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150 Cards in this Set

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What bones make up the bony pelvis (pelvic girdle)?
Hip bones, sacrum and 1st caudal vertebrae.
What is the common name for the os coxae?
Hip bones, coxal bones
Of what does the hip bone (os coxae) consist?
Fused ilium, ischium, pubis, (and acetabular) bones
What hip bone concavity articulates with the head of the femur?
What are the large openings in the floor of the pelvic girdle?
Obturator foramina
What part of the ilium articulates with the sacrum?
Wings (sacropelvic surface)
What is the junction of the right and left ox coxae?
Pelvic symphysis
What is the bony entrance into the pelvis?
Pelvic inlet
What does the pelvic girdle enclose?
What is the palpable prominence of the lateral wing of the ilium? What is its common name?
Tuber coxae; point of hip
What is the thick, caudal part of the ischium?
Ischiatic tuberosity / ischial tuber
What medial process of the wing of the ilium is next to the sacrum?
Tuber sacrale / sacral tuberosity
What is the caudal indentation between the ischiatic tuberosities?
Ischiatic arch
What large prominence is lateral to the head of the femur?
Major (greater) trochanter of the femur
What is the prominence distal to the head of the femur (medial side)?
Minor (lesser) trochanter
The patella articulates with the ______ surface of the femur.
Trochlear (patellar surface of trochlea)
What depression on the head of the femur is for hte round ligament?
Fovea capitis
What joins the head of the femur with the body of the femur?
Neck of femur
What is the depression between the trochanters of the femur?
Trochanteric fossa
What small process is distal to the greater tochanter of the femur?
Third trochanter
What are the two large knuckle-like structures on the distal femur?
Medial and lateral condyles
What is the depression between the lateral condyle and the trochlea of the femur for the attachment of the long digital extensor muscle?
Extensor fossa
What are the medial and lateral elevation on the distal femur?
Medial and lateral epicondyles
What is the knee cap?
What are the two sesamoid bones in the heads of the gastrocnemius?
Medial and lateral sesamoids (fabellae) of the gastrocnemius muscle
The skeleton of the crus consists of what two bones?
Tibia and fibula
What is the large proximocranial process of the tibia where the patellar ligaments attach?
Tibial tuberosity
What are the parts of the fibula?
Head, body, and lateral malleolus (distal part)
What is the space separating the tibia and fibula?
Interossesous space
What two processes of the tibia articulate with the corresponding femoral condyles and menisci?
Tibial condyles
What part of the tibia articulates with the talus (fibial tarsal bone)?
Distal articular surface (cochlea)
Which is the more lateral bone of the crus?
What is the lateral sulcus of the proximal tibia for the long digital extensor?
Extensor groove
What is the "heel" bone?
The bones of the tarsus are arranged in _____, ______ and _______ rows.
Proximal, central, and distal
The talus articulates by its trochlea with what bone?
Of what does the proximal row of the tarsus consist?
Talus (tibial), calcaneus (fibular) tarsal bones
What bone of the proximal row is located on the lateral side?
Calcaneus, also plantar side
What is the large process of the calcaneus?
Calcaneal tuberosity
What is another name for the tarsus?
What is the shelf of the calcaneus for lateral head of the deep digital flexor tendon?
Sustenaculum tali
Hoe does the dog's metatarsus differ from the metacarpus?
1st Mt more reduced, other Mts slightly longer and dew claw usually absent
List the parts of the metatarsal bones.
Base (proximal), body and head (distal); same as metacarpals
What is the relatively immovable joint between the sacrum and ilium?
Sacroiliac joint
Name the ball-and-socket joint of the pelvic limb.
Hip joint or coxofemoral joint
What forms the saccrotuberous ligament in the dog?
A strong band of connective tissue
Does the cat have a sacrotuberous ligament?
What is the ligament from the fovea capitis to the acetabular fossa?
Ligament of the head of the femur (formerly round ligament)
What articulates to form the hip joint?
Acetabulum of os coxae and head of the femur.
What is the part of the patellar tendon from the patella to the tibia?
"Patellar ligament" (part of patellar tendon)
What are the fibrocartilaginous discs between the condyles of the femur and tibia?
Medial and lateral menisci
How are the cruciate ligaments named?
For their attachment to the tibia
What mainly stabilizes the stifle?
Collateral ligaments, cruciate ligaments, and menisci.
Which collateral ligament attaches to a meniscus?
List the bones of the hock and which rows they are in.
Proximal row: Talus and calcaneus
Middle row: central and 4th (2 story bone)
Distal row: numbered bones 1-4
List the joints of the hock.
Tibiotarsal, tarsocrural, or talocrural joint.
Proximal intertarsal (PIT) joint
Distal intertarsal (DIT) joint
Tarsometatarsal (TMt) joint
What prevents over flexion of the tarsus?
Long plantar ligament
What is the thickening of the deep fascia over the plantar tarsus that forms, with the tarsal bones (calcaneal tuberosity and sustentaculum tali), a canal?
