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27 Cards in this Set

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What forms the lesser & greater sciatic foramen?
- sacrospinous & sacrotuberous ligaments
Where do the hamstring muscles generally originate from?
- ischial tuberosity
What is the difference between the origin of the short & long head of the biceps femoris?
- long head originates on the ischial tuberosity

- short head originates on the linea aspera
Which direction do things usualy pass when going through the greater & lesser sciatic foramen?
- greater: from pelvis --> gluteus

- lesser: from gluteus --> pelvis
What are the actions of the gluteus maximus?
- lateral rotation of the thigh + extensor
What is special about the superior & middle cluneal nerves? What levels do they come from?
- both come from dorsal primary rami

- superior: L1-L3

- middle: S1-S3
Inferior cluneal nerve is a branch of the ______. What levels is this main nerve & specifically the inferior cluneal nerve?
- posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1-S3)

- inferior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S2-S3)
what is the difference between the superior & inferior gluteal nerves in terms of where they emerge?
- superior gluteal nerve emerges from above piriformis - supplies medius & minimus

- inferior gluteal nerve emerges from below piriformis supplies the gluteus maximus
who are the main medial rotates of the thigh?
- gluteus medius & minimus
What is the trendelenburg test?
- medius & minimus help support side you're walking on - if don't have this the hip will sag on the unsupported side - called positive test

- normally hip is elevated on unsupported side

- person will lurch towards the affected side
How do the semitendinosus & membranosus criss cross? Where does the biceps tendon attach?
- semitendinosus originates more posterior to membranosus but then criss crosses and inserts more anterior on medial tibia than the membranous, membranosus on upper medial posterior tibia

- biceps attaches on the head of the fibula
What nerve are the hamstrings supplied by? What is the exception?
- tibial division of the sciatic nerve

- short head of biceps is exception - supplied by common peroneal nerve
What tendons are part of the pes anserinus?
- semimembranosus, gracilias, semitendinosus
What is iliotibial band (tract) syndrome?
- pain above lateral knee or along lateral thigh caused by inflammation of the IT band as it rubs against the lateral condyle of the femur
What levels do the superior & inferior gluteal nerves come from? What muscle are they in relation to?
- superior: L4, L5, S1

- inferior: L5, S1, S2

- piriformis
the obturator internus originates inside the pelvis and comes out the __________. The _____ comes out the greater sciatic notch.
- lesser sciatic notch

- piriformis
piriformis syndrome
- sciatic nerve can come through piriformis muscle - pain similar to sciatica

- or common peroneal division can go over the piriformis and be compressed
which gluteus muscles are involved in medial & lateral rotation?
- medial rotation: minimus & medius

- lateral: maximus
what is the safe area for gluteal injections?
- upper lateral quadrant
who do the superior & inferior gluteal arteries supply?
- superior: medius & minimus

- inferior: maximus - really gets blood supply from both b/c so big
how does the internal pudendal artery travel?
- comes out the greater sciatic foramen and goes in the lesser
what arteries make up the cruciate anastamosis?
1) inferior gluteal
2) lateral femoral circumflex
3) medial femoral circumflex
4) first perforating artery - off of deep artery of thigh
what levels does the sciatic nerve come from? What levels is the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh?
- L4 - S3

- S1-S3
once the peroneal nerve wraps around the neck of the fibula what does it become? What happens to tibial nerve?
- superficial & deep peroneal artery

- tibial nerve continues down in the popliteal fossa
the sciatic nerve supplies sensation to all of the lower leg with what exception?
- except medial side done by saphenous nerve - branch of femoral
herniated discs most often compress what nerve roots causing sciatica?
- L5 or S1
a lateral protrusion of a disk between L4 & L5 will pick off what nerve?
- L5