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71 Cards in this Set

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What holds joints together and increases their stability?
- cohesion
- atmospheric pressure
- interlocking structures
- thickening of the capsule (ligament)
- muscles
What are teh 4 characteristics of the General Synovial joints of the upper limbs?
1) ends with synovial cartilage ( a type of hyaline or articular cartilage)
2) capsule with synovial fold and membrane that secretes synovial fluid
3) thickening of capsule= ligament
4) classified by motion permitted or teh shape
What are Plane/gliding joints, examples?
- joints where surfaces meet at horizontal and flat articulations
- AC joints, sternoclavicular joints, most carpometacarpal
Hinge joints/Ginglymus
- elbow, proximal/distal phalangeles
- allow flextion/extension
- they have lateral and collateral ligaments are either side
What are condoloid, examples?
- globular shaped end/ head that articulates with another surface
- metacarpal phalangeal joints, except first
What is a pivot joint, examples?
- permits rotation
- proximal/distal radioulnar joints
What is a Saddle joint, examples?
- only one example in upper
- between trapezium and first metacarpal
- convex/concave surfaces that articulate
What is a Ball and socket?
- glenoid-humeral joint
- high range motion, low stability
- aka enarthrosis or spheroidal joints
Where are Elipisoid joints?
- distal end radius and proximal row carpal bones
- radiocarpal
What type of joint is an acromioclavicular joint?
- plane synovial joint
Where is the acromioclavicular joint?
- lateral end of clavicle and medial surface of the acromion process of scapula
What type of ligaments do the acromioclavicular joint have?
- capsular ligament
- coracoclavicular ligament
Where is the capsular ligament?
- surrounds acromioclavicular joint
- horizontal ligament
Where is the coracoclavicular ligament?
- accessory ligament joining coracoid process to undersurface of the clavicle
What are the 2 portions of the coracoclavicular ligament?
- medial conoid ligament (inverted cone, creates conoid tubercle)
- lateral trapezoid ligament
What do the coracloclavicular ligaments do?
- prevents the clavicle going up away from coracoid process
What does the superior transverse scapular ligament do?
- covers the superior scapular notch so that it is a closed passage way for the suprascapular nerve
- suprascapular vessel goes over
Where is the coracoacromial ligament?
- lateral margin of the coracoid process to the undersurface of acromion
What does the coracoacromial ligament do?
- stabilizes AC joint
Where is the coracohumeral ligament?
- coracoid process to greater tubercle of humerus
Where is the transverse ligament/transverse humoral ligament
- attaches to greater and lesser tubercle of humerus
- bridges over intertubercle sulcus
The glenohumeral joint is upper body is?
- ball and socket synovial joint articulation between glenoid fossa and head of humerus
What is the positive/drawback of ball and socket joints?
- greatest motility
- least stability
What is the glenoid labrum?
- fibrocartilaginous at the margins of the glenoid fossa (thicker anteriorly)
The capsule of the coracohumeral ligament has 3 ligaments that are thicker anteriorly, what are they?
- superior glenohumeral ligament
- middle glenohumeral ligament
- inferior glenohumeral ligament
Where is the superior glenohumeral ligament located?
- above the area between joint cavity and subscapular birsa
Where is the middle glenohumeral located?
- below the joint cavity and subscapular bursa
Where is the inferior glenohumeral ligament?
- inferior to middle glenohumeral
Where do you see the coracohumeral?
- posteriorly and inferiorly (within joint)
Where is the glenohumeral/shoulder joint?
- glenoid fossa of scapula and head of humerus
Where does the major strength of the glenohumeral joint?
- rotator muscles (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor)
What is the weak portion of the glenohumor joint?
- inferior position
What is in the inferior part of the glenohumoral joint?
- axillary nerve
- posterior circumflex artery
What type of joint is found between the trochlea and capitulum of the humerus and the trochlear notch of ulna and concave surface of the radius?
- hinge-type synovial joint
The hinge-type synovial joint in the elbow is between what structures?
