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144 Cards in this Set

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bony structures of the head

skeleton of the head composed of...
the skull, the mandible or lower jaw bone, the hyoid apparatus, the ossicles of the middle ear, and the cartilages of the external ear, nose, and larynx
head shapes (3)
brachycephalic: short, wide-headed (shihtzu, boston terrier)
mesaticephalic: medium-headed (beagle, lab)
dolichocephalic: long, narrow-headed (greyhound, collie)
cat head shape
shorter in the face than mesaticephalic
bones of the braincase (cranium)

general description
bones surrounding the brain, forming the cranial cavity
frontal bone
cranial roof
parietal bone
cranial roof
temporal bone

-3 parts
caudolateral walls of braincase
1.zygomatic process:caudolateral part of zygomatic arch
2.tympanic bulla:location middle ear
3.external acoustic meatus
ethmoid bone

-1 part
rostral wall
1.cribiform plate, cribiform foramina (holes that allow passageway of olfactory nerves to brain)
sphenoid bone
floor of braincase
occipital bone

most caudal bone in braincase; has 6 parts
occipital bone
1. sagittal crest
can be replaced by paired temporal lines in brachycephalic dogs
occipital bone
2. external occipital protuberance
meeting point of sagittal and nuchal crests
occipital bone
3. nuchal crest
caudal crest
occipital bone
4. occipital condyle
articulates with C1
occipital bone
5. paracondylar process
attachment point for digastricus m. (muscle of mastication)
occipital bone
6. foramen magnum
opening for spinal cord, see from caudal view
facial bones

general information
the bones enclosing the nasal and oral cavities. Face can be divided into oral, nasal, and orbital regions.
nasal bone

1 part
with frontal bone, forms roof of nasal cavity
-nasal aperture:opening into nasal cavity
maxillary bone or maxilla
4 descriptors
1 part
lateral part of face, forms hard palate, holds upper cheek and canine teeth
-infraorbital foramen opens up into infraorbital canal
incisive bone
rostral bone, holds upper incisors, forms hard palate
palatine bone
forms hard palate
zygomatic bone
cranial surface of orbit, rostral portion of zygomatic arch
lacrimal bone
medial surface of orbit
pterygoid bone
caudal part of nasopharynx
osseous part of nasal septum
mandible (lower jaw)
general information 4
-only mobile bone of mammalian skull
-bears the lower teeth and articulates with the mandibular fossa of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
-the two mandibles join rostrally at the mandibular symphysis
-each mandible can be divided into a body, the horizontal part bearing lower teeth, and ramus, the vertical part bearing no teeth
masseteric fossa
attachment site for masseter m.
coronoid, condylar*, angular processes
*condylar process articulates with skull in temporomandibular joint
mandibular notch
motor br. of mandibular n. to masseter m. passes over this
mandibular foramen and canal
inferior alveolar artery, vein, and nerve travel through to supply lower teeth
mental foramina
mental nerves travel through
mandibular symphysis
common site of fracture
temporomandibular joint
between condylar process and the mandibular fossa of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
hyoid apparatus
general information
-composed of hyoid bones, which stabilizes the tongue and larynx by suspending them from the skull
-Sick Elephants Can Be Treated
hyoid apparatus

-tympanohyoid cartilage-most cranial, only part of apparatus that is not bone
-basihyoid unpaired, palpable (ID)
-thyrohyoid most caudal
general info
-perform the principle function of mastication
-arranged into two opposing upper and lower arches, lower arch is narrower
domestic animals have two types of teeth:
brachydont-low-crowned teeth, the simple teeth of man, carnivores, and pig; consists of crown, neck, and root
hypsodont-high-crowned teeth, no distinct neck
dental formula:
deciduous teeth
upper I-3 C-1 P-3

lower I-3 C-1 P-3

total 28
dental formula:
permanent teeth
upper I-3 C-1 PM-4 M-2 (10)

lower I-3 C-1 PM-4 M-3 (11)

total 42
vestibular surface
surface facing outward toward vestibule and lips

lingual surface
surface facing inward toward tongue

contact surface
surface adjacent to neighboring tooth in same arch
mesial-closer to midline
distal-away from midline

occlusal or masticating
surface facing teeth of opposite arch
carnassial (sectorial) teeth
large, shearing teeth of both dog and cat. they are upper 4th premolar, and lower 1st molar

above gum

at gum line

below gum line

covers the crown; hardest substance in body

hard substance similar to bone, bulk of the tooth

pulp cavity
central space containing nerves, vessels

thin bone like covering of root

peridontal membrane
fibrous connective tissue connecting well of alveolus with cementum

median groove on nasal plane, extends down to upper lip
nasal plane
external nose, nonhaired skin, covers nostrils
nasal aperture
bony entrance into nasal cavity
(median) nasal septum
partition on midline, separates two nasal cavities
nasal cartilage
give form to nasal plane
alar fold
cranial opening of nasolacrimal duct
bulbous structure attach to nostrils then to concha
caudal openings of nasal cavities
nasolacrimal duct
tears/mucous to external nose
nasal concha

