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39 Cards in this Set

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What type of joint is the knee?
Hinge (femur/tibia) and Plane/gliding (Femur/patella)
What does the stability of the knee depend on?
muscles, tendons and ligaments
What are the 3 extrinsic ligaments that strengthen the knee joint?
Patellar, Fibular collateral, Tibial collateral
Which extrinsic ligament of the knee is round and cordlike?
Fibular Collateral
Which extrinsic ligament of the knee is flat and broad?
Tibial collateral
What muscles are the most important for the stability of the knee?
What direction does a patellar dislocation usually occur?
What separates the FCL from the joint cavity?
Tendon of the popliteus
Which extrinsic ligament of the knee is stronger, the FCL or TCL?
What is attached to the tibial collateral ligament?
Medial Meniscus
Where would pain occur in sprains of the external ligaments of the knee?
Near their attachments
What are the 2 cruciate ligaments of the knee and which is stronger?
Anterior and Posterior (stronger)
Which ligament of the knee prevents posterior displacement of the femur on the tibial (hyperextension)?
Which ligament of the knee prevents anterior displacement of the femur or posterior displacement of the tibia (hyperflexion)?
What is the main stabilizer of the femur when walking downhill?
Cruciate ligaments of the knee are inside the ____ but outside the ____ ____ of the joint.
inside the capsule, outside the synovial cavity of the joint
How do tears of the meniscus usually present?
Tenderness at the joint line
Where do meniscus lie?
Articular surface of tibia
What 3 bursa DO NOT communicate with the synovial cavity of the knee joint?
Subcutaneous prepattelar, subcutaneous infrapatellar and deep infrapatellar
Inflammation of which two bursas may lead to a Baker's cyst?
Gastrocnemius and Semimembranosus bursas
Inflammation of which bursa would give you "housemaid's knee?"
Subcutaneous prepatellar
Inflammation of which bursa would give you "Clergyman's knee?"
Subcutaneous infrapatellar
What supplies blood to the knee?
5 genicular branches of the popliteal artery
What is the "Unhappy Triad?"
Rupture of tibial collateral ligament, medial meniscus and ACL (lateral blow to the knee)
What is it called when the cartilagenous covering on the deep aspect of the patella is worn away? Often in long distance runners?
Chondromalacia, Runner's Knee or Patellofemoral syndrome
Where is meniscus most likely to heal?
Closer to the periphery where the blood supply is better
What is the most commonly injured joint of the body?
Talocrural (ankle)
What type of joint is the talocrural (ankle)?
Hinge joint
What functions does the talocrural joint preform?
Plantar and Dorsiflexion
What type of movement would injure the deltoid (medial) ligament?
What ligament would an inversion sprain of the ankle injure?
Anterior Talofibular (Lateral Collateral Ligament)
When would a Pott's fx occur?
Eversion of the foot
What type of fracture happens due to eversion of the foot and when the medial malleolus is avulsed and the lateral movement of the tallus breaks the fibula?
Pott's fx
What is the most common ligament sprained in the body?
Lateral ligament (Anterior Talofibular)
What type of ankle sprains are the most common?
Subtalar Joint
What type of joint is the hip?
Ball and socket
What is the most important ligament of the hip?
What does the iliofemoral ligament prevent?
overextension of the hip joint