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124 Cards in this Set

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Central Nervous System
Brain and Spinal Cord
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves and Ganglia
3 Functions of the nervous system
Sensory input, integration, motor output
Sensory input
collects info. detects changes in the environment, recieves and transmits to cns
processing and evaluating info. interprets the input
motor output
transmits info from cns to body, elicits response
conduct impulses from one part of the body to another, extreme longevity, do not divide, high metabolic rate
supporting cells
glia, mitosis, do not conduct electric impulses, assist neurons, PROTECT and NEURISH
Structure of a neuron
cell body - control center sends impulse, dendrites branch off cell body, axon longer nerve cell, synapses
Structureal classification of neurons
anaxonic, unipolar, bipolar, multipolar
without axon
Sensory neurons
detect stimulus
motor neurons
elicit response from effector organ
process info. modify response
Glial Cells in CNS
astrocytes, ependymal cells, microglia, oligodendrocytes
control ionic environment
ependymal cells
help circulate cerebral spinal fluid
phagocytes-eat bacteria
wrap neuronal processes with myelin
Glial cells in the PNS
satellite cells, neurolemmocytes(Schwann cells)
Satellite Cells
Surround cell bodies
neurolemmocytes (Schwann Cells)
Surround axons in the PNS with myelin
fatty substance made of lipids and proteins
Myelin Sheath
Increases the speed of impulse conduction
Neuralfibril nodes(Nodes of Ranvier)
Gaps between myelin bundles, nerve impulses are allowed to jump from one node to the next
Unmyelinated Axons
No myelin, neurolemmocytes can also surround unmyelinated axons, but they do not form a myelin sheath around them
2 types of synapses
Electrical, chemical
Electrical Synapse
Animals, fast and secure, 2 way signal
Chemical Synapse
Presynaptic neuron, post synaptic neuron, synaptic cleft
loss or destruction of myelin in the cns and pns leads to loss of sensation and motor control
Inflammation of a nerve
Classical term for a disorder affecting any segment of the nervous system
Any poison that acts specifically on nervous tissue
Group of nerve cells, long axons in same direction, IN PNS
Collections of nerves traveling to similar destination
-specific to areas
Inside, swelling, inside nerve cell bodies
Grey Matter
non milinated nervous tissue. Somas, dendrites, non milinated axons
White Matter
Group of milinated axons, white appearance
Membranes in CNS
Dura Mater - outer layer
Arachnoid - Spider like - middle layer
Pia Mater - On brain surface
Cranial dural septa
Contains CSF
clear fluid, Circulatory system - neurishes and pics up waste, Liquid Cushion - cushion between bone and brain, Buoyancy - floating brain
Blood brain barrier
BBB - blood vessels have tight junctions control blood in brain
Lateral Ventricles
Top two parts in hemisphere - makes CSF
Third Ventricle
Midbrain - drains to 4th
Fourth ventricle
Brain stem & cerebellum - branches that send through subarachnoid space
Adult brain structures
cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, cerebellum, brainstem, sulci, gyri, fissure
Cerebral Hemispheres
Largest part of brain
central core of brain
posterior/inferior portion
Frontal Lobe
motor commands, speech, personality, judgement, analytical thinking
Parietal Lobe
Somatosensory, feeling
Temporal Lobe
Auditory, Smell, remember noises
Occipital lobe
Memory, taste, long term memory
Corpus Callosum
connects 2 sides, nerve tracts share info
Transverse fissure
between cerebrum and cerebellum
Longitudinal Fissure
superior of brain, deep groove
Central sulcus
divides frontal from parietl lobes
Parieto occipital sulcus
Divides parietal and occipital lobes
Lateral sulcus
Divides frontal and parietal from temporal
Precentral gyrus
in front of central sulcus - voluntary motor movements
Postcentral gyrus
behind central sulcus - body sensation
Cerebral Cortex
site of consciousness, gray matter on the superficial surface of cerebrum
