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63 Cards in this Set

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The ____ is a strand of fibrous tissue that provides longitudinal support as a component of the coccygeal ligament
filum terminale
Axons crossing form one side of the spinal cord to the other within the gray matter are found in the
gray commissures
The paired structures that contain cell bodies of sensory neurons and are associated with each segment of the spinal cord are the
dorsal root ganglion
The deep crease on the ventral surface of the spinal cord is the
anterior median fissure
Sensory and motor innervations of the skin of the lateral and ventral surfaces of the body are provided by the
ventral ramus
The brachial plexus
all of the above
The middle layer of connective tissue that surrounds each peripheral nerve is the
The expanded area of the spinal cord that supplies nerves to the pectoral girdle and upper limbs is the
cervical enlargement
Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because
they contain sensory and motor fibers
The gray matter of the spinal cord is dominated by
cell bodies of neurons and glial cells
What nerve is likely to transmit pain when a person recieves an intramuscular injection into the deltoid region of the arm?
upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
Which of the following actions would be compromised if a person suffered an injury to lumbar spinal segments L3 and L4?
all of the above
Tingling and numbness in the palmar region of the hand could be caused by
compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel
In contrast with those of the brain, responses of the spinal reflexes
are immediate
The primary link between the nervous and the endocrine systems is the
Cranial blood vessels pass through the space directly deep to the
arachnoid mater
The only cranial nerves that are attached to the cerebrum are the
The anterior nuclei of the thalamus
are apart of the limbic system
The cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the
temporal lobe
Lying within each hemisphere inferior to the floor of the lateral ventricles is/are the
basal nuclei
Nerve fiber bundles on the ventrolateral surface of the mesencephalon are the
cerebral peduncles
Efferent tracts from the hypothalamus
do all of the above
The diencephalon components of the limbic system include the
thalamus and hypothalamus
Swelling of the jugular vein as it leaves of the skull could compress which of teh following cranial nerves?
The condition of dysmetria often indicates damage to which brain region?
If damaged or diseased, which part of the brain would make a person unable to control and regulate the rate of respiratory movements?
the respiratory rhythmicity center of the medulla
Visceral motor neurons in the CNS
send axons to synapse on peripherally located ganglionic neurons
Splanchnic nerves
include preganglionic fibers that go to collateral ganglia
Which of the following ganglia belong to the sympathetic division of the ANS?
paravertebral ganglion
Preganglionic fibers of the ANS sympathetic division originate in the
thoracolumbar spinal cord
The neurotransmitter at all synapses and neuroeffector junctions in the parasympathetic division of the ANS is
The large cells in the suprarenal medulla, which resemble neurons in sympathetic ganglia
release epinephrine and norepinephrine into blood capillaries
Sympathetic preganglionic fibers are characterized as
being short in length and myelinated
All preganlionic autonomic fibers release ____ at their synaptic terminals, and the effects are always ____
acetylcholine; excitatory
Postganglionic fibers of autonomic neurons are usually
The white ramus communcans
carries the preganglionic fibers into a nearby sympathetic chain ganglion
Cutting the ventral root of the spinal nerve at L2 would interrrupt the transmission of what type of information
a and b are correct
Damage to the ventral roots of the first five thoracic spinal nerves on the right side of the body would interfere with the ability to
dilate the right pupil
What anatomical mechanism is involved in causing a person to blush?
sympathetic stimulation relaxes vessel walls, increasing blood flow to the skin
The anterior, transparent part of the fibrous tunic is know as the
A receptor that is especially common in the superficial layers of teh skin, and which responds to pain is a
Fine touch and pressure receptors provide detailed information about
all of the above are correct
Receptors in the saccule and utrile provide sensations of
balance and equilibrium
Deep to the subcutaneous layer, the eylids are supported by broad sheets of connective tissues, collectively termed the
tarsal plate
The neural tunic
contains the photoreceptors
The semicircular canals include which of the following?
anterior, posterior, and lateral
Mechanoreceptors that detect pressure changes in the walls of blood vessels as well as in portions of the digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts are
Pupillary muscle groups are controlled by the ANS. Parasympathetic activation causes pupillary ________, and sympathetic activation causes ________.
constriction; dilation
Auditory information about the region and intensity of stimulation is relayed to the CNS over the cochlear branch of cranial nerve
Why is a more severe burn less painful initially than is a less serious burn of the skin?
the skin's nociceptors are burned away and cannot transmit pain sensations to the CNS
How do the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles affect the functions of the ear?
they dampen excessively loud sounds that could harm sensitive hair cells
A person salivates when anticipating eating a tasty confection. Would this physical response enhance taste or olfaction? If so, why?
additional moisture would enhance the ability of molecules to be dissolved and to enter the taste pores more readily and thus enhance taste; similar changes would enhance olfaction
The hormone that targets the thyroid gland and triggers the release of thyroid hormone is
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell,
a second messenger appears in the cytoplasm
Blood vessels that supply or drain the thyroid gland include which of the following?
all of the above are correct
How does aging affect the function of the endocrine system?
hormone production by the thyroid gland suffers the greatest decline with age
Endocrine organs can be controlled by
all of the above are correct
When blood glucose levels fall,
glucagon is released
Hormones released by the kidneys include
calcitriol and erythropoietin
The element required for normal thyroid function is
A structure known as the corpus luteum secretes
Exophthalmos is a major symptom of
Graves’ disease
If a person has too few or defective lymphocytes, which gland might be at fault?