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60 Cards in this Set

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Purpose of obturator canal

connects abdominopelvic region with medial compartment of thigh
Purpose of greater sciatic foramen
connects pelvis with gluteal region
Purpose of lesser sciatic foramen
connects gluteal region with perineum
Purpose of inguinal ligament gap
connects abdomen and anteromedial aspect of thigh
Muscles of the anterior thigh
psoas major (ant rami L1-L3)
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius
vastus lateralis
rectus femoris
Innervation of muscles of the anterior thigh
femoral nerve
Muscles of medial thigh
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
obturator externus
Innervation of muscles of medial thigh
obturator nerve
(partially sciatic nerve for obturator externus)
Muscles of posterior thigh
biceps femoris
Innervation of posterior thigh muscles
sciatic nerve
Deep gluteal muscles
obturator internus
gemellus superior
gemellus inferior
quadratus femoris
Innervation of piriformis
Innervation of obturator internus and gemellus superior
obterator internus
Innervation of gemellus inferior and quadratus femoris
quadratus femoris
Function of deep gluteal muscles
laterally rotate and abduct femur
(quadratus only laterally rotates)
Superficial gluteal muscles
gluteus minimus
gluteus medius
gluteus maximus
tensor fasciae latae
Function of gluteus minimus and medius muscles
abduct femor at hip
prevent hip drop
Function of tensor fasciae latae
stabilize knee in extension
Innervation of gluteus minimus
superior gluteal nerve
Innervation of gluteus medius
superior gluteal nerve
Innervation of tensor fasciae latae
superior gluteal nerve
Superficial Posterior muscles of leg
Innervation of superficial posterior leg muscles
tibial nerve
Function of superficial posterior leg muscles
flexion of knee
Deep posterior leg muscles
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis posterior
Innervation of deep posterior leg muscles
tibial nerve
Lateral leg muscles
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
Innervation of lateral leg muscles
superficial fibular nerve
Anterior leg muscles
tibialis anterior
extensor hallucis longus
extensor digitorum longus
fibularis tertius
Innervation of anterior leg muscles
deep fibular nerve
Base of femoral triangle
inguinal ligament
Medial border of femoral triangle
medial of adductor longus muscle
Lateral margin of femoral triangle
medial of sartorius muscle
Floor of femoral triangle
pectineus and adductor longus
Contents of the adductor canal
femoral artery and vein
Contents of femoral triangle
femoral nerve, artery, vein, lymphatics
(from lateral to medial)
Function of gluteus maximus
extend flexed femor at hip
stablize hip and knee joints
Function of tensor fasciae latae
stabilize the knee in extension
Contents of femoral canal
Contents of femoral canal
Function of psoas major and iliacus
Flex thigh at hip
Function of vastus medialis, intermedius, lateralis
Extends leg at knee
Function of rectus femoris
flex thigh at hip and extend leg at knee
Function of sartorius
flex thigh at hip and flex leg at knee
Function of medial thigh muscles
adduct the thigh at hip
Function of adductor longus and magnus
adduct thigh at hip
medially rotate thigh
Function of posterior muscles of thigh
Flex leg at knee
extend thigh at hip
rotate at knee or hip
Function of popliteus
unlocks knee joint
Function of flexor hallucis longus
flexes great toe
Function of flexor digitorum longus
flexes toes
Function of tibialis posterior
Function of lateral leg muscles
Function of posterior leg muscles
flexion of toes
Tarsal bones
cuneiforms (lateral, medial, intermediate)
Dorsal intrinsic muscle of foot
extensor digitorum brevis
1st layer of plantar intrinsic muscles of foot
abductor hallucis
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor digiti minimi
Function of extensor digitorum brevis
flexion of MP joint of great toe
flexion of 2-4
Function of abductor hallucis
abducts and flexes great toe
Function of flexor digitorum brevis
flex 4 toes at proximal PIP
Function of abductor digiti minimi
abducts little toe at MP