nuchae)
all spines of thoracic vertebrae

lateral 1/3 of clavicle
crest of spine of scapula
tubercle on inferior lip of crest of spine of scapula
what innervates the trapezius?
motor = accessory nerve (CN XI)
sensory = C3, C4 ventral rami
what are the actions of the trapezius?
adducts scapula (elevates shoulder)
suspensory muscle of shoulder girdle

inferior fibers assist superior fibers in rotation of scapula
what are the attachments of the levator scapulae?
posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1-C4

medial border of scapula
what innervates the levator scapulae?
C3, C4, (C5)
what are the actions of the levator scapulae?
elevates scapula
what are the attachments of the rhomboid major?
spinous processes of T1-T5
medial border of scapula

rhomboid major is inferior to rhomboid minor
what are the attachments of the rhomboid minor?
nuchal ligament
spinous process of C7-T1
medial border of scapula

rhomboid minor is superior to rhomboid major
what innervates the rhomboidei (both major and minor)?
dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
what forms the borders of the triangle of auscultation?

vertebral (medial) border of scapula (superolaterally)
superior border of latissimus dorsi (inferiorly)
lateral border of trapezius (superomedially)
what is covered by the triangle of auscultation?
6th intercostal space (btwn 6 & 7)
rib 7
what visceral structure is deep to the triangle of auscultation on the left side?
cardiac orifice of the stomach
what forms the borders of the lumbar triangle?
posterior border of external oblique (laterally)
latissimus dorsi (medially)
iliac crest (inferiorly)

floor = internal obliques
what is the clinical significance of the lumbar triangle?
site of herniations