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65 Cards in this Set

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Which portion of the nervous system would innervate the liver and heart?
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Collection of cell bodies
Which nervous system regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands?
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Conduct information away from cell bodies
motor or efferent fibers
What two functions do the interoreceptors of the viscera perform?
1. Monitor the functional status of the viscera
2. Convey the sensation of visceral pain
Monitor stimuli generated from the periphery to the CNS
sensory or afferent fibers
What is the function of the sympathetic nervous system?
Mobilizes energy reserves, the flight or fight response, usually responses are system wide (all-or-none)
Distributed to skeletal muscle and to skin and membranes associated with the body wall. Motor components control voluntary movements and sensory components contain exteroreceptors.
Somatic (Spinal) nerves
What is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Conserves resources, integrates and regulates body systems, responses are specific/localized
Distributed to organs, motor components control involuntary movement of smooth and cardiac muscle, glands. Sensory components call interoreceptors relay information from internal tissues and organs
Visceral nerves
You are about to take the Unit 1 exam. As you wait for the exam to start, your heart starts pounding. Which portion of the nervous system is involved in this response?
Sympathetic Nervous System
autonomic nervous system
Regulates, coordinates, and integrates the activity, responses, and functions of the individual organs (viscera)
You just finished a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich and a large chocolate frosty dessert. Which portion of the nervous system will help you digest the tasty meal?
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Innervates involuntary muscle (smooth, cardiac) and glands
autonomic nervous system
How many neurons are required for the autonomic nervous system to produce an effect?
initiates involuntary activities
autonomic nervous system
I am an autonomic neuron located in the brain. What type of autonomic neuron am I?
preganglionic neuron
sensory fibers that monitor the functional status of viscera and convey the sensation of visceral pain
I am an autonomic neuron located in the peripheral nervous system. What type of autonomic neuron am I?
postganglionic neuron
1 of 2 divisions of ANS that mobilizes energy reserves and generates an "all or none" response
What is the difference between an autonomic and sensory ganglion?
There are no synapses in sensory ganglia.
1 of 2 divisions of ANS that conserves resources, integrates and regulates body systems, and generates a localized/specific response.
What are some of the ways autonomic nerves travel to organs?
1. Independently, either in a named nerve or plexus
2. With spinal/cranial nerves and their branches.
3. With blood vessels
*Most organs receive sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers with the exception of cutaneous blood vessels, hair shafts, and sweat glands, which receive only post ganglionic sympathetic fibers
location of preganglionic neuron
CNS (brain or spinal cord)
Where do the sympathetic fibers originate in the spinal cord?
location of postganglionic neuron
PNS ganglion where synapse occurs
Where do the parasympathetic fibers originate in the spinal cord?
Brain and S2-S4
two neuron chain
In the autonomic nervous system an intervening synapse is required to produce an effect
Where are the cell bodies of sympathetic nerves located within the spinal cord?
In the lateral horn of the gray matter in the spinal cord.
Autonomic ganglia are located in the CNS or PNS
Where do the axons of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons exit the spinal cord?
They exit as components as the ventral roots of the spinal nerves
3 ways autonomic nerves are distributed to organs
independently forming a named nerve of plexus, with spinal or cranial nerves and their branches, with blood vessels
How do the preganglionic sympathetic neurons get from the ventral ramus to the sympathetic chain ganglion?
They travel from the ventral ramus to the white ramus communicans, which leads directly to the sympathetic chain ganglion
Exceptional organs that do not receive both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
smooth musculature of cutaneous blood vessels, erector pili, and sweat glands (receive only postganglionic sympathetic fibers)
Where are the majority of synapses between pre and postganglionic sympathetic neurons located?
the sympathetic chain ganglion
The segments in between which the sympathetic component of the ANS originates
How many different types of nerve fibers are contained within a dorsal ramus? A ventral ramus? A ventral root? A dorsal root?
Dorsal ramus: motor, sensory, postganglionic sympathetic
Ventral ramus: same
dorsal root: sensory (afferent)
ventral root: motor (efferent), preganglionic sympathetic
Where does the parasympathetic component of the ANS originate?
Brain and S2-S4
What is the traditional path of an preganglionic sympathetic nerve as it exits the spinal cord?
ventral root----> spinal nerve---> white ramus communicans ---> sympathetic chain ganglion --> ventral/dorsal rami ---> periphery
Only location in the entire nervous system where preganglionic sympathetic neurons are found
Intermediolateral cell column of the gray matter of the spinal cord at levels T1-L2
How do organs and skin at a level of the spinal cord without sympathetic fibers receive sympathetic information?
Sympathetic fibers can travel up or down the sympathetic chain, synapse, and join dorsal or ventral rami to proceed to various organs or tissue.
Axons of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons exit the gray matter of the spinal cord as components of the _____ roots of spinal nerves
What are the names of the preganglionic sympathetic fibers that synapse in the prevertebral ganglia called?
The thoracic and lumbar splanchnic nerves
___ganglionic neurons travel through the white ramus commicans to before entering the paravetebral or pre-vertebral sympathetic chain ganglia
What do the prevertebral ganglia innervate?
The abdominal and pelvic viscera
___ganglionic neurons travel through the gray ramus commicans to be distributed to the skin together with somatic sensory fibers in the dorsal or ventral rami.
How does a sympathetic response terminate?
When the signal that started the response ends
location of paravertebral chain ganglia
adjacent to the vertebral column bilaterally and run from the cervical to the coccygeal region.
Where are the cell bodies of afferent visceral fibers located?
dorsal root ganglia
location of pre-vertebral chain ganglia
in the abdominal cavity in association with (in front of) major branches of the aorta for which they are named.
How does referred pain work?
Exteroreceptors from the somatic nervous system are located at the same level as the visceral afferent fibers within the spinal cord. The brain misinterprets the information as coming from the dermatomes.
3 possible courses for a presynaptic fiber in the sympathetic trunk
enter and synapse immediately with a postsynaptic neuron of the paravertebral ganglion at that level, ascend of descend in the sympathetic trunk to synapse with a postsympathetic neuron of a different level, or pass through the sympathetic trunk without synapsin, continuing on by means of an abdominopelvic splanchnic nerve to reach a prevertebral ganglion.
The postganglionic fiber (axon) exits via a gray ramus communicans to join either the _____ or ____ ramus
ventral or dorsal
What are the different types of fibers contained within a dorsal or ventral ramus?
somatic motor, somatic sensory, postganglionic sympathetic AKA
somatic efferent, somatic afferent, visceral efferent
ventral ramus of thoracic spinal nerve is aka
intercostal nerve
preganglionic sympathetic fibers exit the spinal cord via the ____ root to travel through a white ramus communicans to synapse in the sympathetic chain
a post-ganglionic fiber destined to travel through the skin via a dorsal or ventral ramus will traverse the ____ ramus communicans?
(T/F) There are NO parasympathetic fibers located in the dorsal or ventral rami.
How is a peripheral sympathetic response terminated?
when the signal/stimulus that elicited the sympathetic response ends.
sympathetic neuron that terminates in smooth muscle of peripheral blood vessels to vasoconstrict
sympathetic neuron that stimulates sweat glands in the skin
sympathetic neuron that supplies smooth musculature associated with hair shafts in the skin
(T/F) Some postganglionic sympathetic fibers are distributed directly to the heart or lungs.
(T/F)The abdominal and pelvic viscera only receive sympathetic innervation from prevertebral ganglia.