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111 Cards in this Set

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study of nerves
"big brain" has two hemispheres, R & L has three major functions, thinking, reasoning and memory. (looks like swirls)
(straight grooves) "little brain: responsible for two major functions, coordination of muscles and balance.
brain stem
includes midbrain, pons varollii and medulla oblongata. Communication traits between parts above and below. White matter instead of grey.
1 and 2- lateral, 1 on each side cerebral nerve.
3- located in diacephalin lower part of brain, emotion, hunger, sex drive
4-brain stem
membranes that cover entire brain and cord. Three layers
pia mater
intimate with the brain and cord, innermost meningal covering
arachnoid mater
spider like layer, between first and second, subarachnoid layer is the space that contains CSF.
dura mater
tough outside covering. like canvas, covers the brain and cord.
CSF circulation
starts in tiny capillaries that hang down from roof of all four ventricles.
Choroid plexus
network of brain capillaries that are involved with the production of CSF
Spinal cord
nerve cord that runs through foramen magnum down to the anterior suface of L2.
its structure is nerve tissues
Peripheral nervous system
all in pairs
cranial nerves
all paired form front to back, underneath the brain, 12 pairs=24
olfactory nerves
pair, sensory nerve of smell. olfaction = to smell
optic nerve
pair, explode in retina) are for sight
trochlear nerve
(troch means twist) nerve twists the eye by moving the superior oblique muscle
sensation of face, scalp, teeth, and chewing movements
to abduct, pull away form midline, motors lateral rectus.
motor part-. called great motor nerve of the face, contractions of facial movements and sense of taste
auditory/acoustic, made of two different nerves, for hearing and balance.
tongue and throat
G.I. all leave the brain, motor
spinal accessory
sholder movements and turning of heads movements
under the tongue, motors the tongue as in speech.
Spinal NervesC1: nerves start on top of vertebrae
C1: nerves start on top of vertebrae
C2: above
C3: above
C4: above
C5: above
C6: above
C7: above and C8, below
cervical nerves
thoracic nerves, paired nerves
lumbar nerves, paired
Sacral nerves, paired
coccyx pair of nerves
pairs of spinal nerves
skeletal muscles
skeletal muscles
like strings attached to bones that work the bones. Muscles move parts of the skeleton
insertion point
insertion of any muscle is its more moveable point of attachment. Insertion always moves toward fixed end (origin)
belly of the muscle
the thick fleshy portion
at ends of muscles that attach muscles to muscles or muscle to bone
broad flat tendon
(cep=head) two headed muscle.
ex. shape of muscle:
triangle shaped muscle
four sided
Basis for naming skeletal muscle
a. shape and location
b. divisions and attachments:
c. direction of fibers:
d. superficial or deep:
e. size:
act of bending
act of straightening
towards the midline
away from the midline
palms facing forward or up
palms facing backwards or down
turn palm or sole of foot laterally
turn palm or sole medially
decrease size of opening (narrow)
increase size of opening (enlarge)
raise body parts
lower body parts
act of pivoting around a central axis
distally circle and proximally grinding, overall shape is a cone
muscle of the back, shape of a trapezoid, diamond shaped
trapezius o,i, f
o-skull and upper vert
f-extend head and neck
latissimus dorsi: o,i, f
O-Vert and ilium
F-extends and help adduct upper arm
pectoralis major: o,i, f
O-sternum, clavical, & upper rib cartilages
F-flexes and helps adduct upper arm
external intercostals:
run lateral to medial, between the ribs
internal intercostals:
run medial to lateral, under externals) between the ribs
transversus thoracus:
deepest layer in chest, thinner than abdominus. runs straight across
external oblique: o,i, f
O-lower thoracic cage
I- Midline of abdomen
F- compresses abdomen
internal oblique: o,i, f
O- pelvis
I- midline of abdomen
F- compresses abdomen
transverses abdominis: o,i, f
O- ribs, vert, and pelvis
I- midline of abdomen
F- compresses abdomen
abdomen: All three layers insert in....
linea alba (white tendon) on the midline, O: verterbrae
rectus abdominis, o,i, f
O- pubis
I- lower rib cage
F- flexes trunk
Iliopsoas, o,i, f
O- ilium and vert
I- femur
F- flexes thigh and trunk
combine, illacus merges with the psoas. in anatomical guide for the iliac vessels, common and external.
psoas major:
only muscle that has reversible origin and insertion
muscle part, phrenic muscle, is dome shaped, pushes up against viscera of the chest.
