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209 Cards in this Set

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detects tension in tendons, position of joints
compresses the cheek against teeth when we eat to keep food from getting into the vestibule
malleus, incus, stapes
auditory ossicles
divides the body into equal left and right sides
fluid in the membranous labyrinth
more to the outside (towards the skin)
detects pain stimuli
towards the midline
supports the spiral organ
basilar membrane
away from the midline
pigmented middle layer of eye
anterior (ventral)
towards the front
sensation of taste
posterior (dorsal)
towards the back
attaches to lens
suspensory ligaments
going towards the trunk
sensitivity reduced due to constant stimulus
going away from the trunk
sensation of smell
towards the top (head)
unencapsulated, terminal branches of dendrites are called

a. lamellated corpuscles
b. free nerve endings
c. organs of Ruffini
d. Krause bulbs
B. free nerve endings
towards the feet
Barorecptors are a class of mechanoreceptor that respond to

a. light touch
b. pain stimuli
c. increase in muscle tension
d. changes in pressure
D. changes in pressure
two or more layers
which sensory structure has stereocilia of hair cells embedded in a gelatinous structure called a cupula?

a. semicircular duct
b. saccule
c. cochlear duct
d. utricle
A. semicircular duct
one cell layer
The photoreceptors that perceive color and sharp vision are

a. amacrine cells
b. rods
c. horizontal cells
d. cones
D. cones
craniosacral division
parasympathetic division
The tarsal glands secrete

a. a high-salt fluid to prevent endolymph from becoming perilymph
b. a low-protein product into the aqueous humor
c. a lipid-rich product that prevents the eyelids from sticking together
d. a mucus-rich product that maintains the moistness of the olfactory cilia
C. a lipid-rich product that prevents the eyelids from sticking together
looks like multiple layers, but really only one
the arrangement of tunics in the eye, from the center of the eye to the periphery, is

a. retina, vascular, fibrous
b. vascular, retina, fibrous
c. vascular, fibrous, retina
d. retina, fibrous, vascular
A. retina, vascular, fibrous
fight-or-flight division
sympathetic division
receptors in the walls of blood vessels that respond to discrete changes in gas concentration in the blood are called

a. gustatory receptors
b. chemoreceptors
c. thermoreceptors
d. nociceptors
B. chemoreceptors
absence of emotional speech
the only sensations to reach the cerebral cortex without first processing through the synapses in the thalamus are

a. pain
b. olfaction
c. proprioception
d. touch
network of pre- and postganglionic axons
autonomic plexus
the lacrimal glands produce lacrimal fluid for each of the following functions except

a. cleansing the eye surface
b. preventing bacterial infection
c. humidifying the eye orbit
d. moistening the eye surface
C. humidifying the eye orbit
forming cell
which statement is true about the cochlear duct?

a. it is part of the bony labyrinth
b. it is filled with perilymph
c. it contains hair cells that convert sound waves into nerve impulses
d. it contains a spiral organ that rests on a vestibular membrane
C. it contains hair cells that convert sound waves into nerve impulses
hormone secreted by adrenal medulla
detects crude touch, pain, pressure, temperature
spinothalamic tract
controls entire ANS function
mature cell
lateral to spinal cord
sympathetic trunk ganglia
originates in the thalamus
tertiary neuron
contains sympathetic postganglionic axons only
gray ramus
destroying cell
neurotransmitter for all preganglionic axons
axon crossover
second ANS neuron
ganglionic neuron
structures within a cell that work together to perform specific functions are
preganglionic axons to prevertebral ganglia
splanchnic nerve
pyramidal cell
direct pathway
a splanchnic nerve in the sympathetic division of the ANS

a. connects neighboring sympathetic trunk ganlia
b. controls parasympathetic functions in the thoracic cavity
c. is formed by preganglionic axons that travel to prevertebral ganglia
d. travels through parasympathetic pathways in the head
C. is formed by preganglionic axons that travel to prevertebral ganglia
a detailed 3-D view of cell structure is provided by
scanning electron microscopy
some parasympathetic preganglionic neuron cell bodies are housed within the

a. hypothalamus
b. sacral region of the spinal cord
c. cerebral cortex
d. thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord
B. sacral region of teh spinal cord
exits the CNS
lower motor neuron
which of the following is not a function of the sympathetic division fo the ANS?

a. increases heart rate and breathing rate
b. prepares for emergency
c. increases digestive system motility and activity
d. dilates pupils
C. increases digestive system motility and activity
which one of the following processes can only occur in a living cell?
Postganglionic axons from the celiac ganglion innervate which of the following?

a. stomach
b. urinary bladder
c. lung
d. adrenal medulla
A. stomach
information storage and retrieval
Sympathetic division splanchnic nerves end in the _____ ganglia, which are anterior to the vertebral column and aorta.

