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93 Cards in this Set

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Because of close proximity opening / exit the lesser curvature forms a ______.
deep angular notch

~it is flexed
musculoaponeurotic boundary of the external oblique m. may be evident, especially in horses suffering from _________?

What vein might be visible on?
heaves ---heave line (expiratory difficulty)

superficial thoracic (spur) vein
transverse abdominal m. passes over (dorsal to) the rectus abdominis m. to insert on _____ which is _____.
transverse abdominal m. passes over (dorsal to) the rectus abdominis m. to insert on LINEA ALBA.

~which is strong and supportive, and relatively avascular.
parts of greater omentum
greater omentum:
1. gastrophrenic ligament: from greater curvature to crura of diaphragm
2. gastrosplenic ligament: from stomach to spleen
3. lienorenal (renosplenic) ligament - attaches the left kidney to the spleen.
Name thick fibroelastic sheet of tissue overlying the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, attached to rib cage and tuber coxae
Deep fascia becomes yellow abdominal tunic
how many pyloric sphincters?
2 (cranial/caudal) are also well
developed, especially that
(caudal) guarding the narrow
pyloric exit.
margo plicatus
margo plicatus:
- divides distal glandular mucosa from proximal non- glandular, abrasive mucosa
- Gastrophilus intestinalis larvae
Oesophagus enters ___ curvature quite _____ at cardiac sphincter
Oesophagus enters LESSER curvature quite <obliquely> at the cardiac sphincter, which is thick
Contents of the inguinal canal include:
* vaginal process, which is diverticulum of peritoneum go thr. vaginal ring
* Spermatic cord within cavity of vaginal process (vaginal tunic),
* external pudendal artery and vein,
* inguinal lymph vessels and nerves (present in both sexes)
• Local anesthesia of flank by blocking ______ branches
Local anesthesia of flank by blocking T13-L2 branches
Identify parts of superficial (external) inguinal ring:

(be specific)
mere slit in aponeurosis of external oblique m. (thus dividing it into the lateral and medial crura of the aponeurosis)
What direction do external abdominal obliques go in?

Border of the internal oblique m. forms a _______?
caudo-ventrally (hands in pockets)

caudoventral ridge.
The blind sac of stomach, located above cardiac sphincter/ esophagus, is known as the ____
saccus cecus (or blind sack)

Latin cecus means "blind"
parts OMENTA:

what do these parts form or enclose?
Greater and lesser; both along with the visceral surface of stomach, enclose the OMENTAL BURSA.
(entrance to bursa known as epiploic foramen)
Where in abdominal cavity is stomach located?
LEFT, dorsal of cranial part of abdominal cavity
Duodenum is fixed by mesoduodenum to ______.
Duodenum is fixed by mesoduodenum to DORSAL WALL, liver, right dorsal colon and base of the cecum.
(desc. on right side of abd. cavity, but asc. duodenum on left side)
Name parts of duodenum and identifiable flexures.
(1). Cranial part (sigmoid flexure), (2). descending, (3). caudal flexure (transverse duodenum) and (4). ascending parts]
bile and pancreatic ducts open into what?
The bile and pancreatic ducts both open into second curve of the SIGMOID part, opposite each other.
(openings form major and minor duodenal papillae)
lateral, segmental sacculations of horse colon known as ?
longitudinal bands on horse colon
taeni colli
Another name for large colon?
ascending colon
Demarcates the beginning of large colon? location? direction
CAECO-COLIC junction; at base of last rib, runs ventrally and cranially on right body wall and abdominal floor to the xiphoid area.
Name parts of ascending (large) colon starting from origin:
Right Ventral colon-sternal flexure - Left Ventral colon - pelvic flexure - Left Dorsal colon - diaphragmatic flexure - Right Dorsal colon.
Right ventral colon starts where?
Runs in what direction?
RVC starts at base of last rib, runs ventrally and cranially on right body wall and abdominal floor to xiphoid area.
descending duodenum is related to the ___ and ___ passes around it.
descending duodenum is related to the RIGHT kidney and the base of the CECUM (passes around it)
What direction is duod. traveling before transverse duodenum? After transverse duodenum?
*Desc..duodenum: travels caudally on right side

*Transv.duodenum (caudal flexure) makes U-turn.
*Ascending duodenum: travels cranially on left.
where does duodenum end?
Reaches the region of the left kidney, and it becomes the jejunum (at duodenojejunal flexure).
Name flexures of duodenum, begins at origin with stomach.
* Sigmoid flexure
* caudal flexure
* duodenojejunal flexure
Jejunoileum is located where?
mostly on left dorsal part of the abdominal cavity,
intermingled with small colon
loops of small intestine (jejunoileum) are palpable in _______ of abdominal cavity
jejunoileum palpable in dorso-caudal aspect of abdom. cavity
epiploic foramen : Between ____ lobe of liver and _____ . And between ____ and _____vein.
epiploic foramen : Between right lobe of liver and descending duodenum, and between caudal vena cava and portal vein.

fyi: epip.foramen is RIGHT side; found by lifting liver and placing fingers btw caudal v/c and portal v.
____ can get strangulated at epiploic foramen.
Loops of jejunum can get strangulated at epiploic foramen.
Which lobe of liver atrophies with age? What happens as a consequence of this?
As RIGHT lobe of liver atrophies, epiploic foramen enlarges with age.

