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84 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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what bones form the margin of the orbit?
frontal bone
zygomatic bone
maxillary bone
what bones form the medial wall of the orbit?
lacrimal bone
ethmoid bone
what bones form the lateral wall of the orbit?
zygomatic bone
what bones form the floor of the orbit?
maxillary bone
what bones form the roof of the orbit?
orbital plate of the frontal bone
what forms the deep wall of the orbit?
greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone
where is the superior orbital fissure?
between the greater wing and lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
where is the inferior orbital fissure?
between the maxillary bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
where does the optic canal lie?
in the root of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
how do the medial walls of the orbit relate to one another? the lateral walls?
medial walls are parallel

lateral walls diverge
what forms the fibromuscular cone around the eyeball?
continuous fascial sheath around and between the muscles of the eye
what fills the interior of the fibromuscular cone of the eye?
where is the levator palpebrae superioris?
superior to the cone of the eye, below the roof of the orbit
what are the attachments of the levator palpebrae superioris?
from back of orbit
to upper eyelid
what supplies innervation to the levator palpebrae superioris?
sympathetic nerves
what is the result of a lesion of one of the nerves supplying the levator palpebrae superioris?
what is ptosis?
drooping of the eyelid
what is the purpose of the lacrimal fluid?
moistens and lubricates the conjunctiva and cornea

provides nutrients and dissolved oxygen to the cornea
what conveys lacrimal fluid from the lacrimal gland to the lacrimal sac?
lacrimal ducts
what are lacrimal canaliculi?
tubes that drain the lacrimal fluid to the lacrimal sac, starting from the punctum
what is a punctum?
minute orifice through which the lacrimal canaliculi open onto the interior surface of the eyelid
what drains lacrimal fluid from the lacrimal sac?
nasolacrimal duct
where does the nasolacrimal duct go?
from the nasolacrimal sac to the inferior nasal meatus (back of nose and throat)
how are parasympathetic secretomotor fibers carried to the lacrimal gland?
facial nerve (pre) -> greater petrosal nerve (pre) -> nerve to pterygoid canal (pre) -> pterygopalatine ganglion (syn) -> zygomatic n. (post) -> lacrimal n. (post) -> lacrimal gland

from what nerve is the zygomatic nerve a branch?
maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (V2)
from what nerve is the lacrimal nerve a branch?
ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (V1)
what is the function of the lateral rectus muscle?
abductor of the eye (turns pupil laterally)
what is the function of the medial rectus muscle?
unilaterally - adductor of the eye (turns pupil medially)