a. intramural
b. sympathetic trunk
c. prevertebral
d. terminal
C. prevertebral
extracellular fluid is also called
interstitial fluid
All parasympathetic division synapses use _____ as a neurotransmitter.

a. dopamine
b. norepinephrine
c. acetylcholine
d. epinephrine
C. acetylcholine
unconscious control of skeletal muscle
indirect pathway
which autonomic nerve plexus innervates the pelvic organs?

a. cardiac plexus
b. esophageal plexus
c. hypogastric plexus
d. inferior mesenteric plexus
C. hypogastric plexus
which type of tissue facilitates movement of the skeleton or organ walls?
which of the following describes a sympathetic postganglionic axon?

a. long, unmyelinated axon
b. short, myelinated axon
c. short, unmyelinated axon
d. long, myelinated axon
A. long, unmyelinated axon
contains no tertiary neurons
nerual crest cells form

a. the hypothalamus
b. white rami communicantes
c. autonomic ganglia
d. autonomic reflex centers
C. autonomic ganglia
unlike other intercellular junctions, _____ only attach a cell to its neighbors at potential stress points
All of the following cranial nerves carry parasympathetic preganglionic nerve axons except

a. CN III (oculomotor)
b. CN V (trigeminal)
c. CN IX (glossopharyngeal)
d. CN X ( vagus)
B. CN V ( trigeminal)
secondary neuron in an ascending pathway
at ______, transmembrane proteins create tiny pores through which small molecules and ions pass between adjoining cells
gap junctions
the fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis compose the _____

a. spinocerebellar tracts
b. posterior funiculi
c. spinothalamic tracts
d. anterior white commissure
B. posterior funiculi
originates from C3, C4, C5
phrenic nerve
(3,4,5 keep the diaphragm alive)
the motor tracts that conduct impulses to regulate the skilled movements of the upper and lower limbs are the

a. reticulospinal tracts
b. corticospinal tracts
c. rubrospinal tracts
d. tectospinal tracts
B. corticospinal tracts
which type of epithelium is adapted to protect underlying tissues from abrasion and friction?
stratified squamous
higher-order mental functions encompass each of the following except

a. memory
b. learning
c. reasoning
d. coughing
D. coughing
network of nerves that suupply the upper limbs
brachial plexuses
which of these are not part of an indirect motor pathway?

a. rubrospinal tacts
b. tectospinal tracts
c. corticobulbar tracts
d. reticulospinal tracts
C. corticobulbar tracts
which two tissues compose most of the integumentary system?
dense irregular connective and stratified squamous epithelium
pyramidal cell axons project through corticospinal tracts and synapse at

a. motor nuclei of cranial nerves
b. motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord
c. motor neurons in the posterior horns of the spinal cord
d. motor neurons in the lateral horns of the spinal cord
B. motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord
ventral (anterior) rami of C5-T1 form
each brachial plexus
the right hemisphere tends to be dominant for which functions?

a. mathematical calculations
b. motor commands involved with speech
c. musical and artistic skill
d. analytic reasoning
C. musical and artistic skill
a tissue section containing successive layers of smooth muscle, connective tissue, and transitional epithelium could be from the wall of the
urinary bladder
somatotopy is the

a. relationship between sensory receptors and motor units
b. positioning of motor neurons in the cerebellar cortex
c. precise correspondence between specific body and CNS areas
d. relationship between upper and lower motor neurons
C. precise correspondence between specific body and CNS areas
_____ of C5-T1 form the roots of the brachial plexus
anterior rami
a loss of consciousness due to fainting is called

a. lethargy
b. syncope
c. coma
d. sleep
B. syncope
dense irregular connective tissue that forms a supporting layer around cartilage is called
which of these is the least likely to affect information transfer from STM (short term memeory) to LTM ( long term memory)?

a. emotional state
b. repetition or rehearsal
c. auditory association cortex
d. cerebral nuclei
C. auditory association cortex
superior trunk
nerves C5 and C6
where are tertiary neurons found?

