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140 Cards in this Set

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Nerve anterior to medial epicondyle
median n.
nerve posterior to medial epicondyle
ulnar n.
internal rotation of shoulder join
Primary action of Biceps Brachii
Muscles of anterior/ flexor compartment of arm
Brachialis m
Biceps brachii m
Coracobrachialis m
Nerve around surgical neck of humerus
Axillary nerve
muscle innervated by the THORACODORSAL NERVE
Latissimus dorsi m.
muscles innervated by the LONG THORACIC NERVE
Serratus anterior m
Muscles innervated by DORSAL SCAPULAR NERVE
levator scapula m
rhomboid major m
rhomboid minor m
Flexor of Elbow joint
Brachialis m.
T or F
There is anastomosis around elbow joint.
Relationship of MEDIAN NERVE to brachial artery
Lateral-->anterior-->medial (elbow)
the MEDIAN NERVE is between what two muscles in the distal part of forearm
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Palmaris longus m.
**Nerve between Biceps Brachii muscle and Brachialis muscle
Radial nerve
tendons deep to the Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons
Flexor digitorum profundus tendons
Muscle group at the base of the thumb
Muscle group at base of pinky
Name the 5 compartments of the hand
Thenar compartment
Adductor compartment
Interosseous compartment
Hypothenar compartment
Central compartment
Muscles of the Thenar compartment
ABductor POLLICIS brevis m.
Flexor POLLICIS brevis m.
Opponens pollicis m.
"opponens" describes what position
adjacent to bone to move bone
Muscle of adductor compartment
(only 1)
Adductor Pollicis m.
Muscles of the Interosseous compartment
Dorsal interosseous mm
Palmar interosseious mm.
"interosseous" refers to what possition
between bones
Muscles of the Hypothenar compartment
(don't have to know)
ABductor digiti minimi m.
Flexor digiti minimi m.
opponens digiti minimi m.
Muscles of the central compartment
Long flexor tendons
**Muscles of the THENAR compartment
Opponens POLLICIS m.
what do the JOINT LINES on a x-ray of the hand represent?
Cartilage (serous fluid bt cartilage)
what 2 bones make the joint of the base of thumb?
Metacarpus bone
Trapezium bone
Name 4 structures of bones that can be foreshortened on a PA x-ray of wrist.
Tubercle of Trapezium bone
Hook of hamate
Pisiform bone
Tubercle of Scaphoid bone
4 carpal bones on the Proximal row
(always name radial to medial)
(proximal to forearm)

Name 4 carpal bones of the Distal row
(name Radial to medial)
(distal to forearm)
TRAPEZIUM (swinging of thumb like a trapezius)
Attachment sites for the FLEXOR RETINACULUM
Tubercle of Scaphoid
Tubercle of Trapezium

Hook of Hamate
Where is the Flexor Retinaculum located?
Bt the Proximal row and distal row of carpal bones
What structure prevents tendons of hand from bowing out and allows flexion of fingers?
a TX option for carpal tunnel syndrome includes the slight incision of what structure?
Flexor retinaculum
What description of people is at a high risk for carpal tunnel syndrome?
"Fat, Smoking Secretary"
Those who are overweight, smokes, and types a lot.
What contents are surrounded by synovial sheath in the carpal tunnel?
1)Flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus tendons

2)Flexor pollicis longus tendon
If there is an increase in synovial fluid in synovial sheath, is the fluid or the contents withing the carpal tunnel compressed?
Contents (tendons, median nerve)
Nerve that traverses carpal tunnel
Median n.
**Recurrent branch of the Median nerve innervates what structure
Thenar muscles
Muscles innervated by Palmar digital branches of the Median Nerve
Lumbrical mm of 1 and 2
Nerve providing cutaneous sensation to lateral 3 1/2 fingers
Palmar digitial branches of the MEDIAN NERVE
Is pain present in the palm of a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome?
What muscle outside thenar compartment contributes to actions of thumb?
Adductor POLLICIS m.
What nerve is injured if there is loss of thumb opposition and weakened aBduction and flexion?
Recurrent branch of median nerve: easily injured bc in a superficial position in palm
Results of injury to recurrent branch of median nerve
Loss of thumb opposition
Weakened ABduction and flextion
Syndrome: compression of median nerve within carpal tunnel
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Name some causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Fluid retention
Excessive Exercise
What sensory deficits are associated with carpal tunnel syndrome?
parasthesia, hypothesia, anesthesia @ REGION OF LATERAL 3 AND 1/2 DIGITS(no pain in palm)
pain worse @ night
What motor deficit is associated with carpal tunnel syndrome?
loss of strength in thumb (3 thenar mm)
What tests can be performed for carpal tunnel syndrome?
Phalen test

