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225 Cards in this Set

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The two scapulae form what structure?
shoulder girdle (cingulum membri thoracici)
What connects the thoracic girdle to the axial skeleton?
Muscle attachments: synsarcosis (type of joint).
Describe the clavicle in the dog and cat.
Cat: separate, nonarticular bone
Dog: rudimentary, embedded in brachiocephalicus m.
What divides the lateral surface of the scapula into two fossae?
The spine of the scapula ends in what process?
What is the metacromion (suprahumate process)?
Caudal projection of acromion, only in cat.
List three fossae of the scapula.
Infraspinous, supraspinous, subscapular, and glenoid fossa.
What fossa is caudal to the spine of the scapula?
Infraspinatus fossa/cavity
What shallow cavity of the scapula articulates with the humeral head?
Glenoid fossa / cavity
What is the process near the cranial glenoid cavity for the attachment of the biceps brachii muscles?
Supraglenoid tubercle
What is the constricted part of scapula proximal to the glenoid cavity?
Neck of the scapula
What is the small process on the medial side of the supraglenoid tubercle for the coracobrachialis muscle?
Coracoid process
What is the bone of the brachium?
What two joints are associated with the humerus?
Shoulder (scapulohumeral, humeral) and elbow
With what does the glenoid cavity of the scapula articulate?
Head of the humerus.
What projection is located craniolateral to the head of the humerus?
Greater tubercle
What groove is between the greater and lesser humeral tubercles?
Intertubercular (bicipital) groove.
What is the process on the medial side of the humeral head?
Lesser tubercle
What connects the head of the humerus with the body?
What is the cylindrical part of the humerus connecting the two ends?
Shaft, body or diaphysis
What is the humeral process distal to the greater tubercle?
Deltoid tuberosity
What sulcus wraps around the lateral side of the humerus?
Brachial groove
What is the entire distal end of the humerus?
What arises from the epicondyles of the humerus?
Lateral (extensor) epicondyle: extensors of forearm; Medial (flexor) epicondyle: flexors
How are the epicondyles palpated?
Locate the elbow joint and feel most lateral and medial points just proximal to this joint.
What foramen is foind in the canine and feline humeri?
Dog: supratrochlear foramen
Cat: supracondylar foramen
What passes through the supracondylar foramen in teh cat?
Median n. and brachial vessels
What is the caudal excavation of the distal humerus that receives the anconeal process on extension of the elbow?
Olecranon fossa
The radius and ulna form the skeleton of what area?
Forearm or antebrachium
Name the two bones of the antebrachium?
Radius and ulna
What is the distal pointed end of the radius? Which side?
Styloid process of radius; medial
What serves as a lever arm for the extensor muscle of the elbow?
What is the depression of the ulna that articulates with the humerus?
Trochlear notch (semilunar notch)
What is the proximal end of the trochlear notch?
Anconeal process
What is the distal ends of the trochlear notch?
Medial and lateral coronoid process
What is the pointed distal end of the ulna? Which side is it on?
Styloid process of ulna; lateral
What is teh space between the ulna and radius?
Interosseous space
What is the point of the elbow?
Olecranon / olecranon tuberosity
What consists of the carpus, metacarpus and digital bones?
Manus, forepaw
What is another common name for the manus?
What does the term carpus designate?
Carpal bones and compound joint formed by these bones or region between forearm and metacarpus
Carpal bones of the wrist are arranged in how many rows?
2: proximal and distal
Carpal bones make up what structure of the limb?
Carpus (human wrist)
What are the bones of the distal carpal row named?
Numbered from 1-4 from medial to lateral
What are the carpal bone of the proximal row from medial to lateral?
Radial, ulnar, accessory carpal bones.
What side of the limb is the accessory carpal bone?
Lateral and palmar
On what side of the limb are the radial and ulnar carpal bones respectively?
Radial: medial
Ulnar: lateral
What is the region between the carpus and the digits?
What subdivision of the manus corresponding to the fingers of man?
List the digital phalanges from proximal to distal.
Proximal, middle, distal (P1, P2, P3) (dew claw lacks P2)
What is the tapered, cone-shaped process covered by horny clas?