a. extending between the posterior horn and the anterior horn
b. extending between the posterior horn and the brainstem
c. extending between the thalamus horn and the primary somatosensory cortex
d. extending between the primary motor cortex and the brainstem
C. extending between the thalamus horn and the primary somatosensory cortex
which of the following pairings is incorrect?
supporting connective tissue, blood
middle trunk
nerve C7
elevates ribs during inhalation
external intercostals
inferior trunk
nerves C8 and T1
two types of cells in nervous tissue are
neurons and glial cells
formed from the ventral (anterior) rami of spinal nerves L4-S4
lumbosacral plexuses
depresses ribs during forced exhalation
internal intercostals
the largest and longest nerve in the body
sciatic nerve
nervous tissue cells that play several supporting roles but do not transmit impulses are called
glial cells
depresses ribs during exhalation
transverse thoracis
stretch in a muscle is monitored by a stretch receptor called the ____
muscle spindle
if you stepped on a nail, the second epidermal layer it would penetrate is the stratum
innervates gluteal region and most of lower limb
sacral plexus
all of the following are unique features of cardiac muscle except
cells are connected by gap junctions
contains axons of sensory neurons
posterior root
insensible perspiration
none of the above
strand of pia mater that anchors spinal cord to coccyx
filum terminale
the layer of epidermis that is mainly dead, keratinized cells is
stratum corneum
composed of tracts and funiculi
white matter
limited exposure to UV radiation is useful because it helps epidermal cells convert a steroid to
vitamin D3
innervates infrahyoid muscles
cervical plexus
both hair and nails are composed mainly of dead cells packed with
forms anterior and lateral horns
basal plate
characteristics of the stratum corneum include all of the following except
cells remain in this layer for approxiamtely 6 weeks
rapid, involuntary motor reaction of a muscle
characteristics of the epidermis include all of the following except
comprised of keratinized stratified columnar epithelium
contains cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons
lateral horn
the most abundant protein in the human body
a segment of skin supplied by a spinal nerve
Rotator Cuff

teres minor
innervates anterior thigh muscles
femoral nerve
intervertebral discs articulate with the
the tapered inferior end of the spinal cord is called the

a. conus medullaris
b. filum terminale
c. cauda equina
d. posterior root
A. conus medullaris
the largest vertebral bodies occur in which region?
the anterior root of a spinal nerve contains

a. axons of both motor and sensory neurons
b. axons of sensory neurons only
c. interneurons
d. axons of motor neurons only
D. axons of motor neurons only
Skeletal muscle
identify the meningeal layer immediately deep to the subdural space

a. pia mater
b. arachnoid
c. epidural space
d. dura mater
B. arachnoid
cardiac muscle
axons cross from one side of the spinal cord to the other through a region called the

a. lateral horn
b. posterior horn
c. gray commissure
d. anterior horn
C. gray commissure
smooth muscle
involuntary-non striated
the radial nerve originates from the ____ plexus

a. cervical
b. lumbar
c. sacral
d. brachial
D. brachial
3 auditory ossicles located within each temporal bone
which structure provides motor innervation to the deep back muscles and receives sensory information from the skin of the back?

a. anterior ramus
b. anterior root
c. posterior ramus
d. posterior root
C. posterior ramus
cartilaginous joint with a pad of fibrocartilage between the articulating bones
Lower limbs are supplied by neurons from the _____ of the spinal cord

a. lumbosacral enlargement
b. thoracic region
c. cervical enlargement
d. all of these are correct
A. lumbosacral enlargement
fibrocartiaginous _____ that encircles and covers the surface of the glenoid cavity
glenoid labrum
the subarachnoid space contains _____, and teh epidural space contains _____.

a. CSF; fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels
b. fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels; blood
c. CSF; pia mater
d. fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels; CSF
A. CSF; fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels
thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the epiphyseal surfaces to reduce friction
articular cartilage
the white matter of the spinal cord is composed primarily of

a. unmyelinated axons
b. neurolemmocytes and satellite cells
c. myelinated axons
d. cell bodies of neurons
C. myelinated axons
each synovial joint is composed of a double-layered capsule called
articular capsule
which statement is true about intercostal nerves?

a. they are formed from the posterior rami of spinal nerves
b. they form a thoracic plexus of nerves
c. they originate from the thoracic part of the spinal cord
d. they innervate the deep back muscles of the thoracic region
C. they originate from the throacic part of the spinal cord
flat tendons
what is the primary action of the deltoid muscle?
abduction of the shoulder
the orbicularis oris muscle
compresses and purses the lips
the muscles of facial expression are innervated by
the facial nerve
which extrensic eye muscle elevates the eyes
superior rectus
the dividing point for the two groups of anterior muscles of the neck is the
hyoid bone
the geniohyoid muscle

a. depresses the hyoid bone and larynx
b. elevates the floor of the mouth
c. elevates the hyoid bone
depresses the larynx
C- elevates the hyoid bone
which muscle extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm?
latissimus dorsi
when the left and right ___ contract, they flex the neck.

a. sternocleidomastoid
b. longissimus group
c. splenius
d. rectus abdominis
A- sternocleidomastoid
all of the hamstring muscles work together in which actions?
extending the thigh and flexing the leg
when this large muscle contracts, the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity increase

a. external intercostal
b. internal intercostal
c. diaphragm
d. transversus thoracis
C- diaphragm
the posterior muscles of the leg
plantar flex the foot and flex the toes
which of the following is not a muscle within the urogenital triangle?

