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41 Cards in this Set

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What kind of tissue is found in alveoli, glomeruli, endothelium, and serosa?
Simple Squamous Epithelia
What kind of tissue is found in the liver, thyroid, mammary, salivary, and other glands?
Simple Cuboidal Epithelia
What kind of tissue is found lining the GI tract, uterus, kidney, and uterine tubes?
Simple Columnar Epithelia
What type of tissue is found in the respiratory system?
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelia
What type of tissue is found in the skin cheek and cervix?
Stratified squamous epithelia
What type of tissue is the most rare?
Stratified Columnar Epithelia
What type of tissue is found in the urinary tract, kidney, ureterm and bladder?
Transitional Epithelia
Which type of gland has no duct?
Endocrine glands
What is a stroma?
A capsule that divides gland into lobes and lobules
What are parenchyma?
Cells that synthesize the secretions of the gland
A goblet cell is an example of a cell in what type of gland?
What does a cytogenic gland release?
Sperm and egg cells
What gland produces cells that must sacrafice themselves to deliver their product?
Holocrine glands
How does a merocrine gland release its product?
By exocytosis
tears, salivary, gastric glands, pancreas, are all types of what secretion?
Mammary and armpit sweat glands are types of what secretion?
What type of cell produces fibers and ground substane?
What types of fibers are tough, and resist stretching but are still flexible?
What types of fibers are thin with glycoproteins and for the framework for the spleen and lymph nodes?
What fibers are made of elastin, and stretch and recoil like a rubberband?
Elastic Fibers
What are three types of ground substance found in connective tissue?
glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins
What type of connective tissue underlies all epithelia that forms the passage for nerves and blood vessels?
What type of connective tissue is a loosenetwork of fibers and cells that forms the framework for lymphatic organs?
What type of connective tissue is non vascular and is characteristic of tendons and ligaments?
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
What type of tissue has collagen fibers running in random directions?
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
What produces the matrix of cartilage?
Chondroblasts (Chondrocytes when enclosed within the matrix)
What are the three types of cartilage?
Hyaline, Fibrocartilage, and Elastic Cartilage
What type of cartilage supports the airway and allows for easy joint movement?
What type of cartilage makes up the ear?
Elastic Cartilage
What type of cartilage resists compression and absorbs shock?
What does the synovial membrane line?
The Joints
What disease is a hereditary defect in elastin fibers? (which is often seen by tall stature, long limbs, and spinal curvature)
Marfan syndrome
What is a hereditary defect in collagen synthesis? (Old looking appearance, stretchy skin, loose joints)
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
What is hypertrophy?
The enlargement of preexisting cells
What is Neoplasia?
the growth of a tumor through growth of abnormal tissue
What is hyperplasia?
Tissue growth through cell multipication
What is gangrene caused by?
Insufficient blood supply
What is decubitus?
A bed sore or pressure sore
What do peroxisomes break down?
Fatty Acids, and amino acids
What are hormone-like chemical signals between cells?
What is a classic example of a conjugated protein?