- trochlea and trochlear notch of ulna
- capitulum and proximal concave surface of radius
The proximal radioulnar joint within the elbow is what type of joint?
- pivot joint
What does the proximal radioulnar joint allow?
- pronation/supination of forearm bones
Where does the radius and ulna articulate in the proximal elbow?
- radial notch of ulna with the head of the radius
Which portions are weak in the capsule of the elbow joint, why?
- anterior and posterior portions are weak
- allows only flextion/extension
What are the 3 parts of the ulnar collateral ligament?
- posterior
- anterior (strong)
- intermediate
Where is the ulnar collateral ligament?
- connects the ulna to the humerus
Where is the posterior part of the ulnar collateral ligament?
- medial epicondyle to
- olecranon process of ulna
Where is the anterior part of the ulnar collateral ligament?
- medial epicondyle to
- coronoid process of ulna
Where is the intermediate part of the ulnar collateral ligament?
- olecranon process to coronoid process (runs anterior/oblique)
Where does the radial collateral ligament run?
- lateral epicondyle to the annular ligament that encircles the radius
Where is the annular ligament?
- encircles head/neck of radius
What does the quadrate ligament do?
- closes off teh cavity of the distal elbow joint between the radius and ulna
- allows rotation of radius
Where is the quadrate ligament?
- found interiorly
- near top and bottom of anular ligament (between coronoid and olecranon process if you remove the head of the radius)
What does the middle radioulnar union consist of?
- oblique cord
- interosseous membrane (fibrous joint between radius and ulna)
What is paired with the proximal radioulnar joint?
- distal radioulnar joint
What type of joints are the proximal/distal radioulnar joints?
- pivot synovial joint
Where is the distal radioulnar joint?
- between head of ulna and
- ulnar notch of radius
What does the distal radioulnar joint enable?
- supination and pronation
What bones interact in the radiocarpal joint?
- distal end of radius and fibrocartilagionous disk (ulna doesn't touch)
- with proximal carpal bones (not pisiform)
What type of joint is the radiocarpal joint?
- ellipsoid synovial joint
What are the 4 ligaments associated with the radiocarpal joint?
- dorsal radiocarpal ligament
- palmar radiocarpal ligament
- ulnar collateral ligament
- radial collateral ligament
Where is the dorsal radiocarpal ligament?
- **posterior hand
- distal end of radius to
- scaphoid, lunate, triquetral
(goes over ulna)
Where is the palmar radiocarpal ligament?
- anterior hand
- distal end of radius to scaphoid, lunate, triquetral (over ulna)
Where is the ulnar collateral ligament?
- styloid process of ulna to
- triquetral bone (mainly)
- hamate, base of 5th metacarpal (minor)
Where is the radial collateral ligament?
- styloid process of radius to
- scahpoid and trapezium bones
What does the pisiform bone articulate with and how?
- triquetral only
- synovial joint
How do most of the carpal bones articulate with each other?
- mid-carpal joint (complicated synovial joint)
What type of joint is the carpometacarpal joint between the trapeqium with the 1st metacarpal? Why?
- saddle-type synovial joint
- high movement
What type of joint is the carpometacarpal joint for the 2nd to 5th metacarpal?
- synovial joint
What are condylar joints?
- dome part of the metacarpal fits in the concave portion of the proximal phalange
where are condylar joints?
- all metacarpophalangeal oints except forst joint
What type of joint is the first metacarpophalangeal joint?
- hinge joint
What is on the palmar/anterior aspect of all the heads of the 4 medial metacarpal bones?
- deep transverse metacarpal ligament
What 2 things does the deep transverse metacarpal ligament allow?
- limits distal part of the metacarpals from splaying out
- creates a separation between the ventral and dorsal muscles (ie lumbricals and interosseous from others)
What type of joints are the interphalangeal joints?
- hinge joints (for both proximal and distal phalange)
What type of ligaments do the interphalangeal joints have and what does this do?
- collateral ligaments
- flextion and extension