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51 Cards in this Set

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A joint that permits free movement is called

a)a diarthrosis b)a hinge joint c)a synarthrosis d)an amphiarthrosis e)a synovial joint
e) a synovial joint
A jount that holds the skull bones together is called (a)

a)synostosis b)gomphosis c)synchondrosis d)suture e)n.o.t.a
d) suture
A cartilaginous joint that does not permit movement is called (a)

a)syndesmosis b)synchondrosis c)synostosis d)synovial joint e)n.o.t.a
b) synchondrosis
A joint that permits free movement in only two directions is called

a)monaxial joint b)syndesmosis c)biaxial joint d) suture e)triaxial joint
c)biaxial joint
An accessory structure of a joint that subdivides a synovial cavity, channels the flow of synovial fluid, or allows variations in the shape of the articular surfaces is a

a)fat pad b)ligament c)meniscus d)tendon e)bursa
c) meniscus
The structure that surrounds a diarthrotic joint is called a

a)synovial membrane b)meniscus c)bursa d)joint capsule e)n.o.t.a
d) joint capsule
A small, synovial filled pocket in connective tissue, which may be connected to a joint cavity, is a

a)retinaculum b)bursa c)gomphosis d)fat pad e)meniscus
b) bursa
Which of the following is not a classification of a synovial joint

a)symphysis b)gliding c)ball & socket d)pivot e)hinge
a) symphysis
Which of the following association is not true

a)uniaxial-hinge b)monoaxial-hinge c)biaxial-condyle d)multiaxial-pivot e)n.o.t.a
d) multiaxial-pivot
Typical movement at a hinge joint includes

a)rotation b)flexion c)gliding d)extention e)B&D
e) flexion & extiontion
A movement away from the longitudinal axis of the body in the frontal plane is

a)rotation b)abduction c)gliding d)flexion e)extension
b) abduction
Pronation and supination occur at the

a)proximal radioulnar joint b)ankle c)elbow d)knee e)hip
a) proximal radioulnar joint
A ovement that turns the sole of the foot inward is

a)elevation b)inversion c)protration d)opposition e)n.o.t.a
b) inversion
To push a structure anteriorly is an example of

a)extension b)protraction c)hyperextension d)retraction e)anterior rotation
b) protraction
The type of joint formed by the fusion of two joints is (a)

a)synostosis b)synchondrosis c)symphysis d)syndesmosis e)n.o.t.a
a) synostosis
The joint that permits the greatest ROM in th ebody is

a)knee b)neck c)shoulder d)hip e)elbow
The metacarpalphalangeal joints have

a)pivot b)ball&socket c)hinge d)saddle type e)ellipsoidal articulation
e) ellipsoidal articulation
Which is not a function of intervertebral disks

a)contribute to height of individual b)provide lubrication c)prevent bone-on-bone contact d)absorb shock e)all are functions
b) provide lubrication
Interphalageal joints are

a)ellipsodial b)ball&socket c)hinge d)gliding e)n.o.t.a
c) hinge
Which does not contribute tho the limitations of movement of a joint

a)joint capsule b)shape of articular surface c)tendon attachments d)presence of mm, bones,etc. near the joint
e)all contribute
e) all contribute
Which of the following is most unique to the knee

a)joint capsule b)bursae c)menisci d)tendons e)ligaments
c) menisci
All of the following are synovial joints found in the foot except

a)intertarsal b)interphalangeal c)tarsometatarsal d)metatarsophalageal e)all are found in the foot
e) all are in the foot
The structure that attaches the patella to the tibia is called

a)patellar ligament b)collateral ligament c)quadriceps tendon d)synovial membrane e)n.o.t.a
a) patellar ligament
Which of the following ligaments attach the clavicle to the scap a)acromioclavicular b)glenoid labrum c)glenohumeral d)coracoacromial e)A&B
a) acromioclavicular
Which of the following about the elbowis false

a)it involves the humeroulnar joint b)the elbow is 2 joints c)elbow is extremely stable d)rotation of elbow is called supinantion/pronation e)A,B,&C are true
d) rotation is called supination/pronation
The layers of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle from outside in

