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34 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Superior Boundary of neck
Superior nuchal line
mastoid process
inferior margin of mandible
Inion #
Inferior boundary of neck
Superior Thoracic aperature
Apex of axilla
Sternum, clavicle, acromion,
7th cervical vertebrate
Surface anatomy: triangles
Anterior triangle: stuff going from head
to thorax

Posterior triangle: going from thorax/neck and upper limb
surface anatomy general
hyoid bone, sternal angle, clavicle,
sternocleidomastold, lower margin of mandible, trapezius, thyroid cartilage, sternal notch
Going down neck, structures:
Hyoid bone, (C3)
Thyrohyoid membrane
Thyroid cartilage (bifurcation) C4-5
Cricoid Cartilage (C6 middle)
Thyroid Gland (not white)
posterior triangle of the neck borders
innervation, insertion, and action
insertion- superior nuchal line and mastoid process
innervation- spinal accessory
action- unilaterally moves neck so ear can touch shoulder, bilaterally - flexion of the neck ie chin towards manubrium
Unilateral shortening of sternocleidomastoid, head tilted to one side, causes asymmetrical growth of the spinal column
posterior triangle of the neck muscles inside
Semispinalis capitis
splenius capitis
levator scapulae
scalenus - posterior, medius, anterior
serratus anterior
posterior triangle of the neck subdivisions
divided by inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
occipital triangle - large and superior
suprascapular triangle - small and inferior
posterior triangle of the neck nerves
Accessory nerve (CNXI)
Cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
Trunks of the Brachial plexus
posterior triangle of the neck arteries
occipital artery - from external carotid (tip of apex)
transverse cervical- from thyrocervical trunk
suprascapular - from " trunk
subclavian artery - in supraclavicular triangle
posterior triangle of the neck veins
External jugular vein
subclavian vein
posterior triangle of the neck lymph nodes
spinal accessory nerve in Post Triangle of neck
innervates SCM and trapezius, located superior to levator scapulae
cervical plexus in post tri of neck
located on scalenius medius, formed by anterior rami of C1-C4, form loops
Branches of the cervivcal plexus
Lesser occipital-C2, posterior to SCM to supply neck and scalp
Great auricular - over SCM, supplies skin around mandible
Transverse Cervical- posterior triangle to anterior triangle
Supraclavicular nerve - supplies skin over shoulder and upper chest - branches into 3 more...
infrahyoid musmcles
swallowing and vocalization, innervated by C1-C3
ansa cervacalis and roots
C1-C3 Loop
Superior loop -derived from C2
Inferior loop- derived from C2/C3
innervates the infrahyoid muscles
phrenic nerves
C3-5. mostly from C4 nerve. formed and descends anterior scalenus muscle. innervates diaphragm, sensory to coverings of diaphragm
other cervical plexus muscle innervations
levator scapulae, scalenus muscles, prevertebral muscles
brachial plexus roots
passes between first rib, clavicle, and superior border of scapula to enter the axilla
Posterior triangle of neck: arteries
Occipital - near SCM and splenius cap
Subclavian artery- anterior part of triange right above clavicle branches into thryocervical trunk, that into:
transverse cervical - top branch
suprascapular artery - bottom branch
Posterior triangle of neck: veins
external jugular - main big vein, turns into
right subclavian vein as it leaves triangle
Posterior triangle of neck: nodes
occipital nodes - drains post scalp and neck
mastoid nodes - posterior to ear,drains posteriolateral part of head
parotid - anterior to ear, drains anterior auricle
submandibular nodes - inferior to mandible, common place to check
deep cervical nodes- all head and neck nodes eventually drain here, goes to thoracic or right lymphatic duct
superficial cervical fascia
connective tissue between skin and deep fascia, has platysma (veins, vessels, nerves) and fat, can be seen surface anatomy when neck is flexed,
deep cervical fascia
deep to superficial- still surrounds muscles and nerves, compartmentalizes the neck
deep fasciae parts
1. Investing fasciae
2. Prevertebral fasciae
- a. axillary sheath
- b. suprapleural membrane
3. Pretracheal fasciae
4. Carotid sheath
Investing layer of deep fasciae
Makes collar around neck - attached to bones
Investing layer of deep fasciae superficial parotid layer
attaches above zygomatic arch, cover behind SCM and in front of masseter
Investing layer of deep fasciae deep parotid layer
medial surface of gland, attaches to skull, thinner than superfical layer
axillary sheath
surrounds arteries, nerves, and lymphocytes
carotid sheath
around carotid canal and jugular foramen, from skull down to neck
fascial spaces
prevertebral space is the dangerous space