Ungual process
Give two processes on the dog's distal phalanx.
Ungual, extensor, and flexor processes
What is the fingernail-like structure covering the ungual process?
Horny claw
What is the shelf of the distal phalanx covering the root of the claw?
Ungual crest
How many (proximal) palmar sesamoid bones does the dog have?
Up to 9 per limb: 2 for each digit, 1 for first digit if the dew claw is present
What is the dew claw?
Digit + MtC that doesn't reach ground
What bones make up the dew claw?
1st metacarpal / metatarsal and 1st digit (P1, P3 and 1 palmar sesamoid
What movement increases the angle between bones of a joint? What decreases the angle?
Define movement of adduction and abduction?
ADduction: toward body ("adds to")
ABduction: away from body
What movements turn the palmar / plantar surface of a limb dorsally, what turns the palmar surface ventral?
Supination and pronation
What is movement of a part around its longitudinal axis?
Define circumduction.
Movement of an extremity in a plane describing the surface of a cone.
Define protraction
Moving a part forward.
What action returns a protracted part to its usual position?
What is dorsal or ventral flexion?
Bending of the spinal column dorsally or ventrally.
What makes up the shoulder joint?
Head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula
What is the configuration of the shoulder joint?
Ball and socket joint (spheroidal)
What type of motion is allowed by the shoulder joint?
All movements (universal) but mainly flexion and extension.
What holds the biceps brachii tendon in the intertubercular groove?
Transverse humeral ligament.
How does the tendon sheath of the biceps brachii m. relate to the shoulder joint in the dog?
What powerful muscles stabilizes the shoulder laterally?
Infraspinatus m. tendon
What large endon stabilizes the shoulder medially?
Subscapularis tendon
What is the dense connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint?
Joint capsule
What is the shiny blue articular surface of the humeral head?
Hyaline cartilage
What are other names for the shoulder joint?
Scapulohumeral, humeral articulation
What is another name for the elbow joint?
Cubital joint
What powerful muscles stabilizes the shoulder laterally?
Infraspinatus m. tendon
What bones make up the elbow joint?
Humeral condyle, trochlear notch of ulna, head of radius.
What large endon stabilizes the shoulder medially?
Subscapularis tendon
What type of joint is the elbow?
Ginglymus or hinge joint; also compound
What is the dense connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint?
Joint capsule
What type of action does the elbow allow?
Flexion and extension
What is the shiny blue articular surface of the humeral head?
Hyaline cartilage
What powerful ligaments bind sides of the elbow?
Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
What powerful muscles stabilizes the shoulder laterally?
Infraspinatus m. tendon
What are other names for the shoulder joint?
Scapulohumeral, humeral articulation
What powerful muscles stabilizes the shoulder laterally?
Infraspinatus m. tendon
What large endon stabilizes the shoulder medially?
Subscapularis tendon
What is another name for the elbow joint?
Cubital joint
What large endon stabilizes the shoulder medially?
Subscapularis tendon
What is the dense connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint?
Joint capsule
What bones make up the elbow joint?
Humeral condyle, trochlear notch of ulna, head of radius.
What is the dense connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint?
Joint capsule
What is the shiny blue articular surface of the humeral head?
Hyaline cartilage
What type of joint is the elbow?
Ginglymus or hinge joint; also compound
What is the shiny blue articular surface of the humeral head?
Hyaline cartilage
What are other names for the shoulder joint?
Scapulohumeral, humeral articulation
What type of action does the elbow allow?
Flexion and extension
What are other names for the shoulder joint?
Scapulohumeral, humeral articulation
What powerful ligaments bind sides of the elbow?
Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
What is another name for the elbow joint?
Cubital joint
What is another name for the elbow joint?
Cubital joint
What bones make up the elbow joint?
Humeral condyle, trochlear notch of ulna, head of radius.
What bones make up the elbow joint?
Humeral condyle, trochlear notch of ulna, head of radius.
What type of joint is the elbow?
Ginglymus or hinge joint; also compound
What type of joint is the elbow?
Ginglymus or hinge joint; also compound
What type of action does the elbow allow?