a)endomysium,epimysium,perimysium b)epimysium,perimysium,endomysium c)perimysium,epimysium,endomysu=ium d)endomysium,perimysium,epimysium e)epimysium,endomysium,perimysium
The connective tissue surrounding skeletal mm are called

a)subserous fascia b)deep fascia c)superficial fascia d)aponerouses e)n.o.t.a
b)deep fascia
A word in a muscle name suggesting largemness

a)magnus b)minimus c) brevis d)longus e)minor
a) magnus
Which of the following words means short
a)longissimus b)brevis c)gracilis d)major e)latissimus
Which of the followingis a function of a skeletal muscle

a)stabilizes joints b)maintain posture c)generate heat d)produce movement e)a.o.t.a
e) all
The muscular partition that seperates the abdominopelvic an dthoraci cavities is the

a)diaprham b)masseter c)transverse abdominis d)perineum e)rectus abdominis
a) diapram
Which of the following features are common to the mm of mastication

a)they are considered among the mm of facial expressions b)they share oculomotor nerve innervation c)they allow a person to smile d)they move the mandible at the temporalmadibular joint e)A&C
d) they move the mandible at the temporalmadibular joint
Which of the following mm is not involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food

a)masseter b)temporalis c)omohyoid d)external pterygoid e)internal pterygoid
Orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi, and platysma are part of the group of mm known as

a)facial expression b)the tongue c)mastication d)the pharynx e)the extra-ocular region
a)facial expressions
Which mm has 3 attachments bone

a)thyrohyoid b)mylohyoid c)stylohyoid d)SCM e)sternohyoid
Mm of facial expressions most often insert into the

a)mms adjacent to them b)skin c)eyes d)bones of the face e)tongue
b) skin
The deepest layer of the anterial abdominal

a)psoas major b)transversus abdominis c)internal oblique d)external oblique e)rectus abdomins
b)transversus abdominis
Of the following mm, which can compress the abdomin

a)external oblique b)internal oblique c)transversus abdominis d)rectus abdominis e)all
The powerful flexors of the thigh are the

a)iliospoas b)pectineous c)obturators d)piriformis e)adductors
a) iliospoas
Knee extensors, known as the quadriceps femoris include

a)three vastus mm and the rectus femoris b)biceps femoris gracilis and sartorious c)popliteus,iliopsoas,and gracili d)hamstrings and adductors e)gastrocnemius,tibialis, and fibularis
a) three vastus mm and the rectus femoris
Mm associated with the upper limb and pectoral girdle belong to which of the following grps

a)mm that move the hand and fingers b)mm that positio the pertoral girdle c)m that move the arm d)mm that move the forearm e)all
e) all
Which of the following mm belong to the gro known as "hamstrings"
a)semimembranosus b)semitendinosus c)bicep femoris d) all e)none
d) all
Which mm doesn't insert into the medial border of the scapula?

a)serratus anterior b)rhomboid major c)rhomboid minor d)trap
d) trap
The _____ covers most of the surface area of the back

a)rhomboid b)infraspinatus c)trap d)teres major e)none
c Trap
All are part of the rotator cuff except

a)teres minor b)infraspinatus c)subscap d)teres major e)supraspinatus
d) teres major
The origin of the deltoid is (the)

a)clavicle b)scapula c)vertebral column d)humerous e) A&B
e) A&B
The mm just superior to the spine of the scap that is part of the rotator cuff is the

a)coracobrachialis b)subscap c)infra d)supra e)teres minor
The mm of the arm (brachium)are divided into which of the following compartments

a)superior/inferior b)anterior/posterior c)pronator/supinator d)prox/distal e)medial/lateral
Extensors of the elbow include the

a)triceps brachii b)coracobrachiali/brachiaoradialis c)deltoid/supinator d)brachioradialis/brachialis e)none
a) triceps brachii
Actions of the biceps brachii mm include

a)supination of the forearm b)flexion of the shoulder c)flexion of the elbow d)all e)A&C
d) all
The primary flexors of the wrist include which mm

a)supinator/brachioradialis b)brachialis/palmaris longus c)flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis,& palmaris longus d)A&C e) none