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60 Cards in this Set

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What three bones fuse in the hip bone and what is it called where they fuse?
2. ischium
3. pubis
all fuse at the acetabulum
The iliac crest cross what spinal level?
The dorsum ilii(iliac wing) is the origin for what muscles?
1.gluteus minimus
2. gluteus medius
3. gluteus maximus
The anterior inferior iliac spine corresponds with what muscle?
straight head of rectus femoris
The posterior superior iliac spine corresponds with what spinal level?
2nd sacral (bottom of subarachnoid space containing CSF)
What are the bony landmarks of the ilium?
1.dorsum ilii (iliac wing)
2. iliac crest
3. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
4. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
5. Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
6. Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
7. Greater Sciatic Notch
Where is the ilium in relation to the acetabulum?
Where is the ischium in relation to the acetabulum?
What are the bony landmarks of the ischium?
1.ischial spine
2. body of ischium
3. ischial tuberosity
4. ramus of ischium
5. pubic arch
What does the ischium ramus fuse with and when?
fuses with inferior ramus of pubis in 8th year
What forms the pubic arch?
fusion of rami of ischium and pubis bilaterally
What causes ischial bursitis?
friction between ischial tuberosity and the ischial bursa
What are the bony landmarks on the proximal end of the femur?
3. greater trochanter
4. lesser trochanter
5. gluteal tuberosity
6. linea aspera
Where does trochanteric bursitis happen?
friction bursitis over the greater trochanter
What are the attachments of the gluteus maximus muscle?
1.ilium, sacrum, coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament
2. gluteal tuberosity(1/4 of muscle inserts here) and iliotibial tract
3. linea aspera
Where does the iliotibial tract attach inferiorly?
inferiorly to lateral condyle of the tibia
What is the function of the iliotibial tract?
assists in keeping the extended knee joint extended
What innervates the gluteus maximus?
inferior gluteal nerve (L5,S1,2)
What vascularizes the gluteus maximus?
inferior gluteal vessels and superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery
What is the function of the gluteus maximus?
1.extends hip joint
2. rotates femur laterally
(supports the extended knee via the iliotibial tract)
What structures are deep to the gluteus maximus?
1.greater sciatic foramen
2. piriformis muscle
What emerges superior to the piriformis muscle?
superior gluteal vessels and nerve
What emerges inferior to the piriformis?
2 groups (Group of 5 and Group of 3)
What is in the Group of 5 that emerges inferior to the piriformis?
1.sciatic nerve (L4,5, S1,2,3)
2. inferior gluteal nerve
3. inferior gluteal artery
4. inferior gluteal vein
5. posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Where does the sciatic nerve lie in relation to the hip and femur?
between the ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter
Which side is the safe side of the sciatic nerve and why?
the lateral side since it doesn't have any branches on that side
What does the sciatic nerve divide into?
1. common peroneal(fibular) nerve (L4,5,S1,2)
2. tibial nerves (L4,5,S1,2,3)
What do the inferior gluteal vessels supply?
2. obturator internus
3. gluteus maximus
Pain from sciatica radiates where?
from buttock down the leg and can travel as far as feet and toes
Where is the safe area to give intragluteal injections?
upper outer quadrant
What is in the Group of 3 that emerges inferior to the piriformis muscle?
1.nerve to obturator internus (L5,S1,2)
2. internal pudendal vessels
3. pudendal nerve (S2,3,4)
How does Group of 3 emerge?
1. from greater sciatic foramen and into ischiorectal fossa
While the internal pudendal vessels cross the ischial spine where does the pudendal nerve lie?
on the sacrospinal ligament
What is the only structure that enters the gluteal region via the lesser sciatic foramen?
obturator internus
What are the 5 muscles inserted on the greater trochanter?
1.gluteus medius
2. gluteus minimus
3. piriformis
4. obturator internus and gemelli
5. obturator externus
What are the attachments of the gluteus medius?
1.gluteal surface of ilium
2.lateral greater trochanter
What are the attachments of the gluteus minimus?
1.gluteal surface of ilium
2. anterior surface of greater trochanter
What is the function of the gluteus minimus and medius?
1.abduct the hip joint
2.prevent adduction of thigh when body weight is on 1 leg.
What are the attachments of the piriformis?
1.sacrum through greater sciatic notch
2. apex of greater trochanter
What are the attachments of the superior gemellus?
1. upper margin of lesser sciatic foramen(ischial spine)
2.join with obturator internus(tendon)
What innervates the superior gemellus?
nerve to obturator internus (L5,S1,2)
What are the attachments of the inferior gemellus?
1.lower margin of lesser sciatic foramen(ischial tuberosity)
2.join with obturator internus (tendon)
What innervates the inferior gemellus?
nerve to quadratus femoris(L4,5,S1)
Where do the superior and inferior gemelli lie in relation to the obturator internus?
Lie just above and below the obturator internus
What levels make up the superior gluteal nerve?
How does the superior gluteal nerve run into the gluteal region?
1. through the greater sciatic foramen with superior gluteal vessel
2. superior to piriformis
3. across lateral surface of ilium between gluteus medius and minimus
4. along with deep branch of superior gluteal artery
What does the superior gluteal nerve innervate?
1.gluteus medius
2. gluteus minimus
3. tensor fasciae latae(all abductors of the hip)
What is the result of a lesion of the superior gluteal nerve?
1.tipping of the hip to the unsupported side
2. due to non-functional gluteus medius and minimus on supported side
3.positive Trendelenburg test
What are the attachments of the tensor fasciae latae?
1.anterior superior iliac spine and outer lip of iliac crest
2. iliotibial tract (pulls on it)
What are the small lateral rotators of the hip joint?
1.quadratus femoris
2. obturator internus (sup. and inf. gemelli)
3. piriformis
4. obturator externus
What innervates the quadratus fermoris?
nerve to quadratus femoris (L4,5,S1)
(comes off of sciatic nerve)
What lies superior to the quadratus fermoris?
1.obturator internus
2.sup. and inf. gemelli
What are the attachments of the obturator internus?
1.pelvis surface of obturator membrane
2. goes through lesser sciatic foramen
3.upper border of greater trochanter
What innervates the obturator internus?
nerve to obturator internus (L5,S1,2)
What are the attachements of the obturator externus?
1.lateral surface of obturator membrane
2. back of femoral neck
What stabilizes the hip joint?
small lateral rotators
The superior and inferior gluteal arteries are branches off of what?
internal iliac artery
What do the superior and inferior gluteal arteries supply and what are their largest branches?
1.supply entire gluteal region
2. largest branches are muscular branches
What does the path of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh duplicate?
Runs the same path as the sciatic nerve, just cutaneously
What are the the 2 branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh?