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28 Cards in this Set

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what it is?


Name this stage of mitosis A, B, & C

A prophase

B telophase

C interphase

This stage of mitosis is


This stage of mitosis is


A. What it is?

B. Function?

C. Found in?

D. Small dark spots are?

E. Large white circles are?

A. Adipose

B. use to store fat in the body

C. in the hypodermis & membrane

D. Nucleuses

E. Lipid Droplet

A. What it is?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Pink cells are?

E. Dark lines are?

A. Reticular tissue

B. filtration

C. liver, lymph nodes, spleen,

& bone.

D. Fibroblast or reticularcyte

E. Reticular fibers

Named A, B, & C

D. What it is?

E. Function?

F. Location?

A. Collagen fiber

B. Fibroblast

C. Elastin fiber

D. Areolar tissue

E. Elasticity

F. Dermis

A. What it is?

Name B, C, D, E

F. Location

A. Compact Bone

B. Canaliculi

C. Osteon

D. Haversian Canal

E. Osteocyte

F. Found in the surface of the bone & cancellous bone

A. what it is?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Dark cells are?

E. Pink linear tissue are?

A. DWFCT Regular

B. attach muscle to bone

C. Tendon

D. Fibroblast

E. Collagen

A. What is it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Dark dots are?

A. DWFCT Irregular

B. Touches

C. Dermis

D. Fibroblast

A. What it is?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Purple color is?

A. Elastic Cartilage

B. Protection & Structure

C. Nose, ear,pharinx

D. Elastic fiber

A. What it is?

B. Function?

C. Location?

Name D,E,F,G,H

I. Cell name are?

A. hyaline Cartilage

B. Cushioning / shock a lo sorbiry structure

C. Tracheal & the end of long bone

D. nucleus

E. lacuna

F. Elasticity fiber

G. perichondrium

H. Condroblast

I. Chandrocytes

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Dark dots are?

E. The lines are?

A. Fibro Cartilage

B. support/cushion/structure

C. Intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis & sacroiliac joints

D. Condrocytes

E. Collagen fiber

Name of the whole thing?

A. All stuff not the ring is?

B. Function?

C. All around the ring is?

D. Location?


A. Simple cuboidal

B. Filtration

C. Simple squamous

D. kidney

A. What is it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Horizontal line are?

A. Skeletal muscle

B. move skeleton

C. through the whole body

D. Striations

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. location?

A. Cardiac muscle

B. Move blood

C. Heart

A. Name it?

B. Function?

D. Location?

A. Smooth muscle

B. organ movement

C. visceral, uterus, blood vessels, intestine

A. The whole thing is?

Name B,C,D

E. All thinks throughout

F. Location?

G. Name of the tissue?

A. Neurons

B. Axon


D. Dendrites

E. Neuroglia

F. Spinal cord gray matter

G. Nervous tissue

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

D. Large triangle is?

A. Cerebral cortex

B. cognition, thinking, interpreting sensory data & initial movement

C. interscaleting disk, outer layer of the brain

D. Phyramidal neuron cells

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Meissner's corpuscle

B. Light touch

C. dermis upper portion

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Pacinian corpuscle

B. Deep touch

C. Dermis lower portion

A. Name it?

B. Location?

Name the C,D,E

A. Neuromuscular junction

B. Found in the space between axon terminal & skeletal muscle

C. Axon

D. Motor End Plate

E. Skeletal muscle

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Keratinized epithelium

B. Protection

C. epidermis in skin & scalp

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Non keratinize epethilium

B. Protein, it allow them to secret mucus & be moist

C. epidermis of vagina & mouth

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?


B. Produce mucus & filter the air

C. Trochlea

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Transitional epethilium

B. Distension

C. Urinary bladder

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Simple columnar epithelial

B. Store/concentrate bile

C. Gallbladder, stomach, colon,uterus,small intestine

A. Name it?

B. Function?

C. Location?

A. Stratified squamous epithelial

B. Protection

C. epidermis, next to underlying connective tissues of cuboidal cells