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193 Cards in this Set

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  • 3rd side (hint)
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
serratus anterior
intercostal spaces
What are the spaces between the ribs?
What are the spaces between the ribs?
internal intercostal
external intercostals
axillary artery and vein
What are the big red and blue vessels?
What are the big red and blue vessels?
cephalic vein
What is #2 and #3?
What is #2 and #3?
thorocoacromial artery
What is #2?
What is #2?
Rhomboids (major)

*Note - minor right above
Levator scapulae
Latissimus dorsi
Teres major
Erector spinae
dorsal root ganglia
What is #3?
What is #3?
filum terminale
What is #3?
What is #3?
cauda equina
The brackets around #1 indicate what structure?
The brackets around #1 indicate what structure?
conus medularis
What is #2?
What is #2?
What is being held by the forceps (on either side of spinal cord)?
What is being held by the forceps (on either side of spinal cord)?
dorsal and ventral primary rami
What structures are shown here? (2)
What structures are shown here? (2)
spinal accessory nerve
What type of nerves are the arrow pointing to?
What type of nerves are the arrow pointing to?
suprascapular nerve
What nerve is shown here w/ its accompanying artery?
What nerve is shown here w/ its accompanying artery?
axillary nerve
What is #12?
What is #12?
transverse cervical artery
What is #14?
What is #14?
posterior humeral circumflex artery
What is #10?
What is #10?
suprascapular artery
What is #13?
What is #13?
long head of triceps
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
lateral head of triceps
What is the bottom left arrow pointing to?
What is the bottom left arrow pointing to?
long head of biceps brachii
What is #10 pointing to (part of #12)?
What is #10 pointing to (part of #12)?
short head of biceps brachii
What is #11 pointing to (part of #12)?
What is #11 pointing to (part of #12)?
What muscle is this?

*Hint - between the biceps and triceps
What muscle is this?

*Hint - between the biceps and triceps
What is muscle marked in purple?
What is muscle marked in purple?
What muscle is the red arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the red arrow pointing to?
subscapular artery
What artery is #9?
What artery is #9?
posterior humeral circumflex
What artery is the bottom purple arrow pointing to?
What artery is the bottom purple arrow pointing to?
thoracodorsal artery
What artery is the top blue arrow pointing to?
What artery is the top purple arrow pointing to?
scapular circumflex
What artery is #8?
What artery is #8?
profunda brachii
What brach (indicated in green) off the brachial artery is shown here?
What brach (indicated in green) off the brachial artery is shown here?
medial cord
What cord is indicated in green?
What cord is indicated in green?
lateral cord
What cord is indicated in purple?
What cord is indicated in purple?
What cord is indicated in red?
What cord is indicated in red?
posterior cord
What cord is indicated in blue (between purple and green)?
What cord is indicated in blue (between purple and green)?
median nerve
What nerve forms the middle arm of the M?
What nerve forms the middle arm of the M?
What nerve is indicated in blue?
What nerve is indicated in blue?
musculocutaneous nerve
What nerve forms the left arm (lateral aspect) of the M?
What nerve forms the left arm (lateral aspect) of the M?
What nerve is indicated in yellow?
What nerve is indicated in yellow?
ulnar nerve
What nerve forms the right arm (medial aspect) of the M?
What nerve forms the right arm (medial aspect) of the M?
What nerve is indicated in green?
What nerve is indicated in green?
long thoracic nerve
What nerve is indicated in bright yellow?
What nerve is indicated in bright yellow?
thoracodorsal nerve
What nerve is A pointing to?
What nerve is A pointing to?
radial nerve
What is #9?
What is #9?
flexor carpi ulnaris
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
flexor carpi radialis
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
palmaris longus
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
pronator teres
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
flexor digitorum superficialis
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
flexor digitorum profundus
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
flexor pollicis longus
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
extensor digitorum
What muscle is indicated by the arrow?
What muscle is indicated by the arrow?
extensor indicis
What muscle is the arrow point to?
What muscle is the arrow point to?
extensor digiti minimi
What muscle is the arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the arrow pointing to?
extensor pollicis longus
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
extensor pollicis brevis
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
abductor pollicis longus
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
ulnar nerve
What is the 2nd nerve?
What is the 2nd nerve?
radial nerve
What is the 3rd nerve?
What is the 3rd nerve?
median nerve
What is the 1st nerve?
What is the 1st nerve?
dorsal interossei (hand)
What muscles are these?
What muscles are these?
adductor pollicis (hand)
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscles are these?
What muscles are these?
abductor pollicis brevis
What muscle is being pulled away by the probe?
What muscle is being pulled away by the probe?
flexor pollicis brevis
What muscle is the blue arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the blue arrow pointing to?
opponens pollicis
What muscle is the blue arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the blue arrow pointing to?
Tendons of the FDS and FDP on fingers
Name these 2 tendons.
Name these 2 tendons.
median nerve (hand)
What is the nerve in the middle?
What is the nerve in the middle?
passes through carpal tunnel
ulnar nerve (hand)
What is the nerve on the left?
What is the nerve on the left?
radial nerve (superficial)
What is the nerve on the top right?
What is the nerve on the top right?
recurrent median nerve (hand)
What is b pointing to?
What is b pointing to?
digital branches (hand)
What nerve(s) are the blue arrows pointing to?
What nerve(s) are the blue arrows pointing to?