O: in a circle against the ribs, xyphoid process, tranverse processes of vertebrae, (two large crus)
I: central tendon
phrenic muscle
is the breathing muscle. branch of vegas nerve controls the diaphragm. diaphragm contracts on inspiration of air, pulls central tendon down, pulls lungs down, pulls air into the lungs. On expiration: diaphragm relaxes, intercostals contract to let air out of chest. The diaphragm marks change from thorax to abdomen
deltoid, o,i, f
O- clavicle and scapula
I- humerus
F- adbucts upper arm
teres major
marks end of axillary space.
Large sholder muscle over top of scapula
teres in anatomy means round.
It's a round muscle that assists in adduction, also medially rotates upper extremity.
biceps brachii, o,i, f
O- scapula
I- radius
F- flexes elbow
triceps brachii, o,i, f
O- scapula and humerus
I- ulna
F- extends elbow
Corocobrachialis, o,i, f
backdrop axillary artery.
O: corocoid process of scapula
I: humerous
F-help adduct upper extremity, anatomical guide for axillary artery
build to biceps brachii.
in the distal portion of arm,
immediately deep to biceps brachii.
Axillary artery comes thru and turns to brachial.
autonomic nervous system
involuntary functions- divided into 2 systems
1>sysmpathetic systems
fight or flight.
stimulate resp system, slow digestion
2> parasympathetic systems
rest and digest.
breathing, digestion, heart rate
Frontal, o,i, f
O- occipital bone
I- skin of eyebrow
F- raise eyebrow
Orbicularis oculi, o,i, f
O- maxilla and frontal bone
I- mixilla and frontal bone
F- closes eye
orbicularis oris, o,i, f
O- encircles lips
I- encircles lips
F- draws lips together
zygomaticus, o,i, f
I- angle of mouth&upper lip
F-elevates corner of mouth&lips
Masseter, o,i, f
O- zygomatic arch
I- manible
F-closes jaw
Temoral, o,i, f
O- temporal region of skull
I- manible
F-closes jaw
sternocleidomastoid, o,i, f
O- sternum and clavicle
I- mastoid process
F- rotate&flex head&neck
Satorius, o,i, f
O- ilium
I- tibia
F-flex thigh&rotate lower leg
Gluteus Maximus, o,i, f
O- ilium, sacrum, coccyx
I- femur
F- extend thigh
gluteal= hip - 6 gluteans (3 on each side
adductor longus, o,i, f
O- pubis
I- femur
F- adduct thigh
anatomical guide for femoral artery
Gracilis, o,i, f
O- pubis
I- tibia
F-adducts thigh
Penctineus, o,i, f
O- pubis
I- femur
F- adducts thigh
Seminmembranosus, o,i, f
O- ischium
I- tibia
F- flex knee
Semitendinosus, o,i, f
O- ischium
I- tibia
F- flex knee
Biceps femoris, o,i, f
O- Ischium and femur
I- fibula
F- flex knee
Rectus Femoris, o,i, f
O- illium
I- tibia
F- extend knee
Vastas lateralis, intermedius, and medialis, o,i, f
O- femur
I- tibia
F- extend knee
Tibialis anterior, o,i, f
O- tibia
I- metatarsals (foot)
F- dorsiflex ankle
Gastrocnemius, o,i, f
O- femur
I- calcaneus (heel)
F- planter flex ankle
Soleus, o,i, f
O- tibia and fibula
I- calcaneus (heel)
F- planter flex ankle
strongest tendon in anatomy
Peroneus longus and brevis, o,i, f
O- tibia and fibula
I- Tarsel and metatarsals (foot and ankle)
F- evert and planter flex ankle
Quadriceps Femoris (4 heads)
1. Vastus Lateral
2. Vastus Medius
3. Vastus Intermedius
4. Rectus Femoris
Abductor mangus
largest adductor lower extrem
entire length of the femur
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
( 4 )- (distal flangee) - allows fingers to curl
Flexor Carpi Radials
2nd tendon
anatomical guide radial artery=immediately lateral to tendon flexor carpi radialis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
most medial tendon of the forearm
anatomical guide to ulnar artery
ulnar artery located immediately lateral to tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
divides into 4 tendons - digitorum refers all 4 digits -
4 tendons under skin close to midline
each tendon splits to make pulley and attaches to middle flangee of digits