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54 Cards in this Set

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Olfactory bulb sits on
cribiform plate
Location of Olfactory nerve in the nasal cavity
superior aspect of nasal mucosa on septal wall and lateral wall
Tumor in hypophysis will impinge on what nerve
optic nerve causing visual defecit
Place where the optic nerve comes out
optic disc
the optic nerve is covered by..
the meninges
third order neurons
come from ganglion cells
Oculomotor nerve exit
Superior orbital fissure
Oculomotor innervates
4/6 Extraocular muscles
Medial Rectus
Inferior rectus
Superios rectus
inferior oblique

Levator Palpebre Superioris (elevation of upper lid)
Oculomotor travels with
Abducens and V1
Parasympathetic component of the oculomotor innervates
Post-ganglionic parasympathetic via short ciliary fibers

Ciliary Ganglion

Ciliary Muscle
Pupillary constrictor mm.
Lesion of Oculomotor
Ipsilateral eye deviates laterally
-causes diplopia

Vertical movements are paralyzed


Loss of pupillar light reflex
Loss of sympathetic innervation to the eyelid
secondary ptosis
Exit of the Trochlear nerve
Superior orbital fissure
Troclear nerve innervation
Superior oblique
Trochlear nerve function
moves eye down and out
Does the trochlear nerve run through the common tendinous ring?
Exit of V1
Superior orbital fissure
V1 innervation
SENSORY innervation
cornea and eyelids
forehead and scalp
nose, nasal mucosa
paranasal sinuses
Exit of V2
Superior orbital fissure
Cutaneous branches of V2
Auriculotemporal n.
Mental n
sensory innervation to the lacrimal area

acutal tear production is from facial nerve
V2 exit
foramen rotundum
Maxillary V2 branch innervations
skin over maxilla and upper lip
maxillary teeth and sinus
Maxillary V2 communicates with which ganglion
ptergypalantine ganglion
Exit of V3- Mandibular
Foramen ovale
Differentiating feature of the Mandibular division of V3
Only motor trigeminal branch
V3 Mandibular division innervation
skin over mandible and lower lip
mandibular teeth
mucosa of mouth
anterior 2/3 of tongue
V3 runs with which artery
Superficial temporal
Branches of V3
Buccal- only sensory
Joins with lingual to give sensory to ant 2/3 of tongue
Motor innervation of V3
Muslces of mastication
Anterior belly of digastric
Tensor Veli pelatini
tensor tempani
Exit of abducens nerve
superior orbital fissure
Innervation of abducens nerve
lateral rectus m.

abducts eye
travels through ring
Structures that pass through Common Ring
Superior oblique
Opthalmic artery
Nasociliary nerve
Abducens nerve
Structures that pass through superior orbital fissure but not the common ring
Lacrimal nerve
Trochlear nerve
Fontal nerve
Exit of motor portion of facial nerve
Internal acoustic meatus and then sylomastoid foramen
Motor portion of facial nerve innervation
Facial Expression
Posterior digastric
Exit for taste fibers of facial
petrotypanic fissure
Path for Facial taste fibers
Innervates taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue

Chorda typmany joins with lingual nerve (V3)
Cell bodies are in genicular ganglion (posterior bend)
parasympathetics of facial nerve to lacrimal
Greater petrosal nerve to lacrimal gland
Nervus intermedius

Pterygopalatine gangion giving post-ganglionic parasympathetics to the lacrimal gland, nasal mucosa, and hard and soft palate
parasympathetics of facial nerve to submandibular and sublingual glands
Pre-ganglionic Parasympathetics
Nervus intermedius
Chorda Tympani
Joins Lingual n. (V3)

Submandibular Ganglion
Post-ganglionic Parasympathetics
Submandibular & Sublingual glands
exit of glossophayngeal nerve
jugular foramen
motor component of glossopharyngeal nerve
Innervates stylopharngeus m.

assists with swallowing
Parasympathetic glossopharyngeal
jugular forament to tympanic plexus where it becomes lesser petrosal n. which goes through foramen ovale to synapse at otic ganglion and sends post-ganglionic fibers with auriculotemporal n. V3 to parotid gland
Glossopharyngeal taste fibers
posterior 2/3 of tongue
Visceral sensation of Glossopharyngeal
Chemoreceptors in carotid body
Pressure receptors in carotid sinus

Carotid sinus nerve synapses at inferior glossophyarngeal ganglion

Controls BP
Glossopharyngeal general sensory
External ear
Tympanic cavity
Mastoid air cells
Posterior third of tongue

Gag reflex
Posterior oral mucosa and middle ear

*earache is CN 9
Vagus nerve exit
jugular foramen
Vagus innervation
Motor to Pharynx and Larynx
Parasympathetics – thoracic and abdominal viscera
Taste - epiglottis
Visceral afferent – inferior pharynx, larynx and thoracic and abdominal viscera
General sensation – laryngopharynx and upper GI
Vagus motor innervation
Pharyngeal constrictors
Laryngeal mm
Palate mm. except TVP

Swallowing and phonation
Spinal accessory enterance and exit
Enter: Foramen magnum
Exit: Jugular foramen
Branches of vagus
gives branches from brain stem and cervical spinal cord
Hypoglossal nerve exit
Hypoglossal canal
Hypoglossal innervates
Extrinsic tongue muscles except Palatoglossus (CNX)
Intrinsic tongue muscles
CN XII Palsy
tongue deviates to the paralyzed side

paralysis of genioglossal mm.