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57 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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temporal fossa boundaries
anterior - frontal and zygomatic bones
posterior - superiorly by the temporal lines
lateral - zygomatic arch
inferiorly - infratemporal crest
floor - frontal, parietal, temporal and greater wing of the sphenoid bone
pterion - 4 bones that come together
-greater wing of the sphenoid
contents of the temporal fossa
temporalis muscle and fascia
masseter muscle
boundaries of the infratemporal fossa
lateral wall - ramus of the mandible
medial wall - lateral pterygoid plate
superior boundary - infratemporal crest
inferior boundary - angle of the mandible
contents of the infratemporal fossa
-temporalis muscle (inferior portion)
-medial pterygoid muscle
-lateral pterygoid muscle
-maxillary artery
-pterygoid venous plexus
-mandibular division of CN V
-chorda tympani
-otic ganglion
larger of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery
maxillary artery
divides the maxillary artery into its 3 parts
lateral pterygoid muscle
branches of the first part of the maxillary artery
-deep auricular
-anterior tympanic
-middle meningeal
-accessory meningeal
-inferior alveolar
deep auricular a goes to
external acoustic meatus
anterior tympanic a goes to
tympanic membrane
middle meningeal a goes to
cranial meninges through foramen spinosum
accessory meningeal a goes to
cranial meninges through foramen ovale
inferior alveolar a goes to
mandibular teeth through mandibular foramen
branches of the 2nd part of the maxillary artery
-masseteric branches
-deep temporal branches
-pterygoid branches
-buccal branches
masseteric a branches go to
supply the masseter
deep temporal a branches go to
supply the temporalis
pterygoid a branches go to
supply the medial and lateral pterygoid
buccal a branches go to
supply the muscles of the cheek
branches of the third part of the maxillary artery
-posterior superior alveolar
-descending palatine
pterygoid venous plexus location:
infratemporal fossa
pterygoid venous plexus connections
-laterally w/ facial vein
-medially w/ cavernous sinus
the small veins of the plexus usually join together to give rise to :
maxillary veins
maxillary veins leave infratemporal fossa and join with
superficial temporal vein to form the retromandibular vein
only division of CN V that has some motor fibers
mandibular nerve
motor branches of the mandibular n go to:
-muscles of mastication
-anterior belly of the digastric
-tensor tympani
-tensor veli palatini
sensory branches of the mandibular n go to:
-auriculotemporal n
-buccal n (long buccal)
-inferior alveolar n
-lingual n
auriculotemporal n supplies:
-skin over the temporal region
-temporomandibular joint
-secretory parasympathetic fibers to the parotid
-external auditory meatus and tympanic membrane
buccal n (long buccal) supplies
skin and mucous membrane of cheek and lateral surface of oral gingiva
inferior alveolar nerve supplies
all teeth on its side of the mandible
inferior alveolar nerve gives off the following branches:
mylohyoid n
mental n
incisive n
mylohyoid n supplies
anterior belly of the digastric and mylohyoid muscles
mental n supplies
skin of the chin
incisive n supplies
canine and incisor teeth
inferior alveolar nerve block
anesthetic agent is injected near the mandibular foramen
lingual nerve supplies
sensory to the tongue, floor of the mouth and gingiva
chorda tympani is a branch of
chorda tympani leaves CN VII and joins
lingual n in the infratemporal fossa
chorda tympani functions
-conveys taste from the anterior 2/3 fo the tongue
-conveys preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular gland
-postganglionic fibers from the submandibular ganglion go to submandibular gland, sublingual gland and other salivary glands
type of ganglion of the otic ganglion
parasympathetic - contains cell bodies of the postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
route of nerve fibers of the otic ganglion
-preganglionic parasympathetic fibers enter the ganglion via the lesser petrosal nerve
-postganglionic fibers destined for the parotid gland travel via the auriculotemporal nerve
temporalmandibular joint
synovial joint b/n:
-mandibular fossa and the articular eminence of temporal bone
-the condyle of the mandible
-articular surfaces are covered with fibrous tissue
articular disc of the TMJ
fibrous tissue and not fibrocartilage attached to the capsule
upper joint cavity of TMJ
-gliding joint
-b/n articular eminence, mandibular fossa and the articular disc
lower joing cavity of TMJ
-b/n articular disc and the condyle of the mandible
capsule of TMJ
attached to margins of articular area of temporal bone and around neck of mandible
ligaments of the TMJ
-lateral ligament
stylomandibular ligament
-a band of deep cervical fascia from styloid process to the angle of the mandible
sphenomandibular ligament
membranous band from spine of sphenoid to lingula of mandible
lateral ligament
attached to the capsule and to the articular disc
-checks mediolateral movements of TMJ
opening/depression of TMJ
closing, elevation of TMJ
temporalis and masseter (some medial pterygoid)
protraction, protrusion of TMJ
lateral pterygoids, masseter and medial pterygoid
retraction, retrusion of TMJ
posterior fibers of temporalis, masseter
lateral movement of TMJ
retractors of the same side (temporalis, masseter)
protruders of the opposite side (lateral and medial pterygoids, masseter)
muscles of mastication and what they are innervated by
all innervated by mandibular divison of V
-temporalis - deep temporal nn
-masseter - masseteric n
-lateral pterygoid - n to lateral pterygoid
-medial pterygoid - n to medial pterygoid
sensory nerve supply to TMJ
masseteric n
auriculotemporal n
dislocation of the TMJ can injur which nerve
auriculotemporal n