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55 Cards in this Set

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Fascia arises from spinous processes and ligamentum nuchae
investing layer
Blends with fascia of head, Parotid gland and masseter
Investing layer
Envelopes the stylohyoid and digastric
Investing layer
Fascia that surround trachea, esopahgus, thyroid gland and parathyroid
Pretracheal Layer
Pretracheal layer is attached to
Thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
Anterior layer of prevertrebal - blends with esophagus fascia (winglike)
Poster prevertebral - extends into
Lies outside of carotid sheath
SYM trunk
Ansa Cervicalis
Space on both sides of alar
retropharyngeal space
Retropharyngeal space is between esophagus, pharynx and
prevertebral fascia
Buccopharyngeal fascia covers the
pharyngeal wall
Right Subclavian joins to
medial border of anterior scalene
Left Subclavian joins to
arch of aorta to medial border of anterior scalene
First branch of subclavian
Vertebral a.
2nd branch of subclavian
Thyrocervical a
Thyrocervical a.
3 branches
1 Inferior thyroid
ascending cervical
2 Tranverse cervical
3 Suprascapular
3rd branch od subclavian
Internal thoracic
Second part of subclavian behind anterior scalene
4th branch
Costocervical trunk
highest intercostal - post spaces 1 and 2
Deep cervical a.
Third part of subclavian - lateral margin of
ant. scalene to 1st rib
Axillary vein - becomes the
subclavian vein
Subclavian vein - joins the
I Jugular v.
IJV + EJV - join the
brachiocephalic v.
Left side lymphatics - thoracic duct enters junction of
LEFT internal jugular and subclavian veins
Right side lymphatics
right lymphatic trunk enters junction of
RIGHT internal jugular and subclavian veins
Thoracic duct - drain for
Left and right EXCEPT Upper right head and limb
Sympathetic trunk is located posterior to
SYMP trunk
Sympathetic trunk contains ascending ______fibers from _______
PREganglionic from T1-4
Cervical Ganglia - sends _______ to spinal nerves and _______
gray rami communicans
Super cervical ganglion - largest - is located
in front of upper two cervical vertebrae
Sympathetic innervation of the head
Supeior cervical ganglion
Pressur on ganglion from aneurism of INTERNAL carotid artery - causes
Horner's Syndrome
3 symptoms of Horner's
Miosis - contstricted pupil (occulomotor is intact an unopposed)
Ptosis - subtle (Tarsis)
Facial hemi - anhydrosis
Anydrosis -
dry - No sweat (no SYMP)
Middle cervical ganglion usually located -
at level of cricoid cartilage
Inferior cervical ganglion (ICG) located
posterior to vertebral artery
ICG may fuse with 1st thoracic ganglion to form
stellate ganglion
ICG ____ the loop of SYMP nerves around subclavian artery
Ansa cervicalis
RIGHT vagus nerve lies anterior to _________ and behind_____
1st part of subclavian
behind Subclavian vein
LEFT vagus nerve lies between
common carotid and subclavian arteries
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve:
Both lie between _____ and
name change ________
between thyroid gland and trachea
name change:inferior laryngeal nerve at cricoid cartilage
Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve loops -
around right subclavian artery
Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve loops -
around ligamentum arteriosum
Internal Carotid Artery enters through the
Carotid canal
Anastomoses of thyroid gland
Superior thyroid (external carotid) and
Inferior thyroid (thyrocervical of subclavian)
Anastomoses of Face
Right Facial to Left Facial
Anastomoses of tongue
R lingual to L lingual
Anastomoses of scalp
Occipital (ext carotid)
superior temporal (ext carotid)
Lymphatics of heand and neck mostly empty into deep cervial nodes located along the
carotid sheath
Superficial nodes located along
external jugular vein
On the right - deep cervical nodes empty into
right jugular trunk - joins the subclavian trunk - to form right lymphatic duct
Right lymphatic duct empties into venous at
junction of right internal jugular and subclavian veins
Left side - left jugular and subclavian trunks either join ____ or empty directly into
thoracic duct
junction of left internal jugular and subclavian veins
The thoracic duct empties into venous at junction of
left internal jugular and
subclavian veins
The major lymph nodes in deep areas of neck
External carotid branches
"Some Angry Lady Figured Out PMS":
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superificial temporal