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43 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 types of tissue?
epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve
Epithelial tissue forms ______sheets held together by ______ ______ and ______
continuous, tight junctions, desmosomes
How is epithelial tissue supported?
by connective tissue
Epithelial tissue contains blood vessels. T or F?
Epithelial cells are regenerative. T or F?
Name the blacked-out regions
Good Job!
What are the three classifications (shapes) of epithelia tissue?
Squamous, cubodial and columnar
What are the functions of simple squamous tissue cells?
1. diffusion and filtration
2. provides slick friction-reduction to linings
Where can you find simple squamous tissue cells?
kidney, lining of heart, blood vessels, serosae
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A simple cuboidial has a very small central nuclei. T or F?
False: very large central nuclei
What is the function of simple cuboidal cells?
secretion and absorbtion
Where can you find simple cuboidial cells?
kidney tubules, ovary surface, ducts and secretory portions of small glands
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What shape of nuclei does a simple columnar cell have?
What kind of cells are often found in the simple columnar layer?
goblet cells (mucus secreating)
There are both cilia simple columnar and non-cilia. Where is the purpose of each?
cilia: moves things thru passageways
non cilia - lines small bronchi, uterine tubes
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What is the function of pseudostratified columnar cells?
secretion and propulsion of mucus
Where can you find pseudostratified columnar cells?
male sperm-carrying ducts (non cilia) and trachea (cilia)
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Stratified squamous is a thick membrane composed of several ______ of cells.
What is the function of stratified squamous cells?
protection of underlying areas that are subject to abrasion
Where can stratified squamous cells be found?
1. external parts of skin
2, lining of esophagus, mouth and vagina
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Know the info on this slide
Stratified cuboidal and columnar a very common in the body. T or F?
Stratified cuboidal and columnar cells are typically ______ cell layers thick.
Where can stratified cuboidal and columnar cells be found?
pharynx, male urethra
What is the physicall appearance of transitional epithelia cells?
several layers w/ top layers dome shapped and bottom layers cuboidal
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Know the info on this slide
What is a gland?
One or more cells that makes and secretes an aqueous fluid
How do we classify glands?
Where their product is released (endocrine OR exocrine)
What are endocrine glands?
ductless glands that produce hormones
What do endocrine glands secrete?
amino acids, (glyco)proteins and sterioids
What is more numerous in the body...endocrine or exocrine glands?
Where do exocrine glands secreate their products?
Onto the body surface OR into a body cavity
Give several examples of exocrine gland products.
mucous, sweat, oil, saliva
What is the important unicellular gland cell?
the goblet cell
Exocrine glands are composed of a ______ and ______ unit
duct, secretory
How can exocrine glands be classified?
simple OR compound duct types AND by the structure of their secretory units (tubular OR alveolar)
Image of a goblet cell
Image of a goblet cell
Chart of exocrine secretory STRUCTURES (tubular and alveolar)
Chart of exocrine secretory STRUCTURES (tubular and alveolar) SIMPLE only!
Chart of exocrine secretory STRUCTURES (tubular and alveolar) COMPOUND only!
Chart of exocrine secretory STRUCTURES (tubular and alveolar) COMPOUND only