Flexor retinaculum
What is formed by the flexor retinaculum and the tarsal bones?
A canal
What is the main structure passes over the groove on the sustenaculum tali?
DDF in a synovial sheath (lateral head)
In what domestic species is the exact configuration of the tarsus clinically most important?
List the sublumbar muscles.
Psoas minor, iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum
What makes up the iliopsoas muscle?
Major psoas, and iliacus mm.
Where does the iliopsoas muscle insert?
Lesser trochanter of the femur
What is the function of the iliopsoas muscle?
Major flexor of the hip
What type of muscles are the sublumbar muscles due to their location?
Hypaxial mm., below the transverse processes.
List the muscles of the pelvic association.
Internal obturator, gamelli, and quadratus femoris mm.
What is the most significant pelvic association muscle?
Internal obturator muscle
What other muscle functions like a pelvic association muscle, as it also rotates the thigh outward?
External obturator muscle.
What is the largest and most lateral of the caudal thigh muscles?
Biceps femoris muscle.
What are extensors of the stifle and what innervates them?
Cranial thigh (quadriceps) mm. femoral nerve
What strap-like muscle extends from the ilium to the stifle?
Cranial and caudal sartorius
The cranial thigh muscles (quadriceps) have what actions?
Extend stifle and flex hip
What is the action and innervation of the medial thigh muscles?
Adduction, obturator nerve
What innervates the flexors of the digits and extensors of the tarsus?
Tibial nerve
What is the innervation of the caudal muscles of the thigh?
Ischiatic nerve
What is more medial, the semimembranoss or the semitendinosus?
Semimembranosus muscle.
Name the tendon of insertion of the quadriceps femoris muscle containing the patella.
Patellar tendon, part from patella to tibia often called the "patellar ligament
What is the action of an adductor muscle?
Adduction of limb
What is the fascia lata?
Lateral deep fascia of the thigh
What are extensors of the stifle and what innervates them?
Cranial thigh (quadriceps) mm. femoral nerve
What strap-like muscle extends from the ilium to the stifle?
Cranial and caudal sartorius
The cranial thigh muscles (quadriceps) have what actions?
Extend stifle and flex hip
What is the action and innervation of the medial thigh muscles?
Adduction, obturator nerve
What innervates the flexors of the digits and extensors of the tarsus?
Tibial nerve
What is the innervation of the caudal muscles of the thigh?
Ischiatic nerve
What is more medial, the semimembranoss or the semitendinosus?
Semimembranosus muscle.
Name the tendon of insertion of the quadriceps femoris muscle containing the patella.
Patellar tendon, part from patella to tibia often called the "patellar ligament
What is the action of an adductor muscle?
Adduction of limb
What is the fascia lata?
Lateral deep fascia of the thigh
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
List the adductor muscles supplied by the obturator nerve.
Pectineus, gracilis, adductor
What are the attachments of the SDF in the dog's pelvic limb?
Femur, calcaneus, and middle phalanges of digits 2-5
What are the actions of the crural muscles?
Craniolateral: extensors of digits and flexor of the tarsus (called extensors).
Caudal: flexors of digits and extensors of the tarsus (called flexors)
Why are the flexors and extensors different in the leg and forepaw?
Flexor side of the tarsus and digits different but same for the carpus and digits.
What is the innervation of the crural muscles?
Craniolateral extensors: Common fibular
Caudal flexors: Tibial
What composite tendon inserts on the calcaneus?
Common calcanean tendon
What separates the lateral collateral ligament from the lateral meniscus?
Tendon of popliteus muscle.
What holds down the lateral head of the deep digital flexor muscle in the groove on the sustentaculum tali, thus, forming a canal with the calcaneal tuberosity (not called the tarsal canal as this term is saved for the vascular canal through the tarsus)?
Flexor retinaculum connecting the calcaneal tuberosity with the medial side of the sustentaculum tali
What part of the pelvic limb is between the stifle and the tarsus?
Crus or true leg
What are the main extensors and flexors of the digits?
Extensor: Long and lateral digital extensors.
Flexor: SDF and DDF
What are the five terminal branches of the aorta mainly supply?
External iliacs: pelvic limbs
Internal iliacs: Pelvis and rump
Median sacral / caudal: tail
What are the five terminal branches of the abdominal aorta?
2 external iliacs; 2 internal iliacs, 1 median sacral
What are the terminal branches of the internal iliac artery?
Internal pudendal and caudal gluteal arteries
What is the main blood supply to the gluteal muscles?
Cranial and caudal gluteal arteries.
What branch of the aorta is the main supply to the pelvic limb?
External iliac artery
What artery is a direct continuation of the external iliac artery out of the abdominal cavity to supply the pelvic limb?
Femoral artery
How does the continuation of the external iliac artery leave the abdominal cavity to become the femoral artery?
Vascular lacunae (femoral canal / ring)
What is the terminal branch of the femoral artery before it becomes the popliteal?
Distal caudal femoral artery
What is the distal continuation of the femoral artery caudal to the stifle?
Popliteal artery
What is the larger branch of the popliteal artery?
Cranial tibial artery
The cranial tibial artery continues as the _____ _____ on the tarsus.
Dorsal pedal artery
What is a digital artery on the side of a digit facing the axis? One facing away from axis?
Axial digital artery
Abaxial digital artery
Why can the femoral artery be tied off without damage to the limb?
Collateral circulation develops
List the superficial veins of the pelvic limb.
Medial and lateral saphenous veins
What is the palpable lymph node of the pelvic limb? Where?
Popliteal lymph node, caudal to the stifle (popliteal area)
What drains the groin, caudal mammary gland and scrotum?
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (palpable)
What are the main lymph nodes located near the termination of the aorta?
Medial iliac lymph nodes
What is formed by the ventral branches of the lumbar and sacral nerves?
Lumbosacral plexus
List the main nerves of the pelvic limb and what they innervate:
Gluteal: gluteal mm.
Obturator: adductors of thigh
Ischiatic: caudal thigh mm.
- Tibial: caudal crural mm. and sensory to plantar paw
- Common fibular: craniolateral crus and sensroy to dorsal paw
Femoral: iliopsoas, quadriceps
- Saphenous: sartorius and sensory to medial skin (including medial stifle)
What nerve supplies motor innervation to the adductors of the thigh?
Obturator nerve
The tibial nerve innervates the ____ muscles of the crus.
Caudal crural mm. and by its branches the distal limb
What does the ischiatic nerve supply?
Caudal thigh mm. and by its branches the distal limb.
What does the common fibular (peroneal) nerve innervate?
Craniolateral (extensors of digits, flexors of hock) and sensory to the skin of dorsal pes.
What is innervated by the femoral nerve?
Iliopsoas (flexor of hip) and quadriceps and mm. (extensors of stifle) and sartorius.
Name the two terminal branches of the ischiatic nerve.
Tibial and common fibular (peroneal) nn.
What innervates the sartorius muscle and the medial skin of the limb?
Saphenous nerve
Where is it easiest to identify the tibial nerve?
Diving between two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle
What is the cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve?
Saphenous nerve to medial limb.
What does the ischiatic nerve supply?
Caudal thigh and by branches mm. of crus and pes (all of limb except hip mm. and extensor of stifle).
What are the two branches of hte common fibular (peroneal) nerve?
Superficial and deep fibular (peroneal) nn.
What is an acceptable substitute fo the term peroneal?
Fibular (NAV)
What nerve is required to bear weight on the pelvic limb?
Femoral nerve (L 4-6), extends the stifle.
Why can the acetabular rim be mistaken for a chip fracture in a radiograph?
Because it is an accessory ossification area.
What is a normal remnant of the closed physis?
Physeal scar
How does the fovea capitis of the femur appear in radiographs?
Normal flattenng of the femoral head
How is a dog place for a hip dysplasia view?
Place in dorsal recumbency with the limbs pulled caudally and rotated slightly medially to place the femurs parallel to each other, the patellas centered in the trochlea of the femur. Superimpose the femur and the ischiatic tuberosity similarly on both sides.
What bones should the hip dysplasia VD view include?
From below the stifle to just above the hip bones.
How must the pelvis be place in a hip dysplasia view? Why?
Must be level (no rotation). Rotation will make one acetabulum look very deep and one very shallow, therefore, one joint will appear better.
How does the "up" obturator foramen compare to the "down" one in a unleveld pelvic VD film?
Rounder and larger, "down" side appears smaller and more elliptical
Besides to obturator foramen, what else appears different if the VD pelvic view is not level?
Width of the wings of the ilium, sacroiliac joints.
How does the head of hte femur and the dorsal rim of the acetabulum appear in a normal VD film?
50-60% of the head should be inside the rim.
How should the head of the femu and the acetabular cup relate in a normal VD film?
Show conguency (parallel lines) between the head and the cup, especially in the cranial third.
How should the edge of the cranial acetabular cup be related to the axis of the skeleton?
A tangential line drawn along it should be as lose as possible to perpendicular to the axis.
List the sesamoid bones of the stifle.
Patella, two sesamoids in heads of gastrocnmeius m. and sesamoid bone in the popliteal tendon.
In young dogs, what has a grwoth plate which looks like a fracture?
Tibial tuberosity
How is a skyline view of the stifle taken?
Sternal recumbency, flex the stifle and place the animal in its knees. Shoot tangentially across the patellar surface of the trochlea.
What does the skyline / tangential view of the stifle show?
Depth of the trochlear groove, the patella and the femoropatellar joint space.
What dogs have a shallow trochlear groove.
Dogs that have patellar luxation
On the mediolateral projection of the stifle what is the radiolucent (fat) density seen in the triangle formed by the femur, tibia and distal patellar ligament?
Subpatellar fat pad.