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46 Cards in this Set

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Abductor hallucis
Action & Innervation
abducts & flexes big toe @ MTP

medial plantar nerve
Flexor digitorum brevis
Action & Innervation
flexes 2nd -5th toe @ PIP (and MTP)

medial plantar nerve
Abductor digitimini
Action & Innervation
abducts & flexes the 5th toe @ MTP

lateral plantar nerve
First Layer of Muscles in Foot
abductor hallucis
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor digitiminmi
deep to plantar aponeurosis (plantar fascia), thick layer of fascia that helps support the longitudinal arch of the foot
Plantar fascitis
inflammation of the insertion of hte plantar fascia on the calcaneal tuberosity
Second Layer of Muscles in Foot
Quadratus plantae
Lumbricals (4)
Quadratus plantae:
Action & Innervation
assist flexor digitorum longus

lateral plantar nerve
Lumbricals (4):
Action & Innervation
flex 2nd-5th toe @ MTP & extend them at PIP/DIP via extensor expansion
2 tendons in first layer of foot muscles
flexor hallucis longus

flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis Longus
wraps under sustentaculum tali & passes between two sesmoid bones (in the tendons of flexor hallucis brevis) on its way to the distal phalanx of the big toe
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Cross obliquely from medial malleolus to toes 2-5
lies superficial to the tendon of flexor hallucis longus
Third Layer of Foot Muscles
flexor hallucis brevis
adductor hallucis
flexor digitiminimi
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
has 2 heads; each tendon contains a sesamoid bone @ the head of the first metatarsal
Flexor Hallucis Brevis:
Action & Innervation
flexes big toe @ MTP

medial plantar nerve
Adductor Hallucis:
Action & Innervation
adducts big toe

lateral plantar nerve
Flexor digitiminimi
Action & Innervation
flexes 5th toe @ MTP

lateral plantar nerve
Flexor hallucis brevis
has 2 heads; each tendon contains a sesamoid bone @ head of first metatarsal
Adductor hallucis
has 2 heads
oblique & transverse
Fourth Layer of Foot Muscles
Plantar Interossei (3)

Dorsal interossei (4)
Plantar Interossei
Origin & Insertion
Origin: Metatarsals 3-5

Insertion: proximal phalanges of 3-5th toe
Plantar Interossei
Action & Innervation
adduct & flex 3rd-5th toes at MTP

Lateral plantar nerve
Dorsal interossei (4)
Origin & Insertion
Origin: metatarsals 1-5

Insertion: proximal phalanges of 2nd toe (both sides) 3rd & 4th toe
Dorsal Interossei (4)
Action & Innervation
abduct & flex 2nd-4th toes at MTP

lateral plantar nerve
2 tendons in fourth layer
tibialis posterior
fibularis longus
Tibialis Posterior
tendon passes behind the medial malleolus
a broad tendon to the navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms & bases of metatarsals 2-4
Fibularis Longus
tendon passes behind the lateral malleolus & thru groove in cuboid bone, then crosses hte sole of hte foot to the first metatarsal & medial cuneiform
Muscles of Dorsum of Foot
Extensor digitorum brevis

Extensor hallucis brevis
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Origin & Insertion
Origin: calcaneus

Insertion: tendons of extensor digitorum longus of 2nd-4th toes
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Action & Innervation
assists the extensor digitorum longus

Deep fibular nerve
Extensor hallucis brevis
Origin & Insertion
Origin: calcaneus

Insertion: proximal phalanx of big toe
Extensor hallucis brevis:
Action & Innervation
assists the extensor hallucis longus

deep fibular nerve
Nerves of the Foot
Medial plantar nerve
Lateral plantar nerve
Deep fibular nerve
Superficial fibular nerve
Sural nerve
Medial plantar Nerve
terminal branch of tibial nerve
innervates 4 muscles in the sole of hte foot (abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, flexor hallucis brevis & the 1st lumbrical)
also cutaneous innervation to medial 3.5 toes & medial sole
Lateral Plantar Nerve
Terminal branch of tibial nerve
innervates the remaining muscle in the solr of the foot (abductor digiti minimi, quadratus plantae, 2nd-4th lumbricals, interosseous muscles, adductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi)
also cutaneous innervation to lateral 1.5 toes & lateral sole
Deep fibular Nerve
nerve of hte anterior compartment of leg
innervates the intrinsic muscles on the dorsum of the foot & skin between 1st & 2nd toe
Superficial Fibular Nerve
lateral compartment of leg
innervates skin on dorsum of foot & parts of leg
Sural Nerve
formed from branches of the tibial nerve & common fibular nerve
innervates skin on the lateral foot & parts of the leg
passes posterior to the lateral malleolus
Blood Supply to Foot
Dorsalis pedis
Medial Plantar artery
lateral plantar artery
great saphenous vein
Dorsalis Pedis
direct continuation of anterior tibial artery
gives rise to an arcuate artery on the dorsum of the foot & the deep plantar artery that dives down between the first & second toes & becomes plantar arch
Medial Plantar Artery
smaller than lateral plantar artery
Lateral Plantar Artery
becomes plantar arch, gives off plantar metatarsal arteries that divide further in plantar digital arteries
Great saphenous vein
continuation of the dorsal venous arch on foot
passes anterior to the medial malleolus
Arches of the Foot
Longitudianal (medial & lateral)
shock absorbers
Most important structures for maintaining the arches
plantar ligaments
Plantar Ligaments
short plantar ligament
long plantar ligament
plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
plantar aponeurosis
Muscles that support arches of foot
peroneus longus
tibilias posterior