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40 Cards in this Set

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The spinal cord terminate at
L1in adults (becomes cauda equina– nerves and meninges) and at L3 in newborns
The dura mater ends at the level of
Hybrid Muscles
Trapezius, Adductor Magnus, Iliopsoas, Pectinius, Biceps Femoris
Trapezius innervation
spinal root accesory nerve 11, and C3 and C4
Adductor Magnus
linea aspera- tibial
Adductor tubercle- obturator
Iliacus –femoral
Psoas –lumbar plexus
obturator n. and femoral
Biceps Femoris
Short head – common peroneal Long head – tibial
not from cartilage
from cartilage
Vertebral canal
spinal cord
Blood Vessels
Intervertebral foramen
Dorsal Root Ganglia
Spinal Roots
transverse foramen
Vertebral a. (C6 and up)
Greater sciatic foramen is divided into two parts by the
piriformis muscle
Suprapiriformis hiatus
Super Gluteal vessels
Infrapiriformis hiatus
inferior gluteal vessels
int. pudendal artery and vein
pudendal n.
post. cutaneous n. of the thigh
N. to obturator internus
Lesser sciatic foramen
int. pudendal vessels pudendal n.
obturator w/ tendon
obturator foramen
obturator membrane (covers it)
obturator n. and vessels
Acetabular notch
acetabular branch of obturator a. through teres l. to supply the femur with blood.
femoral ring
 In femoral sheath
• femoral a. and v.
• genitofemoral n.
• inguinal lymphnodes
 femoral n.
adductor hiatus
 popliteal a. and v. (previously the femoral a. and v.)
Popliteal fossa
 popliteal a. and v.
 tibial n.
 comm. Peroneal n.
 genicular a. and v.
Cant lift arm above 90o =
damage to dorsal scapular
Can lift arm above 90o =
damage to long thoracic
Often from radical mastectomy
No pulse in dorsalis pedis
can indicate Burger’s disease or diabetes mellitus.
Synovial fluid can be removed from the
Diagonal conjugate
(hand up vagina, touch sacral promontory) can help determine whether or not vaginal delivery will be difficult.
spinal tap
through sacral hiatus for childbirth because only anesthetizes up to S2
Caudal Epidural Anesthesia
same as lumbar puncture except that something is put IN (drugs) instead of taken out (CSF)
The greater saphernous vein can be used for
coronary bypass surgery
The plantaris m. and /or tendon can be used for
is caused by Vit. D and calcium deficiency in children and disturbs the angle of the head of the femur. It is called Osteomalacia in adults.
Vertebral Basilar Syndrome
is when while tilting head back compression of vertebral a. leads to fainting.
Spina Bifida
(failure of fusion of neural crest/vertebral arches) is caused by Folic Acid deficiency (in mother).
Disc Herniation
(nucleus pulposus moves into vertebral foramen or intervertebral foramen) normally occurs poterolaterally and pinches spinal cord or nerves.
Osteoarthritis of the vertebra
causes uncovertebral joints to form causing tears/herniation in the disc.
loss of bone density) can cause hip fractures of the elderly.
Osgoodschlatter’s disease
periostitis and sometimes avulsion of tibial tuberosity) is caused by overextension of the Quadriceps femoris.
A fibular fracture
can damage the common peroneal n.which causes foot drop/no dorsiflexion (deep peroneal n. – anterior muscles of leg) and no eversion (Superficial peroneal n. – peroneus longus/brevis).
Waddling Gait/ (+) Trendelerberg Sign
caused by damage to the superior gluteal n. (gluteus medius/minimus which keep pelvis level).
Mid-shaft fractures of tibia/fibula
common in skiers