description and 3 types
bony scrolls covered by nasal mucosa and fillinf each half of the nasal cavity

dorsal nasal concha, ventral nasal concha, and ethmoidal concha
nasal passages

dorsal nasal meatus
middle nasal meatus
ventral nasal meatus
common nasal meatus (space common to other three)
paranasal sinuses - "beside nasal cavities"

description and function
diverticula of the nasal cavity which excavate the skull, lined by a mucous membrane and communicate with nasal cavity
function-obscure, some thermal and mechanical protection to orbit, nasal, and cranial cavities, reduce weight of skull
paranasal sinuses

frontal sinus-dorsal to frontal bone
maxillary recess(sinus)- above P4 to M2
muscles of the face (5)
function: open, close, or move lips, eyelids, nose, and ear

innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII)
platysma m
cutaneous muscle, adhere to skin on neck
orbicularis oris m.
circular muscle, makes up free border of lips
buccinator m.
cheek wall muscle, blends with orbicularis oris
levator nasolabialis ,
fibers rostral/ventral
function: lift upper lip/nose
orbicularis oculi
circular muscle around eye
muscles of mastication and related (4)
innervated by mandibular branch of trigeminal n. (CN V)

all except digastricus function to close jaw
dorsal part of skull attach to coronoid muscle of mandible
masseter m
lateral surface, attaches to masseter fossa
pterygoid m
deep, medial side
digastricus m
opens jaw, under lower jaw to pterygoid process
latin and greek

tongue parts 3
root body apex
median groove (sulcus)
middle of tongue
lingual frenulum
mucosa fold, anchors tongue to floor or oral cavity
sublingual fold
lies over salivary ducts on floor of oral cavity
sublingual carnucle
'bump' @ most rostral point where ducts open
fibrous spicule spike on midline under tongue
lingual papillae
-the dorsal surface of tongue
-they have protection and mechanical functions as well as perception of taste (some**)
filiform p
cover body and apex of tongue, point caudally
fungiform p **
small round white dots

** have taste buds
vallate p
big, at junction of body and root, surrounded by sulcus

** have taste buds
foliate p
leaf like lateral edge, parallel lines

** have taste buds
conical p
on base of tongue, point caudal, one tip
marginal p
hair like, on apex, PUPPY only
cat tongue
highly cornified filiform p
innervation of the tongue

rostal 2/3 of tongue=chorda tympani (branch of CN VII-facial n.)
caudal 1/3 of tongue= glossopharyngeal n (CN IX)
innervation of tongue

sensation (pain, temp, tactile)
lingual nerve, mandibular branch of CN V (trigeminal nerve), and CN IX
innervation of tongue

motor innervation
all lingual muscles (intrinsic and extrinsic) CN XII hypoglossal nerve
lingual muscless
-innervated by hypoglossal n (CN XII)
-function: to control precise movement of tongue such as lapping water, food prehension, mastication, swalling, and prevention of accidental biting of tongue
intrinsic group of lingual muscles
the many muscular bundles running in diverse directions to form the bulk of the tongue. function: protrude tongue, prevent tongue from being bitten
bulb of tongue
lingual muscles extrinsic group
paired muscles anchoring the tongue to the skeleton
lingual muscles-extrinsic

anchors to stylohyoid bone to middle of tongue (passes lateral to palatine tonsil)
function: retracts and elevates
lingual muscles-extrinsic

anchors to thyrohyoid and basihyoid bones to root of tongue
function: retracts and depresses
lingual muscles-extrinsic

"chin to tongue" anchors to mandibular symphysis to tongue basihyoid, ceratohyoid bones
function:protrude retract apex
hyoideus muscles
-all attach to the hyoid apparatus, which suspends the larynx and anchor the tongue
-function in swallowing, lolling, lapping, and retching
-innervated by CN V, IX, XII and first few cervical n.
sternum to basihyoid bone
f: pull basihyoid and tongue caudally
thyroid cartilage to thyrohyoid bone
f: draw hyoid apparatus caudally
fills intermandubular space, to basihyoid bone and midline raphe, sling for tongue, most ventral from medial side of mandible
f: raise floor of mouth and draw hyoid apparatus cranially
chin to basihyoid
f: draw hyoid apparatus cranially(swallow) and maintain airway
thyrohyoid bone to ceratohyoid bone
f: decrease angle formed by to hyoid bones
salivary glands

these glands secrete products into the oral cavity that moisten food and aid in digestion, secretions can be serous mucous or mixed
mandibular salivary gland
*mandibular lymph node
duct opens at sublingual carnucle
singular, encapsulated, located and caudal angle of jaw
*mandibular lymph nodes: palpable, 2-4 nodes rostroventral to salivary glands, drain ventral surface of head
sublingual salivary gland
monosomatic gland and major sublingual duct-duct opens at sublingual carnucle,encapsulated with mandibular salivary gland
polystomatic glands-diffuse clusters of glandular tissue on eighter side of tongue, ducts open directly into oral cavity
parotid gland
*parotid lymph node
duct opens at the 4th upper PM uncapsulated, lobular gland, located below auricular cartilage
parotid lymph node-small rostal edge of salivary gland drains orbit and dorsal struct of head.
translocation of parotid duct
move parotid duct to lateral canthus of eye to treat dry eye in dog. eye salivates
salivary mucosele
gland secretes/accumulates
salivary ranula
saliva collects on floor or oral cavity

system, 3 parts
passageway that is in part, common to both respiratory and digestive systems
oropharynx,nasopharynx, laryngopharynx
1. oropharynx

