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70 Cards in this Set

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Anterior Cranial Fossa
What bones form it?
What are its contents?
Formed by the frontal and ethmoid bone and parietal bones
Contents: frontal lobes, cribriform plate, foramen cecum, crista galli
Middle Cranial Fossa
What bones form it?
What are its contents?
Formed by sphenoid and temporal bones.
Contents: temporal lobes, pituitary, optic foramen, superior orbital fissure, carotid canal, trigeminal ganglion, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum
Posterior Cranial Fossa
What bones form it?
What are its contents?
Formed by occipital and temporal bones
Contents: occipital lobes, brainstem, cerebellum, internal acoustic meatus, jugular foramen, foramen magnum, hypoglossal canal
Foramen cecum
Contents passed?
Frontal and ethmoid bones
Contents: Emissary vein
Greater palatine foramen
Contents passed?
Palatine bone
Contents: greater palatine nerve, artery, vein
Lesser palatine foramen
Contents passed?
Contents: lesser palatine nerve, artery, vein
Incisive canal
Contents passed?
Nasopalatine nerve
Supraorbital foramen
Contents passed?
Supraorbital nerve, artery, vein
Infraorbital foramen
Contents passed?
Sphenoid and maxilla
Infraorbital nerve (V2), artery, vein
Optic canal
Contents passed?
Optic nerve (II), ophthalmic artery
Superior orbital fissure
Contents passed?
Sphenoid (between greater and lesser wings)
Oculomotor (III), Trochlear (IV), Abducens (VI), Trigeminal V1 - lacrimal, frontal, and nasociliary nerves) and superior ophthalmic vein
Inferior orbital fissure
Contents passed?
Sphenoid, maxilla
V2, infraorbital vessels, ascending branches of sphenopalatine ganglion

* leads to infraorbital foramen
Foramen rotundum
Contents passed?
Foramen ovale
Contents passed?
V3, lesser petrosal nerve
Foramen spinosum
Contents passed?
Middle meningeal artery and vein
Petrotympanic fissure
Contents passed?
Chorda tympani, anterior tympanic artery
Foramen lacerum
Contents passed?
Temporal and sphenoid
Greater and deep petrosal nerves (internal carotid artery runs over top)
Internal acoustic meatus
Contents passed?
Temporal (petrous)
Stylomastoid foramen
Contents passed?
Jugular foramen
Contents passed?
Temporal and Occipital
Internal jugular vein, glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and spinal accessory nerve (XI)
Foramen magnum
Contents passed?
Medulla oblongata/spinal cord, vertebral arteries, spinal accessory nerve (XI)
Mandibular foramen
Contents passed?
Inferior alveolar nerve, artery, vein
Mental foramen
Contents passed?
Mental nerve, artery, vein
The greater wing of the sphenoid contains which 3 foramina?
Rotundum, ovale, spinosum
What are the components of the ethmoid bone, and what is the function of each?
Cribriform plate --> olfactory foramina
Crista galli --> attaches to falx cerebri
Lateral plates --> contain ethmoid sinuses, lamina papyracea, superior and middle nasal conchae
Perpendicular plate --> superior part of nasal septum
What are the components of the sphenoid bone, and what is the function of each?
Hollow body --> sella turcica and sphenoidal sinuses
Greater wings --> lateral orbital wall and roof of infratemporal fossa
Lesser wings --> roof of orbit and superior orbital fissure (contains optic foramen)
Medial and lateral pterygoid plates --> medial ends as a hamulus (tensor veli palatini muscle hooks around this); lateral is attachment for both medial and lateral pterygoid plates
7 bones of the orbit?
Describe the zygoma
AKA "malar" or "cheekbone"
*located in the upper and lateral part of the face
*prominence of the cheek
*part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit
*parts of the temporal and infraorbital fossae
*articulates with the maxilla (anteriorly) and the temporal bone (posteriorly)
Describe the zygomatic arch
-formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of temporal bone
-Temporalis muscle passes deep to zygomatic arch
-Masseter muscle originates from zygoma and zygomatic arch
Describe the Maxilla
-upper jaw
-consists of a body and 4 processes: zygomatic, frontal, alveolar, and palatine
-forms boundaries of 3 cavities: roof of mouth, floor and lateral wall of nose, floor of orbit
-forms 2 fossae: infratemporal, pterygopalatine
forms 2 fissures: infratemporal, pterygomaxillary
Boundaries of the infratemporal fossa
*anterior - posterior maxilla
*posterior - temporal bone (tympanic portion, mastoid, and styloid process)
*medial - lateral pterygoid plate (sphenoid)
*lateral - mandibular ramus
*roof - greater wing of sphenoid (w/ foramen ovale --> CN V3)
*floor - medial pterygoid muscle (superior surface where inserts into mandible)
Contents of the infratemporal fossa
-temporalis and pterygoid muscles
-maxillary artery (and branches, i.e. middle meningeal)
-pterygoid plexus of veins
-chorda tympani (VII)
-otic ganglion (IX)
Boundaries of the pterygopalatine fossa
*anterior - maxilla
*posterior - pterygoid plates
*medial - nasal fossa
*lateral - infratemporal fossa
*roof - greater wing of sphenoid; opens into inferior orbital fissure
*floor - pyramidal process of palatine bone; inferior end contains palatine canals
Contents of the pterygopalatine fossa
-pterygopalatine (3rd) part of maxillary artery and its branches
-nerve of pterygoid canal
-pterygopalatine ganglion and branches
Pterygopalatine fossa: major communications
Passageway: pterygomaxillary fissure
Contents passing: posterior superior alveolar NAV, maxillary artery
Space: infratemporal fossa
Pterygopalatine fossa: major communications
Passageway: inferior orbital fissure
Contents passing: CN V2
Space: orbit
Pterygopalatine fossa: major communications
Passageway: foramen rotundum and pterygoid canal
Contents passing: CN V2; nerve of pterygoid canal (formed by deep and greater petrosal nerves)
Space: middle cranial fossa
Pterygopalatine fossa: major communications
Passageway: sphenopalatine formamen
Contents passing: sphenopalatine artery and vein, nasopalatine nerve
Space: nasal cavity
Pterygopalatine fossa: major communications
Passageway: palatine canals
Contents passing: greater and lesser palatine NAV's
Space: oral cavity
Bones of the neurocranium
-parietal (2)
-temporal (2)
Bones of the viscerocranium
-maxilla (2, then fuse)
-nasal (2)
-zygomatic (2)
-palatine (2)
-lacrimal (2)
-inferior conchae (2)
Except for the mandibular condyle, bones of the viscerocranium form by what type of growth?
Describe the hard palate
The hard palate forms the roof of the oral cavity and the floor of the nasal cavity
-maxilla are palatal processes (anterior 2/3)
-palatine bones are horizontal palates (posterior 1/3)
-pterygoid plates of the sphenoid articulate with the maxillary tuberosity (posterior palate)
Describe the palatal foramen
1) incisive foramen (Scarpa, midline; Stenson, lateral) --> descending palatine vessels and the nasopalatine nerves of V3 -- anterior palatal block
2) greater and lesser palatine foramen --> descending palatine vessels and anterior palatine nerve of V3 -- site of palatal anesthetic block
Nasal cavity: boundaries and contributing structures
floor -- hard palate
roof -- cribriform plate of ethmoid, anterior body of sphenoid, nasal spine of frontal bone, nasal bones, lateral nasal cartilages
lateral wall -- nasal, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxilla, palatine, and inferior conchae
medial wall -- nasal septum
external nose -- 2 nasal bones, cartilages (hyaline)
Describe the sensory innervation of the nasal cavity
*V2 --> nasopalatine, infraorbital, greater palatine
*V1 --> anterior ethmoidal
*parasympathetic to secretory glands --> branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion
*olfactory epithelium --> innervated by olfactory nerve (I)
Blood supply of the nasal cavity
-sphenopalatine branch of maxillary artery
-anterior ethmoidal branch of ophthalmic artery
-septal branch of superior labial branch of facial artery
Purpose of nasal conchae and meatuses
conchae -- increase air turbulence for warming, filtering, olfaction
meatuses -- drainage points for sinuses and nasolacrimal apparatus
5 bones and 1 cartilage of nasal septum
1) vertical plate of ethmoid
2) vomer
3) nasal crest of maxilla
4) palatine bones
5) nasal crest of sphenoid bones