Tinel sign
Describe Phalen test and positive result.
Press back of both hands together for ~1min (to compress carpal tunnel)

Positive test: numbness or tingling along distribution of median n.
Describe Tinel Sign test and positive result.
Pecussion over carpal tunnel

Positive test: tingling sensation
Nerve that innervates the muscles of the hypothenar compartment.
Ulnar n.
nerve that innervates the 2 medial lumbrical muscles of the central compartement
(ring finger and pinky)
deep branch of ULNAR n.
nerve that innervates the 2 lateral lumbrical muscles of the central compartment
(pointer and middle fingers)
digital branches of MEDIAN n.
position of ulnar nerve and artery to Flexor retinaculum
ulnar n. SUPERFICIAL/ anterior to flexor retinaculum
which branch of the ulnar nerve is considered the sensory branch?
motor branch?

nerve that innervates the interosseous muscles
Ulnar nerve
GUYON'S CANAL is bt what 2 bones
Hook of Hamate
Nerve that runs in Guyon's canal
deep branch of ULNAR nerve
What does the dorsal cutaneous branch of the ULNAR nerve innervate?
dorsum of hand and medial 1 and 1/2 digits
Branch of nerve that supplies cutaneous sensation to medial part of palm and motor to hypothenar muscles
superficial branch of the ULNAR nerve
nerve that innervates
the dorsal and palmar interosseous muscles,
medial lumbricals (3-4) and the adductor pollicis muscle
deep branch of the ULNAR nerve
Origin and insertion of Lumbrical muscles
Origin: TENDON of flexor digitorum PROFUNDUS m.

Insertion: lateral/ radial side of extensor expansions of digits 2-5
Action of Lumbrical muscles
(hold tendon taut)
flex MCP joints
extend PIP and DIP joints
nerve that innervates lumbrical muscles
lateral (1,2): MEDIAN NERVE
medial (3,4): ULNAR NERVE
branch of nerve that innervates the intrinsic muscles of hand
deep branch of ULNAR n.
What are the intrinsic muscle of the hand?
1) adductor pollicis m.

2) dorsal interossei: 1-4
3) palmar interossei: 1-3
How many dorsal interosseus muscle:
1) pointer finger [1]?
2) middle finger [2]?
3 ring finger [3]?
total= 4

1. pointer: 1 on radial side
2. middle finger: 2- one on radial and one on medial side
3. ring- 1 on medial side
Action of dorsal interosseous muscles
ABduct digits
Act with Lumbricals
nerve that innervates the dorsal interosseous muscle
deep branch of ulnar nerve
How many palmar interosseous muscle/s:
-pointer finger?
-middle finger?
-ring finger?
total = 3
-thumb: 0
-pointer: 1 on medial sied
-middle: 0
-ring: 1 on radial side
pinky: 1 on radial side
Are the Palmar interosseous muscles responsible for aBduction or adduction?
adduction- 3 muscles

Thumb does not need palmar interosseous m (adduction) bc it has its own adductor m. (adductor pollicis m.)
Are the Dorsal interosseous muscles responsible for aBduction or adduction?
aBduction- 4 muscles
(no aBductor/ dorsal interosseous m on pinky)
branch of nerve that innervates palmar interosseous muscle
deep branch of ulnar nerve
action of palmar interosseous muscles
ADDUCTS digits
assistes lumbricals
branches of brachial artery that anastomose
Radial artery
Ulnar artery
name the 2 anastomosis of the hand

structure that the COMMON PALMAR DIGITAL ARTERIES arise from
the PROPER PALMAR DIGITAL ARTERIES arise from what structures?
common palmar digital artery
does the proper palmar digital arteries anastomose with other artereis?
NO- they are terminal arteries.
If a proper palmar digitital artery is damaged, is blood suppy completely lost to that half of the finger?
YES- terminal arteries so no anastomosis
Anastomosis in hand
superficial palmar arterial arch
deep palmer arterial arch
Arterial supply of thumb and thenar muscles
Deep Palmar arterial arch--> dorsal metacarpal arteries
Why are 4 injections necessary to numb finger?
Pair of nerves on palmar interosseous side =2
Pair of nerves on dorsal interosseous side = 2
Arterial supply is from bone or tendon?
tendon that passes through the Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
Flexor digitorum profundus tendon
the flexor digitorum profundus tendon passes through what tendon to insert on distal phalanx?
flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
What part of of the phalanges does the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon insert?
proximal phalanx
what part of the phalanges does the flexor digitorum profundus tendon insert?
distal phalanx
Horseshoe abscess involves infection spread between what 2 synovial sheaths?
common flexor synovial sheath (pinky) to
synovial sheath of flexor pollicis longus tendon (thumb)
Name the 6 extensor muscles of the forearem of the superficial group.
brachioradialis m.