Name all 8 carpal bones (from the radial to ulnar side).
Name all 8 carpal bones (from the radial to ulnar side).
glenoid, supra glenoid tubercule, acromion, spine, coracoid
Name these 5 structures on the scapula.
Name these 5 structures on the scapula.
head (4), bicipital groove (blue arrow), greater (1) and lesser tubercle (2), deltoid tuberosity (7), medial (10) and lateral (12) epidondyle, capitulum (8), trochlea (9)
Name these 9 structures on the humerus.
Name these 9 structures on the humerus.
bicipital tuberosity
styloid process
Name these 3 structures on the radius.
Name these 3 structures on the radius.
trochlear notch (no #)
coronoid process (no #)
olecranon process (2)
styloid (8)
head (1)lige
Neme these 5 structures on ulna.
Neme these 5 structures on ulna.
medial collateral ligament
What ligament is this?
What ligament is this?
lateral collateral ligament
What ligament is this?
What ligament is this?
annular ligament
What ligament is this?
What ligament is this?
long head of biceps tendon
What is #4 pointing to?
What is #4 pointing to?
jugular notch
angle of Luis
xiphoid process
Name these 5 structures of the sternum.
Name these 5 structures of the sternum.
transverse process
spinous process

superior articular process
Name these 5 structures of the vertebrae.

What is the blue arrow pointing to?
Name these 5 structures of the vertebrae.

What is the blue arrow pointing to?
What bone is this?
What bone is this?
gluteus maximus
What muscles is this?
What muscles is this?
gluteus medius
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
gluteus minimus
What muscles is this?
What muscles is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
quadratus femoris
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
obturator internis
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
sciatic nerve (gluteal region)
What nerve is the arrow pointing to?
What nerve is the arrow pointing to?
superior gluteal nerve
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
inferior gluteal nerve
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
pudendal nerve
What nerve is this?
What nerve is this?
superior gluteal (vessel)
What vessel is b pointing to?
What vessel is b pointing to?
inferior gluteal (vessel)
What vessel is a pointing to?
internal pudendal (vessel)
What vessel is the purple arrow pointing to?
What vessel is the purple arrow pointing to?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
long head & short head of biceps femoris
what muscle(s) is this?
what muscle(s) is this?
vastus lateralis (quad)
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
vastus intermedius
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
vastus medius
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
rectus femoris
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
What muscle is this?

Part of what group?
#1 and #2 point to which muscle (same)?
#1 and #2 point to which muscle (same)?
What muscle is the blue arrow pointing to?
What muscle is the blue arrow pointing to?
What is #3 pointing to?
What is #3 pointing to?
femoral nerve
What is #1?
What is #1?
obturator nerve
What #3?
What #3?
sciatic nerve
What nerve is the line pointing to?
What nerve is the line pointing to?
tibial nerve
What is the blue arrow pointing to?
What is the blue arrow pointing to?
common peroneal nerve
What is the yellow arrow pointing to?
What is the yellow arrow pointing to?
femoral artery + vein
What pair of vessels is 2 and 4 pointing to?
What pair of vessels is 2 and 4 pointing to?
great saphenous vein
What vessel is this?
What vessel is this?
profunda femoris
What artery is the arrow pointing to?
What artery is the arrow pointing to?
medial (4) and lateral (3) femoral circumflex
What structures are 3 and 4 pointing to?
What structures are 3 and 4 pointing to?
tensor fascia latae
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
Top of IT band - tenses it
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
Tibialis posterior

