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34 Cards in this Set

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Which are the longest teeth in the mouth and considered "corner stones"?
Aka-cuspids, eyeteeth, and fangs

Often the last teeth standing--makes them good anchor teeth for partials and bridgework.
What is the function of canines?

What age to they erupt (permanent)?
pierce or shear food and lip support for lip

Erupt around age 9-10 (MN) 11-12 (MX)
Describe the general trains of canines

-general shape from facial view
-Wider M-D or FA-LN
-Which side is more convex (M or D)
-Which surface do they converge towards?
-How many loves
-special indicator in arch
-One cusp
-facial view pentagon shaped
-wider labial/lingual than mesial/distal
-Crown more convex on the distal
-crowns and roots narrower from FA to LN
-4 lobes-3 labial, 1 lingual
-Canine eminence-labial bony ridge, helps maintain facial form
Which teeth have the longest roots of all teeth?
Maxillary canines
Where are the contacts for maxillary canines?
incisal 1/3rd on mesial

middle 1/3rd on distal
What angle do the cusp ridges form on maxillary canines (from a facial view)?

-What else is characteristic of the cusp ridges of maxillary canines?
Sharp 105* angles

Cusp ridges make up almost 1/3rd of the FA length

-From an incisal view, which measurement is larger M-D or FA-LN
Maxillary canines are thicker FA-LN than M-D


*Not symmetrical
Describe the labial ridge of maxillary canines
Prominent labial ridge from middle lobe
From an incisal view, which surface FA or LN is more visible on maxillary canines and why.
From an incisal view, the lingual surface is more visible due to the labial tilt.
Describe the lingual aspect of maxillary canines in terms of the lingual ridge and fossas.

Compare these fossas to those of the MN canines
Prominent lingual ridge, cusp tip to cingulum.

-shallow M and D fossas on each side of the lingual ridge

Which is shorter for maxillary canines the mesial cusp ridge or the distal cusp ridge of the buccal cusp?
Mesial cusp ridge is shorter than the distal cusp ridge
Describe the root depressions from the mesial vs. distal views from maxillary canines.

What is the function of these depressions?
-Vertical distal root depression > than mesial, it can extend the entire root length
-MX root depressions>MN root depressions

-Depressions help to anchor teeth and prevent rotation.
For maxillary canines, what is unique about the facial HOC?
It is further from the cervical line and more prominent
Is the CEJ curved more on the mesial or distal of maxillary canines?
Where is the incisal ridge in relation to the long axis of the tooth for maxillary canines?

For mandibular canines?
-MX-incisal ridge is labial/facial to the long axis

-MN-incisal ridge is lingual to the long axis.
Describe the root of maxillary canines
Root may be pointed

Most often bent distally and LABIALLY
Describe the cingulum of maxillary canines
Large centered cingulum
-small cusp-like or tubercle (it's NOT a cusp but it can resemble one)

-There may be a lingual groove or pit.
From the lingual view, which is longer on a maxillary canine--MMR or DMR?

How do the MMR and DMR compare the the lingual ridge?
-The mesial marginal ridge is longer than the distal.

-Neither the MMR or DMR are as prominent as the lingual ridge.
How does the crown of maxillary canines compare to the crown of maxillary central incisors?

Knowing the above, how are maxillary canines the longest teeth in the arch?

What is ratio of root:crown for maxillary canines?
-Crowns of maxillary canines are almost as long as those of the maxillary centrals.

-The root of maxillary canines is longer than those of mx. central incisors.

-Root of MX canines is 1.5x crown length
How does the overall shape and the labial surface of mandibular canines differ from maxillary canines?
-MN are more symmetrical than MX

-Labial surface is more smooth and convex-labial ridge is not as prominent on MN canines
How does the mesial outline compare to the distal outline on MN canines?
Mesial outline is almost flat, distal is convex in the incisal 2/3rds

It seems bent distally
Where is the contact on the m and d of mandibular canines?
Mesial: Incisal 1/3rd

Distal: junction of middle and incisal 1/3rd
For mandibular canines which is shorter the mesial cusp ridge or the distal cusp ridge?
Mesial cusp ridge is shorter
For MN canines, is the crown larger FA/LN or M/D?

Is the MN crown bigger or smaller than the MX canines?
-Crown in larger FA/LN than M/D

-crown is smaller than MX
Where is the cusp tip on mandibular canines?
Cusp tip near the FA/LN center (tipped lingually)
Which of the canines exhibit a slight disto-lingual twist?
Mandibular canines
Describe the roots of mandibular canines in terms of
-apex shape
-root depression
-width FA vs. LN
-Roots more sharply pointes than MX
-often straight or mesial curve (don't rely on distal cruvature for tooth ID
-prominent root depressions, especially mesial
-root tapers towards the LN
Compare the lingual view of MN canines to that of the MX canines
-lingual ridge and fossas
-MMR and DMR
-Lingual ridge and fossas less prominent
-cingulum less prominent and lies just distal (centered on MX), smoother lingual surface
-MMR longer than DMR (same as MX) BUT less prominent than MX
Of all the canines, which have the greatest curvature of the CEJ and on what surface?
-mesial surface of mandibular canines. The cervical line curves more incisal than MX.
Compare the facial HOC and crown length of mandibular vs. maxillary canines
-FA height of contour more cervical than MX and less cervical bulge

-MN crown is longer and narrower
Where is the incisal ridge in comparison to the long axis for MN canines?
What canine anomaly exists?
Tooth may have bifurcated roots

**The only anterior tooth with this feature

-If this is the case they are positioned facially, lingually
Compare the crown features of the MX vs. MN canines
MX-prominent lingual anatomy, sharp cusp tip

MN-smoother lingual anatomy, less sharp cusp tip
where is the HOC for the LN and LA of canines?
LA/FA-cervical 1/3rd (further from cervical line and more pronounced on MX)

LN-middle third