~due to pressure on liver from right colon
what shape is cecum? volume?

what connective structure extends from body cecum?
like a coma; holds up to 30 liters

cecocolic fold
cecum extends from?

how many taeni colli?
base extends from pelvic inlet to apex at diaphragmatic area (xiphoid region).

Does ventral surface of liver touch ventral abdominal cavity?
Base of cecum attached to :
attached to right sublumbar region and to the right kidney
Body of cecum located where:
body runs ventrally on right flank , curves cranio-medially
Which part of cecum is palpable via the rectum?
How many taeni colli R.ventral colon have? L. ventral colon?
(remember cecum has 4)
left dorsal?
right dorsal?
small colon?
RVC = 4
LVC = 4
diaphragmatic flexure is considered part of?
end of left dorsal colon
which parts of colon are palpable from rectum?
left ventral, left dorsal, descending and
widest part of colon?
Mostly within the thoracic cage.
Shortest but WIDEST.
transverse colon:
attached to?
Cranial to root of mesentery; very short
Attached to roof of body cavity.
Crosses median plane, hence the name.
location of desc.colon?
Descending colon (also the small colon)
from left kidney to left dorsal part of abdominal cavity to pelvic inlet region;
(side to side anastomosis of descending duodenum to base of the cecum in gastro – duodeno – jejunitis).
loops of intestine
What parts of colon is free-floating?
What does this mean for the horse?
parts of the ascending colon are free floating
permits intestinal extension during surgery, but also causes twisting of loops of intestine (volvulus),
ileal problem? cause?
ileal impaction; reasons are not well understood, but thick-walled, and quite frequent
Describe renal crest of equine kidney:
Unipyramidal ridge (resulting from fused medullary pyramids) - a common renal crest
Well developed renal crest fuse to form very well developed renal _____, which collects urine from _____.
renal pelvis; which collects urine from two polar terminal recesses
Evidence of kidney lobation shown by
shown by blood vessels (interlobar arteries) only, but no external evidence
Renal hilus
opening into renal sinus (indentation) where ureter and renal vessels enter kidney
~basically it's part coming out
Why is urine of equine urine turbid and slimy?
Because of glands in renal pelvis and ureters which produce mucus - - so called *physiological albumin* (not pathological)
URETERS on leaving kidneys, travel ____ toward pelvis, where situated on lateral part of the ____ (mare) or ___(stallion).
Travel toward bladder and ____ to the ducti deferentia in male
Ureters travel along abdominal roof
*in pelvis situated on lateral part of the broad ligament (mare) or genital fold (stallion).
* Descend toward bladder VENTRAL to ducti deferens in male
Renal artery is branch of?

Where do branches renal arteries enter kidney?
Arises directly from aorta.

may break into a few branches which penetrate the ventral surface of the organ rather than the hilus
Describe location of adrenal glands in comparison to kidneys:
ADRENAL glands are on the medial side of the cranial poles of the kidneys.
* rectum is a continuation of the ___.

*shape of rectum?
Rectum is continuation of small colon, at pelvic inlet

* Sacculated initially but smooth, enlarged sac (ampulla), terminally.
Ampulla is retroperitoneal.
medical condition in which part of intestine has invaginated into another section of intestine, similar to way in which parts of collapsible telescope slide into one another.[
what can happen at Ileo-cecal opening?
Can have blockage.
Abnormally high peristalsis -> ileum telescopes into cecum (intussusception). Surgical remedy.
Trocarization necessary when?
useful to decompress distended abdomen
e.g. Ceco-colic opening :
Enlarged cranial part of base falls over, cranioventrally -> blockage of cecocolic orifice.
Aside from ceco-colic opening, which of following most likely to get blockage:
- sternal flexure
- pelvic flexure
- transverse colon
- diaphragmatic flexures
- pelvic flexure
- transverse colon
- sternal & diaphragmatic flexures, also possible, but to a much lesser extent
where spleen located?