2 features
part of digestive channel, ventral to soft palate to base of epiglottis; extends from palatoglossal arch to caudal border of soft palate and base of epiglottis
-palatine tonsil: caudodorsal wall of oropharynx
palatoglossal arch- marks division betw oropharynx and oral cavity, mucosal fold extends betw body of tongue to beginning of soft palate
2. nasopharynx

2 features
dorsal to soft palate
paryngeal opening of the auditory tube (ear tube)
palatopharyngeal arch: extends caudally on each side from the caudal border of the soft palate to the dorsolateral wall of the nasopharynx, marks division betw nasopharynx and laryngopharynx
3. laryngopharynx

2 features
part of respiratory channel and digestive channels, caudal to soft palate, the part of pharynx where air from nasopharynx crosses to reach the larynx and food/H20 from oropharynx crosses into esophagus
-piriform recess: continuation of floor of oropharynx on either side of larynx, bones/foreign bodies may lodge here, pharyngostomy(site for), aryepiglottic fold
pharyngoesophageal limen: marks division betw laryngopharynx and esophagus, annular constriction
clincial correlate
endotracheal tube (larynx, trachea)
into oral cavity, press down epiglottis into trachea
clinical correlate
nasogastric tube (to stomach)
into nasal cavity ventral nasal meatus, through nasopharynx into esophagus
pharyngeal muscles - make up walls of pharynx
innervated by CN IX, X
function-aid in swallowing; most constrict the pharynx except the stylopharyngeas m which dilates the pharynx
cricopharyngeus m.
from cricoid cartilage most caudal
thyropharyngeus m.
from thyroid cartilage
hyopharyngeus m.
from thyrohyoid and ceratohyoid bones
palatopharyngeus m.
from soft palate
stylopharyngeus m
dilator, from stylohyoid, most cranial bc dilator before food comes in
musculocutaneous organ (tube connecting the laryngopharynx and trachea) guarding the entrance to the trachea
-serves as an air passageway, aids vocalization and prevents the inspiration of foreign material
laryngeal cartilages:
1. epiglottic-u-closes when swallow, open in inspiration
2.thyroid-u-open plate, palpable adams apple
3.arytenoid-p-corniculate process, cuneiform process, vocal process
4.cricoid-u-complete ring wider on dorsal side
the vocal apparatus of the larynx, consisting of vocal folds, the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilages, and the rima glottidis(passageway into glottis)
laryngeal ventricle-lateral
lateral diverticulum
vestibular fold
rostal to ventricle
vocal fold or vocal cord
mucosa covered vocal ligament and muscle caudal to the ventricle, vocalis muscle
muscles of larynx 2
cricoarytenoideus dorsalis

cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
recurrent laryngeal n = ?
from dorsolateral surface of cricoid cartilage to lateral s of muscular process
the only intrinsic muscle abducting (pulling apart) the vocal folds to open the glottis
caudal laryngeal n.= recurrent laryngeal n.
the only laryngeal muscle innervated by cranial laryngeal n. ventrally bowtie from ventral side of cricoid to lateral side of thyroid cartilage
roarer clinical correlate
get info
external ear
3 parts
-passageway from pinna to ear drum
1. auricula or pinna
2. EXTERNAL ear canal=external acoustic (auditory) meatus: vertical and horizontal parts
3. auricular cartilages
middle ear

part of ear inside of and including the tympanic membrane

6 parts
middle ear

tympanic membrane
tympanic cavity
tympanic bulla
tympanic membrane-ear drum
tympanic cavity-space inside middle ear
tympanic bulla- bone
middle ear
auditory ossicles

3 part
malleus (hammer)
middle ear

auditory (eustachian) tube
in tympanic cavity, also seen in nasopharynx
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube opens externally into nasopharynx
potential path for spread of infection
middle ear

vestibular (oval) window
see diagram
inner ear
fluid within labyrinth
bone that surrounds labyrinth
-develops in the embryo as an invagination of the optic placode that cavitates to form interconnected series of fluid filled ducts and chambers, called the mebranous labyrinth within an otic capsule
-the fluid within this labyrinth is a clear dialsylate of blood called endolymph
-the bony (osseous) labyrinth surrounds the membranous labyrinth
inner ear

semicircular ducts
cochlear duct
middle ear

cochlear (round) window
see diagram