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30 Cards in this Set

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To what rib levels does the oblique fissure of the lungs project?
6-clav, 5-ax, 4 scap
To what rib levels does the horizontal fissure of the right lung project?
4-stern, 5-ax
To what rib levels does the inferior border of the lungs project?
6-stern, 6-clav, 8-ax, 10-scap
To what rib levels does the pleural margin project?
7-stern, 8-clav, 10ax, 12scap
All of the muscles of the larynx are innervated by ? Except one, the ?, which is innervated by ?
the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus, cricothyroid, external branch of the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus
All of the muscles of the pharynx are innervated by ? Except one, the ?, which is innervated by the ?
vagus, stylopharyngeus, glossopharyngeal nerve
All of the muscles of the palate are innervated by ? Except one, the ?, which is innervated by ?
palatal branches of the vagus, tensor veli palatini, mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
All of the muscles of the tongue are innervated by the ? Except one, the ? Which is innervated by the ?
hypoglossal nerve, palatoglossus, vagus
The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve innervates the four ?, and four more, two of which are tensors (?), and two of which are ? And ?
muscles of mastication, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani, mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric
The facial nerve innervates all of the ? And three more(???)
muscles of facial expression, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric
In the orbit, the trochlear nerve supplies the ?, the abducens nerve supplies the ?, and the oculomotor supplies the ?
superior oblique, lateral rectus, the rest
The spinal part of the accessory nerve innervates the ? and the ?.
sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
When testing the eye muscles, abduction tests the (?) adduction tests the (?)
recti, obliques
The optic canal contains
optic nerve (II) opthalmic artery
The Superior Orbital fissure contains
oculomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV), Opthalmic nerve (V1), Abducens nerve (VI), superior opthalmic vein
The divisions of the trigeminal travel via these foramina
superior orbital fissure (V1), foramen rotundum (V2), foramen ovale (V3)
The foramen spinosum contains
middle meningeal artery and vein
The carotid canal contains
the carotid artery, its nerve plexus
The internal acoustic meatus contains
facial nerve (VII), vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
The Jugular Foramen contains
Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), Vagus nerve (X), Accessory nerve (XI)
The hypoglossal canal contains
the hypoglossal nerve (XII)
In both men and women, the ureter courses ? to the gonadal vessels and ? to the iliopsoas muscles, crosses ? to the common iliac artery and vein, and enters inferiorly into the pelvis. In men, the vas deferens loops ? to the ureter, prior to the ureter entering the bladder. In women, the ureter courses ? to the uterine vessels (hence, the "water under the bridge" analogy) and close to the uterine cervix prior to reaching the intramural bladder.
posterior, anterior, anterior, anterior, posterior
The Facial nerve (VII) contains four fiber types
skeletomotor, secretomotor, taste, cutaneous sensation
The correlation of specific motor and sensory signs and symptoms with the level of a herniated disc commonly follows a single simple rule: The disc involved is the one (?) the vertebra of the same number as the involved spinal nerve.
Alcock's canal follows the (?) muscle and contains the (?)
obturator internus, pudendal nerve, artery, vein
The floor of the mouth is divided into two planes by two muscles. The (?) inserts deep to the (?)
hyoglossus, mylohyoid
Plane superficial to the mylohyoid contains
superficial submandibular gland, facial vein and artery
Plane between mylohyoid and hyoglossus contains
deep submandibular gland and duct, hypoglossal nerve, lingual nerve, sublingual salivary gland
Plane deep to hyoglossus muscle contains
lingual artery, glossopharyngeal nerve
1-vertebral artery
2-basilar artery
3-posterior cerebral artery
4-posterior cerebral artery
5-posterior communicating
6-internal carotid artery
7-middle cerebral artery
8-anterior cerebral artery
9-anterior communicating
10-anterior cerebral artery