Flexion and extension
What type of action does the elbow allow?
Flexion and extension
What powerful ligaments bind sides of the elbow?
Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
What powerful ligaments bind sides of the elbow?
Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
List the joints of the carpus.
Antebrachiocarpal, middle carpal, carpometacarpal joints (also intercarpal joints).
What type of joint is the carpus? What movement does it allow?
Compound / composite hinge joint; flexion and extension (also gliding and rotation).
List the joints of the carpus and the movement each allows.
Antebrachiocarpal joint: most movement
Middle carpal joint: less but considerable,
Carpometacarpal joint: very little
Intercarpal joints: gliding
What are the intercarpal joints?
Plane joints between individual carpal bones.
What forms the carpal canal?
Carpal bones (covered by palmar carpal fibrocartilage), accessory carpal bone and flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament).
What is the thick, firmly-attached connective tissue that forms the smooth dorsal wall of the carpal canal?
Palmar carpal fibrocartilage.
What are the main structures passing through the carpal canal?
DDF, SDF, and their tendon sheaths;
median a.
median n.
What is the spaces between the metacarpal joints?
Interosseous spaces.
What joints are between a metacarpal bone and a proximal phalanx?
Metacarpophalangeal (MP) joints
What are the two joints between the phalanges of each main digit?
Proximal interdigital (PIP) and distal interdigital (DIP or "claw") joint
What bones are located on the palmar side of the metacarpophalangeal joints?
2 palmar sesamoids (main digits),1 for dewclaw
What type of ligaments do all the digital joints have? How does this effect their movement?
Medial and lateral collateral ligaments.
Limits to mainly flexion and extension.
What ligament extends from proximal P2 to dorsal P3?
Dorsal elastic ligament; unique to carnivores
What flexor muscles effect the interphalangeal joints?
Proximal IP: DDF and SDF
Distal IP: DDF only
What main muscles extend the different digital joints?
All by common an dlateral digital extensors
What opposes the DDF, keep claw retracted ("sheathing the claw") in the cat?
Dorsal elastic ligament
Define the extrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb.
Muscles connecting the thoracic limb to the head, neck and trunk.
What muscle is divided by the clavicular intersection?
What is the fibrous remnant of the clavicle located cranial to the shoulder, transversing the brachiocephalicus muscle?
Clavicular intersection
Name five of the eight extrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb.
Trapezius, omotransversarius, brachiocephalicus, superficial and deep pectoral, latissimus dorsi, serratus ventralis, and rhomboideus
What is the function of the serratus ventralis m.?
Forms a sling for the trunk to support its weight.
What are the attachment of the serratus ventralis muscle?
Last cervical vertebrae and cranial ribs to medial scapula.
What extrinsic muscle lies deep to the trapezius muscle?
Rhomboideus m.
What is the tendinous intersection of the doral midline where some of the extrinsic muscles of the limb attach?
Dorsal raphe
What muscle extends from the spine and acromion of the scapula, over the shoulder joint, to the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus?
Deltoid or deltoideus m.
Define the intrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb.
Muscles originating and inserting on the bones of the thoracic limb
What is the origin of the supraspinatus muscle?
Supraspinous fossa
What is the origin of the subscapularis muscle?
Subscapular fossa
What is the origin of the infraspinatus muscle? Insertion?
Infraspinatus fossa, greater tubercle
Does the shoulder have collateral ligaments? So?
No, replaced by subscapular, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, biceps brachii mm. (also teres major, teres minor, coracobrachialis, deltoideus mm)
What important muscle inserts on the olecranon?
Triceps brachii muscle
What muscle flexes the elbow and extend the shoulder?
Biceps brachii muscle
What muscle originates for the supraglenoid tuberosity?
Biceps brachii m.
What are the actions of the triceps brachii muscle?
Main extensor of elbow and flex shoulder (long head)
Where do the heads of the triceps brachii muscle originate? Insert?
All from humerus except long head (caudal scapula).
Olecranon process of ulna
What nerve innervates the triceps and other extensors of the elbow?
Radial nerve
What are the actions of the craniolateral foramen (antebrachial) muscles?
Extensor: digits and carpus
Of what do the caudal antebracial muscles consist?
Flexors: digits and carpus
Pronator: paw
What muscles arise on or near lateral (extensor) epicondyle?
Extensors of the digits arise
Where do the caudal antebrachial (flexor) muscles originate?
Medial (flexor) epicondyle of the humerus
What nerve innervates the extensors of the digits and carpus?
Radial n.
What two nerves innervate the caudal antebrachial muscles (flexors)?
Median and ulnar nn.
Where does the common / long digital extensor insert?
Distal phalanges (extensor process)
Where does the superficial digital flexor (SDF) insert?
Middle phalanges digit 2-5.
Where is the insertion of the deep digital flexor muscle (DDF)?
Distal phalanges
What joint does the DDF affect that the SDF doesn't and why?
Distal interphalangeal joint, crosses it, SDF doesn't
What small muscle in the superficial fascia of the forearm travels with the cephalic vein?
Brachioradialis m.
If all the muscles are pathologically contracted, which predominate?
Extensors = extensor rigidity
What is a mnemonic to remember the order of the extensor muscle of the forearm?
Every Cow Loves U (from medial to lateral)
What is the only significant muscle of the manus in veterinary medicine and why?
Interosseous m., because of importance in horse.
What is the direct continuation of the subclavian artery around the 1st rib to the thoracic limb?
Axillary a
What is the continuation of the axillary artery in the arm?
Brachial a.
What artery courses between the radius and ulna deep to the pronator quadratus muscle?
Caudal interosseous a.
What is the continuation of the brachial artery supplying the foreman?
Median a. (after common interosseous a.)
What is the continuation of the median artery to the digits?
Digital aa.
What is the main blood supply to the digits (thoracic limb)?
Median aa.
List the main blood vessels supplying the thoracic limb.
Axillary, Brachial, Median, digital aa.
How are the arteries and nerves of the arm protected?
Placing them on the medial side of arm
Outline the main arterial supply to the thoracic limb.
Subclavian a. rounds 1st rib to become the axillary a. in the axilla, which continues roughly after the subclavian a. is given off as the brachial a. in the arm and into the forearm until it gives off the common interosseous a. when it becomes the median a. which becomes the digital aa. in the paw.
How much clinical application does knowledge of the vascular supply of the digits have in the carnivores?
Little if any (shively)
What is the direct continuation of the subclavian artery around the 1st rib to the thoracic limb?
Axillary a
What is the continuation of the axillary artery in the arm?
Brachial a.
What artery courses between the radius and ulna deep to the pronator quadratus muscle?
Caudal interosseous a.
What is the continuation of the brachial artery supplying the foreman?
Median a. (after common interosseous a.)
What is the continuation of the median artery to the digits?
Digital aa.
What is the main blood supply to the digits (thoracic limb)?
Median aa.
List the main blood vessels supplying the thoracic limb.
Axillary, Brachial, Median, digital aa.
How are the arteries and nerves of the arm protected?
Placing them on the medial side of arm
Outline the main arterial supply to the thoracic limb.
Subclavian a. rounds 1st rib to become the axillary a. in the axilla, which continues roughly after the subclavian a. is given off as the brachial a. in the arm and into the forearm until it gives off the common interosseous a. when it becomes the median a. which becomes the digital aa. in the paw.
How much clinical application does knowledge of the vascular supply of the digits have in the carnivores?
Little if any (shively)
What is the direct continuation of the subclavian artery around the 1st rib to the thoracic limb?
Axillary a
What is the continuation of the axillary artery in the arm?
Brachial a.
What artery courses between the radius and ulna deep to the pronator quadratus muscle?
Caudal interosseous a.
What is the continuation of the brachial artery supplying the foreman?
Median a. (after common interosseous a.)
What is the continuation of the median artery to the digits?
Digital aa.
What is the main blood supply to the digits (thoracic limb)?
Median aa.
List the main blood vessels supplying the thoracic limb.
Axillary, Brachial, Median, digital aa.
How are the arteries and nerves of the arm protected?