how does it attach to stomach?
LEFT side, lies on greater curvature of stomach,

* cranial tip ~6th or 7th rib
* only caudo-dorsal projects a bit out of rib cage
* cannot be palpated from rear end
shape of spleen

What's on cranial border?
Caudal border?
* Cranial border where meets stomach is concave
* caudal border is convex; borders desc.duodenum and loops of small intestine
Ligaments from spleen?
* attached to stomach via gastrosplenic ligatment (part of greater omentum)

* attached left kidney via lienorenal (renosplenic) ligament – dorsal border of ligament may entrap loops of colon
(remember spleen is on left side, so is stomach!)
Location of liver:
* Mostly RIGHT of median plane, and quite asymmetrical in shape
Cranial border (6th-7th rib): diaphragm
Caudal border (16th-17th rib): ventral to right rib
which lobe atrophies?
RIGHT lobe atrophies with age ( pressure from right dorsal colon)
Parts of cecum? general locations?
base - RIGHT, dorsal
Describe gall bladder in horse:
●No gall bladder.
● bile or hepatic duct has wide lumen; opens w/major pancreatic duct into hepaticopancreatic ampulla
[major duodenal papilla] of the
distal and convex part of the
duodenal sigmoid flexure.
Oblique passage of duct through wall acts as valve.
What are the four lobes of the liver?
Left lobe (thinnest part)
Quadrate lobe
Right lobe
Caudate lobe

* L&R lobes subdivided in medial/lateral lobes
_____ ligament of liver is strong and well formed
round (teres) ligament of liver is strong and well formed.
Impressions on liver?

what passs through?
Visceral surface - stomach, duodenal and colic impressions

Renal impression on dorsal part of caudate process!

~Related to pancreas dorsally. Oesophageal impression on dorsal part of left lobe.
* caudal vena cava goes though
location of pancreas?

parts or recognizable features?
* right; sublumbar
* right and left lobes and a body (held in place in sigmoid flexure of duodenum).
Related to saccus cecus of stomach (left lobe), right kidney (right lobe), aorta, caudal vena cava and sublumbar muscles, dorsally.
Supplies the stomach, liver and spleen. The duodenum also, via the _____:
- celiac artery; supplies duodenum also via the gastro-duodenal a.
Supplies the small and large intestine (cecum, colon).
cranial mesenteric a.
supplies mainly the descending colon and the rectum?
caudal mesenteric a.
Lymph Nodes of organs supplied by
* celiac artery form a celiac trunk, which empties into the cisterna chyli.

cisterna chyli -> aortic hiatus -> thoracic duct (runs left of aorta); opens into a large vein at thoracic inlet.
L.nodes of small intestine (situated at the root of the mesentery) ?
intestinal trunk
L.nodes of small colon rectum and anus send efferents to the:
lumbar trunk
Which kidney is more cranial?

Give locations:
Right (left is left behind)

Left Kidney: Ventral to T17 – L2
Give locations of left kidney:
Left Kidney: Ventral to T17 – L2
* Related to spleen and stomach cranially, to aorta medially, and small colon and coils of small intestine, ventrally.
Give location of right kidney:

(in relation to liver? d.duodenum? pancreas? cecum? small....?)
Ventral to last 2 or 3 ribs and 1st lumbar transverse process (T16 – L1) (mostly covered by ribs)
* cranial pole makes a renal impression on caudate process of liver.
- Relations: liver is cranial to it; ventrally is descending duodenum, pancreas and base of cecum; coils of small colon and small intestine; medially, to right adrenal gland and the aorta.
Which kidney palpable through rear end?
If you're lucky, caudal pole of left kidney may just be within reach in rectal palpation. But it's a crap shoot.
Shape of kidneys:
left: bean-shaped.
right: heart shaped
coming out of kidney, hilus runs where?
hilus is ventromedial
veins are ____ of arteries
veins are satellites of the arteries
large arteries (celiac, cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries and their major branches) are the sites of ___ caused by ______.
Large arteries (celiac, cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries and major branches) are sites of LESIONS caused by Migrating Larvae! e.g. nematode
~aneurysms may develop
"collateral" circulation
* advantageous to the animal in event of blockage
* blockage of large arteries is less serious than that of smaller vessels where anastomoses incomplete
How accessible is stomach to palpation, etc.?
stomach is inaccessible by rectal palpation or through flank incision.
femoral lamina
strands of connective tissue present only in horse, connect lateral crus of superficial inguinal opening to medial thigh fascia
inguinal hernia occurs because ____.
When hip joint is maximally extended, there is considerable pull on lateral crus of this opening.
(e.g. problem can arise during mating)
• Paralumbar fossa
o Concavity immediately caudal to last rib
o Able to be anesthetized during surgery (expand on this)
o Palpable structures?