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16 Cards in this Set

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ACCESSORY DIGESTIVE ORGANS vs. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (Label - know which ones are which - left side or ride side of chart)

1. parotid salivary gland, teeth, tongue, sublingual salivary gland, submandibular salivary gland, liver, gallbladder, pancreas


1. Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, anus

1. Ingestion - general definition
2. Mechanical ingestion (3 elements)
3. Chemical ingestion
4. Propulsion
5. Secretion
6. Absorption
7. Elimination of Waste
1. taking food into the mouth
2. physical breakdown | Mastication (chewing) | segmentation: mixing and churning in small intestines
3. Molecules break down by enzymes
4. Peristalsis - muscular contraction that moves food through GI tract
5. Production and release of bile, enzymes, etc
6. nutrient transport into blood/lymph vessels
7. defecation of waste

1. Form of what?
2. Involves the contraction and relaxation of ______ muscle in the ______ ______.
3. Does not do what to food?
1. PROPULSION (not digestion)
2. smooth muscle | alimentary canal
3. Does not break up food

1. Local contractions of what?
2. These are involved with what?
3. What does this function do?
1. smooth muscle
2. involved with segmentation
3. mixes food with digestive juices

1. Mucosa - functions
2. Submucosa - describe blood supply
3. Muscularis - what is it, and what is it involved in (2).
4. Serosa - what is it?
1. Secretion and absorption
2. Vascularized and innervated
3. Inner circular and outer longitudinal layer of muscle | segmentation and peristalsis
4. Visceral peritoneum

1. Consists of what structures (6)
2. Lips - epithelium
3. Initial location of what two digestive functions?
1. Cheeks, hard palate, palatal rugae, labia, labial frenulum, oral vistibule
2. stratified squamous epithelium
3. mechanical and chemical digestion
SALIVARY GLANDS (LABEL the 3 and ducts)

1. Name the three salivary glands
2. Autonomic or Somatic innervations?
3. How much saliva produced per day?
4. What purposes does this saliva serve (6)
1. Parotid, submandibular, sublingual
2. Autonomic innervation
3. Produce 1.5 liters/day
4. Wets and binds food, moistens mouth, cleans teeth, kills harmful microorganisms, dissolves food chemicals, enzymes begin digestion of starch

1. What are alveoli
2. what is the enamel
3. What is the dentin
4. What is in the pulp
5. What is the gingiva
1. Sockets in the mandible and maxilla
2. hardest substance in the body
3. Forms bulk of tooth
4. Contains blood vessels and nerves
5. Gums

1. What is the name for our baby teeth?
2. How many do we get?
3. Name for adult teeth
4. How many and how many of each devision?
1. Deciduous or milk teeth
2. 20
3. Permanent Teeth
4. 32

- 8 incisors
- 4 canines
- 8 premolars (bicuspids)
- 12 molars

1. What two divisions serve as the passageway for food, fluid, and air?
2. Epithelium of Pharynx?
3. What's the muscles for swallowing called?
1. Oropharynx and laryngopharynx
2. Stratified Squamous Epithelium
3. Pharyngeal constrictor muscles

1. What is it?
2. What does it propel/
3. What's the opening in the diaphragm called?
4. What's the circular muscle called where the pharynx and esophagus meet?
5. What's the circular muscle called where esophagus and stomach meet?
1. Muscular tube
2. propels swallowed food to stomach
3. Esophageal hiatus
4. Superior esophageal sphincter
5. Inferior esophageal or cardiac sphincter (nothing to do with heart - but involved in "heart burn" or acid reflux)

1. What's happening to the stomach acid in this condition?
2. Causes what?
3. In what type of people is this more common?
1. Acidic stomach contents regurgitating into the esophagus
2. causes "heartburn"
3. Overweight people, smokers, and after a very large meal

What is involuntary vs. voluntary?
The beginning of the process is voluntary, the rest is involuntary

1. What are the Parietal and Visceral Peritoneum?
2. What's the space between the two parietal layer called?
3. What does this space contain?
4. What's the name for the double layer folds of peritoneum?
5. What is its function?
6. Describe Retroperitoneal and what structures fall under this category
1. Serous membrane of abdominopelvic cavity
2. Peritoneal cavity
3. lubricating serous fluid
4. Mesentaries
5. Supports intraperitoneal organs
6. These are organs that lie directly against the body wall (peritoneum missing from one side). Most of duodenum, pancreas, ascending and descending colon, rectum, and kidneys are here.

cardia, fundus, body, greater and lesser curvature, rugae, pyloric region, pyloric sphincter

1. What are the stomachs functions (4)
1. Storage | Churn food with gastric juice | initiate protein digestion | limited absorption

1. What do surface mucous cells do? (secretion and function)
2. What do the mucous neck cells do? (secretion and function)
3. What two things do Parietel cells secrete?
4. Describe function of the GIF (gastric intrinsic factor) and disease related?
5. What is secreted by Chief cells?
6. What digests proteins?
7. What is secreted by enteroendocrine cells (and give the two examples)
1. Mucin secretion to protect stomach lining
2. Acidic mucin secretion to maintain acidic conditions
3. Hydrocholoric acid and Gastric Intrinsic Factor
4. GIF binds to B12 assisting in B12 absorption | Pernicious anemia
5. Enzyme secretion
6. Pepsinogen (type of chief cell) digests proteins
7. Hormone secretion | gastrin and somatostatin