bilaterally - convergence of gaze (focuses eyes on nearby object)
what is the function of the superior rectus muscle?
turns the pupil superiorly and medially
what is the function of the inferior rectus muscle?
turns the pupil inferiorly and medially
where does the superior oblique muscle of the eye run?
along medial wall to reach trochlea, looping posteriorly through a fascial sling before being attached to the the eyeball (deep to superior rectus muscle)
what is the function of the superior oblique muscle of the eye?
incyclotorsion (primary)
depression (secondary)
abduction (tertiary)
where does the inferior oblique muscle of the eye run?
from floor of orbit laterally below the eyeball, attaching to the eyeball laterally
what are the functions of the inferior oblique muscle of the eye?
excyclotorsion (primary)
elevation (secondary)
abduction (tertiary)
what muscles are required to look straight up?
superior rectus
inferior oblique
what muscles are required to look straight down?
inferior rectus
superior oblique
what muscles are required to look to the left?
left lateral rectus
right medial rectus
from what artery does the ophthalmic artery arise?
internal carotid artery
from what artery does the central artery of the retina arise?
ophthalmic artery
where does the central artery of the retina travel?
enters the optic nerve, travels near its center to the eyeball, and after going into the eyeball, divides into nasal and temporal branches (with corresponding veins)
what are the arteries which can be seen with an ophthalmoscope?
nasal and temporal branches of the central artery of the retina
what are the two end branches of the ophthalmic artery?
dorsal nasal artery
supratrochlear artery
what are the branches of the ophthalmic artery?
central retinal artery
lacrimal artery
posterior ciliary arteries
supraorbital artery
posterior ethmoidal artery
anterior ethmoidal artery
medial palpebral artery
dorsal nasal artery
supratrochlear (frontal) artery
where does the lacrimal artery run?
along the lateral wall of the orbit
what is supplied by the lacrimal artery?
lacrimal gland
how many long posterior ciliary arteries branch from the ophthalmic artery?
how many short posterior ciliary arteries branch from the ophthalmic artery?
what is supplied by the posterior ciliary arteries?
choroid inside the eyeball
short - back of eyeball
long - corneoscleral junction
where do long posterior ciliary arteries break up into branches?
corneoscleral junction
from what arteries do the anterior ciliary arteries branch?
lacrimal artery and/or posterior ciliary arteries (long or short)
what is supplied by the anterior ciliary arteries?
choroid in the front of the eyeball
what is supplied by the supraorbital artery?
what is supplied by the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries?
ethmoidal air cells
upper part of nasal mucosa (posterior only)
what branch from the ophthalmic artery continues into the nasal cavity?
posterior ethmoidal artery
into what do the veins of the orbit drain?
superior ophthalmic vein
inferior ophthalmic vein
with what do the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins communicate?
cavernous sinus
pterygoid plexus of veins
what is an ethmoidal air cell?
paranasal sinus
where does CN IV enter the orbit?
above the fibrous ring (outside of muscular cone)
where does CN IV enter the superior oblique?
the upper border of the superior oblique
where does CN VI go immediately after entering the orbit?
enters within the muscular cone and immediately turns lateral to enter the lateral rectus
where are the two branches of CN III within the orbit?
above and below the nasociliary nerve within the muscular cone
what is innervated by the superior branch of CN III?
rectus superioris
levator palpebrae superioris
what is innervated by the inferior branch of CN III?
rectus medialis
rectus inferioris
obliquus inferioris
what nerve carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers, which are destined for the eyeball?
oculomotor branch to inferior oblique muscle
from where do the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers for the eyeballs arise?
Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the midbrain
where do parasympathetic fibers for the eyeball synapse?
ciliary ganglion
what carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the back of the eyeball?
short ciliary nerves
what is supplied by the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the short ciliary nerves?
ciliaris muscle
sphincter papillae
from where do all sensory nerves of the orbit branch?
ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (V1)
what are the branches of CN V in the orbit?
frontal nerve
lacrimal nerve
nasociliary nerve
where do the branches from CN V enter the orbit?
frontal nerve - above fibrous ring
lacrimal nerve - above fibrous ring
nasociliary nerve - within fibrous ring
on what does the frontal nerve lie?
directly below the roof of the orbit, the frontal nerve lies on the levator palpebrae superioris
what are the branches of the frontal nerve?
supraorbital nerve
supratrochlear nerve
what is supplied by the supraorbital nerve?
what is supplied by the supratrochlear nerve?
what is innervated by the lacrimal nerve?
sensory to skin of eyelids
postganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers to lacrimal gland
to what artery is the nasociliary nerve's course similar? in what ways is it different?
ophthalmic artery

short ciliary nerves from ciliary ganglion, not nasociliary nerve
lacrimal nerve is a separate branch from ophthalmic division
what nerve gives rise to the two long ciliary nerves entering the back of the eyeball?
nasociliary nerve
what type of fibers are carried by the long ciliary nerves?
postganglionic sympathetic fibers for dilator pupillae

sensory fibers for cornea
what is supplied by the sympathetic fibers of the long ciliary nerves?
dilator pupillae
from where do the postganglionic sympathetic fibers of the long ciliary nerves arise?
superior cervical ganglion
from which nerve is the posterior ethmoidal nerve a branch?
nasociliary nerve
from which nerve is the anterior ethmoidal nerve a branch?
nasociliary nerve
what are the two terminal branches of the nasociliary nerve?
anterior ethmoidal nerve
infratrochlear nerve