Placing them on the medial side of arm
Outline the main arterial supply to the thoracic limb.
Subclavian a. rounds 1st rib to become the axillary a. in the axilla, which continues roughly after the subclavian a. is given off as the brachial a. in the arm and into the forearm until it gives off the common interosseous a. when it becomes the median a. which becomes the digital aa. in the paw.
How much clinical application does knowledge of the vascular supply of the digits have in the carnivores?
Little if any (shively)
What is the direct continuation of the subclavian artery around the 1st rib to the thoracic limb?
Axillary a
What is the continuation of the axillary artery in the arm?
Brachial a.
What artery courses between the radius and ulna deep to the pronator quadratus muscle?
Caudal interosseous a.
What is the continuation of the brachial artery supplying the foreman?
Median a. (after common interosseous a.)
What is the continuation of the median artery to the digits?
Digital aa.
What is the main blood supply to the digits (thoracic limb)?
Median aa.
List the main blood vessels supplying the thoracic limb.
Axillary, Brachial, Median, digital aa.
How are the arteries and nerves of the arm protected?
Placing them on the medial side of arm
Outline the main arterial supply to the thoracic limb.
Subclavian a. rounds 1st rib to become the axillary a. in the axilla, which continues roughly after the subclavian a. is given off as the brachial a. in the arm and into the forearm until it gives off the common interosseous a. when it becomes the median a. which becomes the digital aa. in the paw.
How much clinical application does knowledge of the vascular supply of the digits have in the carnivores?
Little if any (shively)
Into what parts can the venous system of the forelimb be divided?
Deep and superficial veins
Where are the deep veins and how are they named?
Parallel arteries and assume same name
What are the locations of the cephalic and accessory cephalic veins of the manus; where do they join and continue as the cephalic vein?
Cephalic - palmar paw;
accessory cephalic - dorsal paw;
Meet at above carpus
What connects the cephalic vein to the brachial vein? Where?
Median cubital vein; cranial to the elbow
What main thoracic limb veins returns blood towards the heart?
Cephalic and axillary vv.
What are the lymph nodes of the thoracic limb?
Axillary (not palpable); accessory axillary (inconsistent, palpable if present), superficial cervical (palpable)
Where is the axillary lymph node located?
In axilla, caudal to axillary v.
What is the brachial plexus?
VENTRAL branches of the last few cervical and first one or two thoracic spinal nerves.
What two muscles does the suprascapular nerve innervate?
Supraspinatus and infraspinatus
What bone does the suprascapular nerve cross?
Cranial surface of the scapular neck.
What does the lateral thoracic n. innervate?
Cutaneous trunci muscle
The named nerves of the limbs mainly carry what type of fibers?
Sensory and motor fibers (ventral branches)
What is the function of the cutaneous nerves?
Carry sensory input from the skin to the central nervous system
What is an area of skin innervated by a nerve?
Cutaneous zone
What is an area of skin supplied by only one nerve?
Autonomous zone (AZ) or dermatome
What nerves, that don't arise from the brachial plexus, innervate the skin of the caudolateral aspect of the arm?
Intercostobrachialis m.
What nerve innervates the flexor of the elbow and thus necessary for weight bearing?
Radial n.
What is the mnemonic for remembering where the nerves come off the brachial plexus, and what does it stand for?
SS-MAR-MU stand for and from what areas:
SS: cranial (supraspinatus, subscapularis)
MAR: middle (musculocutaneous, axillary, radial)
MU: caudal (median, ulnar)
What two nerves innervate the flexor muscles of the forearm?
Median and ulnar nn.
What nerve supplies the extensors of the elbow, carpus and digits?
What is the course of the radial nerve in the forearm?
Deep: into extensor mm. of the digits, superficial branches to the skin of the dorsal forepaw.
Where does the radial nerve first reach the skin?
Lateral arm, under the border of the lateral triceps
What is the autonomous cutaneous distribution of the superficial radial nerve?
Dorsal paw (manus)
What is the cutaneous innervation of the paw of ulnar nerve?
Abaxial 5th (lateral) digit
What are the terminal branches of the median nerve?
Medial and lateral palmar nn.