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11 Cards in this Set

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central nervous system
controls muslces and secretion of the glands

brain and spinal cord

thoughts and memories are stored

starts from brain to rest of the body
peripheral nervous system

the PNS have sensory are afferent neurons
comes from senses to the brain

motor; efferent
from CNS to the Muscles and Glands

SNS-somatic nervous system
takes sensory neurons from the head, body, and limbs to the CNS
and controls skeletal muscles

ANS-autonomic nervous system
control smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
all involuntary
parasympathetic division
sympathetic division
parts of the ANS are
sympathetic division
-speeds up heart beat

parasympathetic division
-slows heart beat
what is a neuron
neuron is the path from which impulses travel from the body to the brain
structure of neuron
3 parts

cell body
-collects nerve impulses

-take the nerve impulses to the cell bodies

-sends impulses to another neuron or tissue
When it is Afferent how do the impulses travel!?
first it goes from the dendrite into the cell body into the axon into the brain!
How do Efferent nerve impulses travel?!
from the brain to the axon to the cell body!
support the neurons
6 different types:!

4 for CNS
-astrocytes-participate in the metabolism of the neuro transmitters; maintain the proper balance of potassium; participate in brain developement and help form the blood brain barrier

-oligodendrocytes-produce myelin sheaths around axons of neurons of CNS

-Microglia- phagocytic cells that eat and destroy foreign debris in the CNS

-Ependymal-line ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord; and forms cerebral spinal fluid

2 for PNS
-neurolemmocytes (schwan cells)- each produces part of the myelin sheath around a single axon of a PNS neuron
-satellite cells- support neurons in ganglia of PNS

ganglia are the little parts at the end
describe the meninges layers
inside pia
middle arachnoid
outside dura matter
white matter
spinal cord: nerve impulse paths

brain: consists of myelated axons that transmits impulses between gryi in the same hemisphere
transmits impulses between gyri
gray matter
receives and integrates incoming and out going information