a. bulbospongiosus
b. coccygeus
c. superficial transverse perineal
d. ischiocavernosus
B- coccygeus
which superficial leg muscle has two bellies that compose the calf?
the muscle that does not cause some lateral movement in the eye is the

a. inferior rectus
b. inferior oblique
c. lateral rectus
d. superior oblique
A- inferior rectus
which muscle allows you to stick out your tongue?

a. palatoglossus
b. genioglossus
c. lateral pterygoid
d. hyoglossus
B- genioglossus
each of these muscles can laterally flex the vertebral column, except the

a. external oblique
b. transversus abdominis
c. spinalis
d. interal oblique
C- spinalis
skeletal muscles
which muscle is not involved in extending the head or neck?

a. rectus capitis posterior major
b. longissimus capitis
c. sternocleidomastoid
d. splenius cervicis
C- sternocleidomastoid
cardiac muscles
One function of the transversus abdominus muscle is to

a. elevate the ribs
b. compress the abdominal wall
c. extend the vertebral column
d. increase the dimensions of the thoracic cavity
B- compress the abdominal wall
somatic afferent
pain, touch, temp
which muscle protrudes the lower lip (as when you "pout")

a. risorius
b. levator labii superioris
c. mentalis
d. zygomaticus major
C- mentalis
somatic effector
visceral efferent
collection of nerve cell bodies IN the CNS
collection of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS or in the PNS
which of the following extrinsic eye muscles is NOT innervated by the oculomotor nerve (CN III)?
lateral rectus
the word root genio means?
which muscle extends and abducts the arm?
the depression between the sternal ends of the clavicles is called the
suprasternal notch
which muscle pulls the lower lip inferiorly and tenses the skin of the neck?
the clinically useful vein which communicates between the cephalic and basilic veins is the
median cubital vein
white matter
nerve cell processes
neruons with numerous dendrites and a single axon are structurally classifed as
multipolar neurons
efferent neurons transmit nerve impulses
from the CNS to muscles or glands
collectively, glial cells do all of the following except?
synthesize neurotransmitters and conduct nerve impulses
the larges and most abundant of the CNS glial cells, _____ help form the blood-brain barrier
which types of glial cells are found in the peripheral nervous system?
neurolemmocytes (schwann cells)
myelination affects nerve impulse conduction in which of the following ways?
allows saltatory conduction from one neurofibril node to the next ('jumps between nodes of Ranvier)
The synaptic knob of a neuron may contact another neuron anywhere except on its
myelin sheath
the dorsal interossei muscles in the hand

a. adduct fingers 2-5
b. abduct fingers 2-5
c. flex the PIP and DIP joints
d. extend the MP joints
B - abduct fingers 2-5
at a chemical synapse, the presynaptic membrane releases a signaling molecule called a
the contraction of the ____ causes medial rotation of the thigh

a. pectineus
b. obturator externus
c. gluteus minimus
d. gracilis
C - gluteus minimus
Gray matter
is located centrally in the spinal cord
muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg

a. evert the foot
b. dorsiflex the foot and extend the toes
c. plantar flex the foot
d. flex the toes
B - dorsiflex the foot and extend the toes
white matter
is compsed of nerve cell processes
all of the following muscles flex the forearm except the

a. brachialis
b. biceps brachii
c. brachioradialis
d. anconeus
D - anconeus
how many neurons does it take to get an impulse from the spinal cord to a skeletal muscle?
the quadriceps femoris is composed of which of the following muscles?

a. biceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and gracilis
b. vasus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and vastus intermedius
c. semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris
d. popliteus, gracilis, and sartorius
B - vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and vastus intermedius
a ventral ramus is composed of
both sensory and motor
thumb opposition is caused by contraction of the _____ muscle

a. flexor digiti minimi brevis
b. opponens pollicis
c. extensor pollicis longus
d. adductor pollicis
B - opponens pollicis
a ventral root is composed of
motor (efferent) only
the ____ flexes the knee and causes a slight medial rotation to "unlock" the knee joint

a. sartorius
b. soleus
c. tensor fasciae latae
d. popliteus
D - popliteus
a dorsal horn is composed of
sensory (afferent) only
which muscles originate on the ischial tuberosity and extend the thigh plus flex the leg?

a. adductor muscles
b. fibularis muscles
c. hamstring muscles
d. quadriceps muscles
C - hamstring muscles
glial cells are associated with
both sensory and motor
eversion of the foot is caused by the contraction of the ____ muscle

a. soleus
b. plantaris
c. fibularis brevis
d. gastrocnemius
C - fibularis brevis
the ____ causes plantar flexion of the foot

a. iliopsoas
b. gastrocnemius
c. fibularis tertius
d. vastus intermedius
B - gastrocnemius
Adrenal gland hormones
mineralocorticoids- aldosterone
glucocorticoids- cortisol
Pancreas Endocrine hormones
2 hormones that promote the growth of children
sex hormone has 2 resources
ovaries and testes
hypothalamus and pituitary