EXTENSOR CARPI radialis longus m

Do the extensor muscles of the forearm supinate or pronate?
What is the common origin of the forearm extensor mm of the superficial group?
lateral epi/suprcondyle of humerus
Where does the Brachioradialis muscle insert?
lateral surface of distal end of RADIUS
Nerve that innervates the brachioradialis m.
radial n.
Where does the extensor carpi radialis longus m. insert?
base of 2nd METACARPAL bone
Acton of Extensor carpi radialis longus m.
extends and aBducts wrist joint
nerve that innervates extensor radialis longus m.
radial n.

(vs. the 2nd for ext carpi radialis longus .)
Nerve that innervates the extensor carpi radialis brevis
radial n.
Where does the extensor carpi ulnaris muscles insert?
base of 5th METACARPAL bone
Action of Extensor carpi radialis brevis m.
extends hand at the wrist joint
action of extensor carpi ulnaris m.
extends and adducts wrist joint
What is the insertion of the extensor digitorum m?
extensor expansions of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th digits
Action of the Extensor digitorum muscle
extends medial 4 digits @ MCP, PIP, DIP joints and
extends hand at wrist joint
nerve that innervates the Extensory digitorum muscle
radial nerve
Insertion of extensor digiti minimi m.
extensor expansion of 5th digit (pinky)
nerve that innervates extensor digiti minimi m.
radial n.
Name the 5 extensor muscles of the forearm of the DEEP group.
Supinator m.

Abductor pollicis longus m.
Extensor pollicis brevis m.
Extensor pollicis longus m.

Extensor indicis m.
Supinator muscle origin and insertion
origin: lateral epicondyle
(wraps around posterior)
Insertion: anterolateral surface of radium
Action of supinator m.
supinates FOREARM
Origin of supinator muscle vs origin of pronator teres muscle
supinator m: lateral epicondyle (wraps around posterior)
Pronator teres m: medial epicondyle (wraps around anterior)
nerve that innervates the supinator m.
radial n.
posterior interosseous nerve is a branch of what nerve?
radial nerve
what is the posterior interosseous nerve also known as?
deep branch of the radial nerve
what forearm extensor muscles are not innervated by the posterior interosseous nerve?
brachioradialis m.
extensor carpi radialis longus m.
(innervated by radial nerve- not this deep branch!)
**nerve between the Biceps brachii and brachialis muscle
radial nerve
Joint associated with Abductor pollicis longus m.
carpometacarpal joint
(also aBducts THUMB)
nerve that innervates abductor pollicis longus m.
radial n
nerve that innervates abductor pollicis brevis m.
radial nerve
joint associated with extensor pollicis brevis m.
Carpometacarpal joint
MCP joint
joints associated with extensor pollicis longus m.
MCP joint
Interphalangeal joint
externsor pollicis longus tendon

(real bone model)
nerve that innervates extensor pollicis longus m.
radial nerve
most distal muscle innervated by radial nerve
extensor indicis muscle
which digit is the extensor indicis m. associated with?
2nd digit
nerve that innervates extensor indicis muscle
radial nerve
Extensor retinaculum on anterior or posterior surface of wrist?
posterior surface
how many tendon compartments are under the extensor retinaculum?
Muscles of extensor tendon compartment 1
extensor POLLICIS brevis m.
abductor POLLICIS longus m.
Muscles of extensor tendon compartment 2
Muscles of extensor tendon compartment 3
Extensor pollicis longus m (cross compartment 2 to get to thumb)
Muscles of extensor tendon compartment 4
EXTENSOR digitorum m.
EXTENSOR indicis m.

largest (to fingers 1-4)
Muscles of extensor tendon compartment 5
Extensor digiti minimi m.
Muscles of extensor tendon compartment 6
Extensor carpi ulnaris m.
Are extensor tendons wrapped in synovial sheaths in the compartments?
yes- no sheaths in dorsum of hand
which extensor compartment overlaps another?
compartment 3 over 2
tendon borders of anatomical snuff box
1) extensor pollicis longus tendon (hooks around dorsal tubercal of radius thus being separated from brevis tendon)

2) extensor pollicis brevis tendon