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95 Cards in this Set

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What is GSA?
Sensation from body wall
What is GVA?
Sensation from viscera
What is SVA?
Taste and olfaction
What is SSA?
Vision, balance and hearing
What is GSE?
Motor; to skeletal muscle
What is GVE?
Motor to viscera
What is SVE (aka BE)?
Motor (skeletal muscle from pharyngeal arches), CN V, VII, IX, X
What is CN I?
What is CN II?
What is CN III?
What is CN IV?
What is CN V?
What is CN VI?
What is CN VII?
What is CN VIII?
What is CN IX?
What is CN X?
What is CN XI?
Spinal accessory
What is CN XII?
What senses are special?
1. Olfaction, 2. vision, 3. taste, 4. balance, 5. hearing
What CNs control the extra-ocular muscles?
What is the GVE ganglion in CN III?
Ciliary ganglion
What are the GSE innv of CN III?
1. Levator palpebrae, 2. superior rectus, 3. medial rectus, 4. inferior rectus, 5. inferior oblique
What is the GSE inn of CN IV?
Superior oblique
What is the GSE innv of CN VI?
Lateral rectus
What ganglion is the CN III going thru?
Ciliary ganglion - ciliary muscle + sphincter spupilare
What is the functions of CN III?
Motor - levator palpebrae, autonomic = ciliary muscle
What is the function of CN IV?
Superior oblique
What is the function of CN V?
Skin innv and muscles of mastication
What are the muscles of mastication?
4 muscles, 1. temporalis, 2. masseter, 3. medial pterygoid, 4. lateral pterygoid
Where does the GSA ganglion portion of trigeminal nerve location?
Trigeminal ganglion
What nerve controls the muscle of mastication?
CN V - trigeminal nerve
What is the cutaneous innv of the cornea of the eye?
What is the cutaneous innv of the tip of the nose?
What is the cutaneous innv of the superior lip?
What is the cutaneous innv of the inferior lip?
What innv the lacrimal gland?
What is the cutaneous innv of the lower eye lid?
What gives motor innv to the tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid?
What gives sensory innv to the mastoid air cell?
What gives innv to the dura of the middle cranial fossa?
What gives sensory innv to the dura of the anterior cranial fossa?
Where does CN V1 leave the head?
Superior orbital fissure
Where does CN V2 leave the head?
Foramen rotundum
Where does CN V3 leave the head?
Foramen ovale
What is the name of CN V1?
Ophthalmic - sensation of the eye
What is the name of CN V2?
What is the name of CN V3?
What nerve is the motor msucles of facial expression?
CN VII - primary root
What nerve is the motor of submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal glands?
CN VII - intermediate nerve
What nerve does taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue?
Where is the ganglion of the nerve that innv the lacrimal gland, mucous membranes of nasal and oral cavity?
Pterygopalatine ganglion - CN VII - GVE
What is the ganglion for the musscles of facial expression?
Geniculate ganglion - CN VII - SVE
What is the ganglion of the submandibular gland and sublingual gland?
Submandibular ganglion- CN VII - GVE
What is the ganglion of the GVA salivary glands?
Geniculate ganglion - CN VII - GVA
What is the ganglion of the taste for CN VII?
Geniculate ganglion
What is the deficits seen if CN VII is damaged at the internal acoustic meatus?
Motor and sensory loss of all of CN VII, no taste, no facial expression
What are the deficits seen if CN VII is damaged at the facial canal?
Loss of taste and muscles of facial expression but intact lacrimal gland
What are the deficits seen if CN VII is damaged at the stylomastoid foramen?
Loss of muscles of facial expression but intact taste and lacrimal gland
What are the branches of CN VII?
1. Greater petrosal nerve, 2. chorda tympani, 3. nerve to stapedius, 4. motor branch of CN VII (muscles of facial expression), 5. sensory branch of CN VII (cutaneous innv of external acoustic meatus)
What is the function of the vestibular nerve?
Sensory - orientation/motion
What is the function o f the cochlear nerve?
Sensory - hearing
What is the function of the motor portion of the CN IX?
Stylophryngeus, parotid gland
What is the sensory function of CN IX?
Posterior 1/3 of the tongue, sensation on pharynx, tonsillar fossa, pharyngotypanic tube, middle ear cavity
What is the motor functions of CN X?
Larynx, treachea, bonchial tree, heart, GI, tract to left colic flexture
What is the sensory function of CN X?
Pharynx, larynx, reflexe sensory from tracheobronchial tree, lungs, heart, GI tract to left colic flexture
What part of CN IX has cell body in superior ganglion of IX?
Skin innv around the ear via auricular branch of CN X - GSA
What part of CN IX is in the otic ganglion?
GVE - goes to the parotid gland
Which ganglion does the oculomotor nerve use?
Ciliary ganglion
Which ganglion does the greater petrosal nerve use?
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Which ganglion does the lesser petrosal nerve use?
Otic ganglion
Which ganglion does the chorda tympani to lingual use?
Submandibular ganglion
Which ganglion is used in cutaneous innv of ear for CN IX?
Superior ganglion of IX
Which ganglion is used for poster 1/3 taste of the tongue?
Inferior ganglion of IX
Where is the cell body for the cutaneous innv of the face located?
Trigeminal ganglion
Where is the cell body of the cell that gives taste to anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
Geniculate ganglion - CN VII
What gives secretomotor activity to lacrimal gland, submandibular gland, and sublingual salivary glands, and glands in the nasal cavity?
What innv the stapedius, posterior belly of digastric, and stylohyoid?
Where is the cell body of the secretomotor portion of the lacrimal gland?
Pterygopalatine ganglion - Parasympathetic NS
Where is the cell body for the secretomotor portion of the submandibular and sublingual glands?
Submandibular ganglion
Where does CN VII leave the head?
Internal acoustic meatus
Which ganglion is used for cutaneous innv of ear for CN X?
Superior ganglion of X
Which ganglion is used for taste of the epiglottis?
Inferior ganglion of X
Where does CN X exit the head?
Jugular foramen
Where does CN XI exit the head?
Jugular foramen
Where does CN XI enter the head?
Foramen magnum
Where does CN IX exit the head?
Jugular foramen
What CN leave the jugular formaen?
Where does CN XII exit the head?
Hypoglossal canal
What nerve innv the hypoglossus, styloglossus, genioglossus, and intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
What part of CN X goes to the superior ganglion?
GSA of the ear
What part of CN X has cell body in inferior ganglion?
GVA(cardiac muscle/smooth muscle) + SVA (taste)of CNX
What is the function of CN XI?
Innv trapezius
What is the function of CN XII?
Innv tongue - genioglossus, hypoglossus, styloglssus, intrinsic tongue muscles, except palatoglssus