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44 Cards in this Set

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do these ascend or descend?
Adrenal gland
kidneys - ascend slightly
adrenal - glands ascend
gonads - descend
in males the testicles descend ______ than in females.
much further.
what do the kidneys do?
filter blood.
what are the 14 parts of the male urinary system?
urinary bladder
renal vein
testicular artery
testicular vein
dustus deferens
seminal vesicles
ejaculatory duct
prostate gland
what are the veins of the male urogenital system?
Renal vein
testicular vein
that is the gland of the male urinary system?
Prostate gland.
what does the urethra do?
takes urine out of the body.
what is the male gubernaculum.
a string of connective tissue running from the testicle (also ovaries in female), through the inguinal canal, to the scrotum at the abdominal wall. (to the labia major in female)
the male gubernaculum in a male is also known as the ________.
testicular ligament.
how does the gubernaculum pull the testicle down through the inguinal canal?
it stops growing before the rest of the body.
the network of veins formed as the testicular vein approaches the testicle and surrounds the testicular artery and ductus deferens.
Panpiniform plexus.
the left testicular vein empties in to the left ____ vein. The right side does not do this.
this is a great landmark for identifying the testicular and renal vein.
the spermatic cord contains... (3 things)
ductus deferens
testicular artery and vein.
layers of abdominal wall
if the inguinal canal in males stays open ofter development....
continents of the intestines and pelvic cavity can go in it (this is bad)
once the contents of the inguinal canal (ductus deferens, testicular artery/vein and layers of abdominal wall) pass through the superficial ring (go outside the abdominal wall) they are referred to as the...
spermatic cord.
the testicle is responsible for...
germ cell sperm
what is a cryptorchid.
an undescended testicle. it gets stuck in the inguinal canal.
where is the cremaster muscle?
in the scrotum.
its a remnant of the internal oblique.
it can draw testicle to the abdominal wall.
dustus deferens is also known as the...
Vas Deferens.
the epididymis has a:
it is a...
head (leads to ductus deferens)
it is a continuous coiled tube.
the vas deferens (ductus deferens) joins the....
seminal vesicles (L and R)
what are the seminal vesicles (L and R)?
they are responsible for...
they provide...
an accessory sex gland.
the majority of ejaculatory fluid
an environment for sperm to survive.
the ejaculatory duct (L and R) goes through the...
body of the prostate gland.
the prostate gland completely surrounds the...
the prostate gland is a very dense...
this helps keep...
connective tissue capsule.
cancer within the prostate.
the nerves responsible for erection are near the...
prostate gland.
what test detects prostate cancer?
PSA test. (prostate specific antigen)
how does a doctor determine if the prostate is enlarged?
finger in yo ass... ***** (aka: digital rectal exam)
the male reproductive system and urinary system combine in the...
penis means...
what are the 3 columns of connective tissue in the penis
2 corpus cavernosa
1 corpus spongiosum
what is the corpus singular spongiosum?
what does it house?
the center most column of erectile tissue.
the urethra.
the corpora cavernosa ______ at the base of the penis and attaches to the ________
splits into 2 roots (aka:2 crura)
pubic bone
what part of the nervous system takes care of the ejaculation and orgasm?
the sympathetic part of the ANS.
what part of the nervous system takes care of sexual excitement?
parasympathetic part of the ANS.
what gland cleans out the urethra and neutralizes acidity in urine?
bulbourethral gland
why cant a cryptorchid testicle produce sperm?
it is too hot inside the body.
the urethra is housed in the...
corpus spongiosum
the corpus cavernnosa and corpus spongiosum are composed of...
erectile tissue.
the corpus spongiosum ends at...
the base of the penis as a singular bulb.
corpora cavernosa means...
cavernous bodies.
how does the penis maintain an erection?
there is deep fascia that constricts the penis to block of venous return of blood.
what is Vasodilation?
when blood vessels dilate. this happens for an erection to let extra blood pass.
what are the 2 muscles around the penis?
bulbospongiosus muscle
bulbocavernsus muscle