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49 Cards in this Set

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Q. Pectoral (anterior) group
Anterior thoracic wall, including breast
Q. Humeral (lateral) group
From upper limb.
Hand and forearm first drain to cubital nodes
Q. Subscapular (posterior) group
Posterior thorax and scapular region
Q. Superficial Nodes
Pectoral (anterior) group, Humeral (lateral) group, Subscapular (posterior) group
Q. Deep Nodes
Central group, Apical Group
Q. Central group
Efferents from superficial axillary.
Drains to apical group
Q. Apical Group
Efferents from some superficial axillary nodes and from central group of deep nodes
Q. Lymph drainage of upper right side
Right Superficial Axillary Nodes (4 Groups)>Deep Nodes (2 Groups) >Subclavian Lymphatic Trunk> Right Lymphatic Duct> Subclavian Vein> Superior Vena Cava
Q. Edema
interruption in lymphactic drainage
Q. Where will interuption of lymph be seen
Distal to interuption
Q. Metastisis
spread of cancer thru lymph
Q. Staging
remove nodes to determine how far along cancer is
Q. Sentinel node biopsy
use of dye to determine the nodes that are draining a tumor
Q. Modified sweat glands
they have no special capsule or sheath
Q. Axillary tail
small part of mammary gland that extends into axilla
Q. Suspensory (Cooper’s) Ligaments:
attach mammary gland to dermis of overlying skin
Q. lactiferous ducts
give rise to buds that form 15-20 lobules of glandular tissue. Out of the nipple
Q. The mammary gland is supplied by
internal thoracic artery, and lateral thoracic artery
Q. Venous drainage goes to:
Mainly to the axillery vein
Q. Axillary tail lymphatic drainage
Lateral & Pectoral Nodes
Q. Lateral portion lymph drainage
Pectoral nodes
Q. Medial portion lymph drainage
Parasternal lymph nodes &
Contralateral breast
Q. Demifacets on bodies of thoracic vertebrae articulate with
heads of ribs
Q. Costal facets on TPs articulate with
tubercles of ribs, except for the inferior two or three thoracic vertebrae
Q. Manubriosternal joint
Sternal Angle T4
Q. Body of the sternum articulates with which ribs
Q. xiphoid process articulates with which rib
Q. Clavicle & Sternum articulate in a
complex joint with a meniscus.
Q. Rib #1, 8-10 articulates with via
a synchondrosis joint
Q. Ribs 2-7 articulate using which type of joint?
synovial joints
Q. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM
Origin: Manubrium sterni and medial 1/3 of clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid process and lateral ½ of superior nuchal line
Action: Singly rotates head to opposite side
Q. Sternothyroid
Origin: Manubrium sterni; first costal cartilage
Insertion: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Action: Depresses thyroid cartilage and larynx
Q. Sternohyoid
Origin: Manubrium sterni and medial end of clavicle
Insertion: Body of hyoid
Action: Depresses hyoid and larynx
Q. True Ribs
1-7 they attach directtly to sternum
Q. False Ribs
8-10 they attach to rib 7
Q. Floating Ribs
11 & 12
Q. Scalene Muscles
Origin: Transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.
Insertion: Anterior & middle: 1st rib.Posterior: 2nd rib
Q. Subclavian Artery divided into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
1st Part:
Vertebral Artery
Internal Thoracic Artery
Thyrocervical Trunk
Costocervical Trunk (left side)
2nd Part
Costocervical Trunk
3rd part
3rd Part:
Dorsal Scapular Artery
Q. intercoastal muscles
Innervation: Intercostal Nerve
Action: Elevate Ribs
Q. Internal Thoracic artery terminates by dividing into?
Superior Epigastric Artery.
Anastomoses with Inferior Epigastric.
Musculo-phrenic Artery
Q. Azygos drains into
inferioir vena cava
Q. Hemiazygos drains
left inferior side
Q. Accessory hemiazygos drains
left superior side
Q. Supreme intercostal vein
upper 3 intercostal spaces into subclavian v
Q. Internal thoracic veins drains
venae commitants
Q. Subcostal Muscle
Origin: Inner surface of near angle of rib.
Insertion: 2-3 Ribs below.
Action: Lowers ribs when 12th rib is fixed by quadratus lumborum
Q. Transverse Thoracis Muscle
Origin: Body and xiphoid of the sternum (ribs 4-6).
Insertion: Costal cartilages of ribs 2-6.
Action: Draw ribs down. (depresses ribs)
Innervation: Intercostal N
Q. Parietal pleura is part of the
sac applied to body wall
Q. Visceral pleura is on
the surface of the lung