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25 Cards in this Set

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A bullet (or knife) wound in the posterior triangle of the neck might result in all of the following:
Loss of sensation over the upper pectoral region
Paralysis of the supraspinatus muscles
At least partial loss of the sensory and motor innervation of the upper extremity
the cutaneous nerve to the region of the anterior traingle of the neck is...
the transverse cervical nerve (C2 C3)
the cutaneous nerve to the region of the angle of the mandible and the mastoid process is
the greater auricular nerve (C2 C3)
the greater occipital nerve contains fibers from
C2 dorsal rami
the ________ nerves pierce the platysma to supply the skin over the clavicle
the lesser occipital nerve contains fibers from...
C2 Ventral Rami
Inflammation of the facial nerve near the stylomastoid foramen resulting in paralysis of this nerve would most likely result, on the affected side, in each of the following:
paralysis of the buccinator muscle, posterior belly of the digastric, occipitalis, frontalis, stylohyoid, zygomaticus major, orbicularis oculi muscles

Inability to whistle
drooping of the eyebrow
inability to close the lips
the auricle of the ear and external ear canal are innervated solely by the ______
greater auricular nerve (C2 C3)
the region of skin covering the inion is innervated solely by _____ rami
dorsal rami
the facial nerve gives off the _____ in the temporal bone, innervates the ______ belly of the digastric muscle, provides GVE fibers to the ______ gland
gives off the greater petrosal nerve within the temporal bone
innervates the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
also, innervates the stapedius muscle!
it provides GVE fibers to the lacrimal gland
these openings transmit special somatic afferent fibers
optic canal, internal acoustic meatus
Nerve of the third brachial arch leaves through the
jugular foramen
What structures, in addition to the common carotid artery, are found in the carotid sheath?
internal jugular vein, vagus nerve
which passage transmits the nerve of the second branchial arch?
internal acoustic meatus
The greater sciatic foramen transmits the...
superior gluteal vessels
superior gluteal nerve

sciatic nerve
inferior gluteal artery
internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve
nerve to obturator internus
nerve to quad. femoris
posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
fiber types through Foramen rotundum...
GSA only
fiber type passing through the hypoglossal canal...
GSE only
fiber type passing through foramen ovale, innervating...
GSA and SVE; tensor tympani muscle, muscles from 1st branchial arch, masseter, mylohyoid muscle, lateral pterygoid,
What types of fibers can be found in nerves passing through the cavernous sinus or its wall?
Does the frontal bone go through a cartilaginous phase?
No, the frontal bone does not go through the cartilaginous phase, but forms directly from membranous ossification
Does the temporal bone go through a cartilaginous phase?
the petrous portion of the temporal bone is preformed in cartilage
. the first pharyngeal pouch will give rise to ....
the tympanic cavity and mastoid antrum
the parathyroid glands are derivatives of ...
the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches
the _____ sinus begins as an outgrowth in the third fetal month and is the first sinus to appear
general sensation from the maxillary sinus is carried in....
the second division of the trigeminal nerve