1) septal cartilage
What is Kiesselbach's plexus?
Anastomosis of 5 arteries:
1) sphenopalatine
2) greater palatine (of maxillary artery)
3) superior labial (of facial artery)
4) anterior ethmoidal arteries (of ICA)
5) lateral nasal branches of facial artery

(most cases of epistaxis are from this plexus)
4 paranasal sinuses
-maxillary (lined by Sniderian membrane)
Where is the drainage location for the nasolacrimal apparatus?
inferior meatus
Where is the drainage location for frontal sinuses?
middle meatus (hiatus semilunaris)
Where is the drainage location for maxillary sinuses?
middle meatus (ostium -- within hiatus semilunaris)
Where is the drainage location for ethmoid sinuses (anterior, middle, and posterior)?
middle meatus (within hiatus semilunaris and ethmoidal bullae)
superior meatus
Where is the drainage location for sphenoid sinuses?
sphenoethmoidal recess of nasal cavity
What are the components of the external nose?
-nasal bones
-septal cartilages
-lateral cartilages
-alar cartilages

*all cartilages of external nose are hyaline
What is the largest and strongest bone in the face?
Describe the mandibular foramen
-located on the medial side of the ramus (just below lingula), midway between anterior and posterior borders of ramus
-it passes
1) inferior alveolar nerve (of V3)
2) inferior alveolar artery and vein
What is Kiesselbach's plexus?
Anastomosis of 5 arteries:
1) sphenopalatine
2) greater palatine (of maxillary artery)
3) superior labial (of facial artery)
4) anterior ethmoidal arteries (of ICA)
5) lateral nasal branches of facial artery

(most cases of epistaxis are from this plexus)
4 paranasal sinuses
-maxillary (lined by Sniderian membrane)
Where is the drainage location for the nasolacrimal apparatus?
inferior meatus
Where is the drainage location for frontal sinuses?
middle meatus (hiatus semilunaris)
Where is the drainage location for maxillary sinuses?
middle meatus (ostium -- within hiatus semilunaris)
Where is the drainage location for ethmoid sinuses (anterior, middle, and posterior)?
middle meatus (within hiatus semilunaris and ethmoidal bullae)
superior meatus
Where is the drainage location for sphenoid sinuses?
sphenoethmoidal recess of nasal cavity
What are the components of the external nose?
-nasal bones
-septal cartilages
-lateral cartilages
-alar cartilages

*all cartilages of external nose are hyaline
What is the largest and strongest bone in the face?
Describe the mandibular foramen
-located on the medial side of the ramus (just below lingula), midway between anterior and posterior borders of ramus
-it passes
1) inferior alveolar nerve (of V3)
2) inferior alveolar artery and vein
Describe the mental foramen
-located below the 2nd premolar on each side
*mental nerve; the inferior alveolar nerve exits as the mental nerve. It suppllies skin and mucous membrane of the mental region
*incisive branch, which supplies the pulp chambers of the anterior teeth and adjacent mucous membrane