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25 Cards in this Set

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Adductor Longus innervation
Obturator nerve
Quadratus Femoris origin and insertion
origin: Ischial tuberosity; insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Adductor Magnus action
Anterior part adducts and laterally rotates and flexes thigh; posterior part is a synergist of hamstrings in thigh extension
Adductor Magnus innervation
Obturator nerve and sciatic nerve
Gemellus origin and insertion
origin: Ischial spine (superior); insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Quadratus Femoris action
Rotates thigh laterally and stabilizes hip joint
Quadratus Femoris innervation
L5, S1
Obturator Internus origin and insertion
origin: Inner surface of obturator membrane, greater sciatic notch, and margins of obturator foramen; insertion: Greater trochanter in front of piriformis
Gemellus action
Rotates thigh laterally and stabilizes hip joint
Gemellus innervation
L4, L5, S1
Obturator Externus origin and insertion
origin: Outer surface of obturator membrane; external surface of pubis and ischium, and margins of obturator foramen; insertion: By a tendon into trochanteric fossa of posterior femur
Obturator Internus action
As for obturator externus
Obturator Internus innervation
L5, S1
Piriformis origin and insertion
origin: Anterolateral surface of sacrum (opposite greater sciatic notch); insertion: Superior border of greater trochanter of femur
Obturator Externus action
Rotates thigh laterally and stabilizes hip joint
Obturator Externus innervation
Obturator nerve
Gluteus Minimus origin and insertion
origin: Between anterior and inferior gluteal lines on external surface of ilium; insertion: Anterior border of greater trochanter of femur
Piriformis action
Rotates thigh laterally; since inserted above head of femur, can also assist in abduction of thigh when hip is flexed; stabilizes hip joint
Piriformis innervation
S1, S2, L5
Gluteus Medius origin and insertion
origin: Between anterior and posterior gluteal lines on lateral surface of ilium; insertion: By short tendon into lateral aspect of greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus Minimus action
As for gluteus medius
Gluteus Minimus innervation
Superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus Maximus origin and insertion
origin: Dorsal ilium, sacrum, and coccyx; insertion: Gluteal tuberosity of femur; iliotibial tract
Gluteus Medius action
Abducts and medially rotates thigh; steadies pelvis; its action is extremely important in walking; e.g., muscle of limb planted on ground tilts or holds pelvis in abduction so that pelvis on side of swinging limb does not sag; the foot of swinging limb can thus clear the ground
Gluteus Medius innervation
Superior gluteal nerve