Deep posterior compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
Flexor hallucis longus

Deep posterior compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
Flexor digitorum longus

Deep posterior compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment
Extensor digitorum longus

Anterior compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
Extensor hallucis longus

Anterior compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
Tibialis anterior

Anterior compartment
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
What muscle is this?

What compartment?
peroneus longus

Lateral compartment
What muscle is #5?

What compartment?
What muscle is #5?

What compartment?
peroneus brevis
peroneus longus

Lateral compartment
What muscle is the green box? The red box?

What compartment?
What muscle is the green box? The red box?

What compartment?
popliteal artery
What artery is the purple box?
What artery is the purple box?
peroneal artery
What artery is the red box?
What artery is the red box?
anteior tibial artery
What is A pointing to?
What is A pointing to?
dorsalis pedis
What artery is the red box?
What artery is the red box?
sciatic nerve
splits into peroneal and tibial nerves
common peroneal
Blue box nerve?
Blue box nerve?
Red box nerve?
Red box nerve?
superficial peroneal
Which branch of the peroneal nerve is the top arrow pointing to?
Which branch of the peroneal nerve is the top arrow pointing to?
deep peroneal
Which branch of the peroneal nerve is the bottom arrow pointing to?
Which branch of the peroneal nerve is the bottom arrow pointing to?
plantar aponeurosis
What is #2?
What is #2?
quadratus plantae
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
tendons of flexor digitorum longus
What tendon is this?
What tendon is this?
flexor hallicus longus + tibialis posteior
flexor digitorum brevis
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
abductor hallicus
What muscle is this?
What muscle is this?
lumbricals of foot
What muscles are these?
What muscles are these?
medial (blue) and lateral (red) plantar nerve and artery
What nerve and artery pair is the red box?

Blue box?
What nerve and artery pair is the red box?

Blue box?
ischial tuberosity
What bony landmark is the blue box?
What bony landmark is the blue box?
ischial spine
What is this "opening"?
What is this "opening"?
iliac crest
What is this bony landmark?
What is this bony landmark?
iliac tubercle
symphysis pubis
What is this?
What is this?
pubic tubercle
inferior & superior pubic ramus
What are these?
What are these?
"on top of" and "below" the PUBIC symphasis
obturator foramen
greater and lesser sciatic foramen
sacrospinous ligament
What ligament is the red box?
What ligament is the red box?
sacrotuberous ligament
What ligament is the blue box?
What ligament is the blue box?
inguinal ligament
head of femur
surgical neck of femur
anatomic neck of femur
greater trochanter of femur
lesser trochanter of femur
medial femoral condyle
lateral femoral condyle
tibial plateau
intercondylar eminences (tibia)
Blue box
Blue box
tibial tuberosity
Blue box
Blue box
medial malleolus
Blue box
Blue box
head of fibula
neck of fibula
lateral malleolus of fibula
Lateral Cuneiform
Intermediate Cuneiform
Medial Cuneiform
Name all 7 tarsal bones.
Name all 7 tarsal bones.
What is this WHOLE bone?
What is this WHOLE bone?
Patella/quadriceps tendon
2 tendons that attach to the patella
2 tendons that attach to the patella
Iliofemoral ligament
What ligament is this?
What ligament is this?
anterior cruciate ligament
Red ligament?
Red ligament?
posterior cruciate ligament
blue ligament?
blue ligament?
medial and lateral meniscus
What lies between the femur and tibia (green box)?
What lies between the femur and tibia (green box)?
medial collateral ligament of knee
Purple ligament
Purple ligament
lateral collateral ligament of knee
Yellow ligament
Yellow ligament
anterior talofibular ligament
Red boxes represent what ligament?
Red boxes represent what ligament?
calcaneofibular ligament
Yellow box ligament?
Yellow box ligament?
iliotibial tract