Motor areas
Movement of skeletal muscles - autonomic movement
Sensory areas
Picking up info. from environment
3 Motor areas
primary motor cortex, motor speech area, frontal eye field
Primary Motor Cortex
central gyris, motor homunculus - specific movements for body parts
Motor homunculus
Specific movements for body parts
Motor Speech Area
Controls muscle movement, breathing and sounds
Frontal eye field
controls movements of the eye
5 Sensory Areas
Primary somatosensory cortex, visual areas, auditory areas, gustatory cortex, olfactory cortex
Primary somatosensory cortex
sensory homunculus - post central gyrus - takes sensory from parts of body
Visual Areas
occipital lobe - octic nerve
Auditory Cortex
Gustatory Cortex
Taste - Tissue on lateral sulcus
Olfactory Cortex
Smell, on superior temporal
7 association areas
premotor cortex, somatosensory association area, auditory association area, visual association area, wernickes area, gnostic area, prefrontal cortex (phineas gage)
Premotor cortex
planned movements
Somatosensory association area
association of feelings or senses with joints
Auditory association area
music, noise association
Visual association area
Wernickes area
Control speaking and thought process
Gnostic area
found in wernickes area - hearing, visual, sensory
Prefrontal Cortex (Phineas Gage)
personality - learning and reasoning
Cerebral White Matter
axon tracts, association fibers, commissures, projection fibers
Association fibers of white matter
connect cerebral cortex to cc on same hemisphere
Travel through corpus collosum
Projection fibers
run vertically
Cerebral nuclei (Basal nuclei)
helps control skeletal voluntary movements
-regulating intensity of movements
-starting/stopping of voluntary movements
Parkinsons Disease
Very Shaky
4 Parts of diencephalon
epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland
Choroid Plexus - make up CSF
Pineal Gland - In back of midbrain, secretes melatonin, control sleep wake patterns
Forms mushroom shape, SENSORY info. passes through
Brain tissue - forms indirect control of cardiac output and vasodilation
-controls thirst and urine output -hunger and body temp.
Pituitary Gland
Anterior and posterior - hormone producing - suspended by infradibulum
Brain Stem
Midbrain, corpora quadrigemina, superior colliculi, inferior colliculi, cerebral peduncles, pons, medulla oblongata
Corpora Quadrigemina
4 twin bodies
Superior Colliculi
Visual Reflux - 2 bumps
Inferior Colliculi
Auditory reflux
Cerebral peduncles
Nerve tracts - ascending - to brain descending mesage out of body, passes info, connects pons to cerebrum
Control over respitory behavior
Medulla Oblongata
Brain stem, controls breathing, holds cranial nerves, cardio control, REGULATES HEART BEAT and BP, BREATHING AND SWALLOWING****
Made of folea plates - 2 hemispheres-
Cerebellar hemispheres
connect by vermis - cortex, white matter, deep ceerebellar nuclei, fine tune movements,body movements, reticular formation, limbic system
Reticular formation
reticular activating system - awareness, awake, asleep, dead
Limbic system
Emotional behavior patterns
Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs)
Stroke- depends on severity, kills 150,00 a year
Alzheimers Disease
Degenerative disease - brain shrinks, deterioration, beta amilon protein, senil plaques and neurofibrillary tangles
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Lou Gehrigs disease - starts at age 65-70, muscular weakness, degeneration of motor neurons and skeletal muscles
Multiple Sclerosis
Auto Immune Disease - infection makes antibodies that destroy myolin sheath - does not conduct electrical impulses
Cerebral Palsy
Brain malfunction, brain develops wrong, chord wraps around babys neck, poor muscle usage, speech problems, def and blind
Nerve I
Olfactory, smell, sensory
Nerve II (2)
Optic, Vision, Sensory
Nerve III (3)
Oculomotor, Eye muscles, motor
Nerve IV (4)
Trochlear, eye muscles, motor
Nerve V (5)
Trigeminal, sensory face, motor jaw muscles
Nerve VI (6)
Abducens, Eye Muscles, Motor
Nerve VII (7)
Facial, sensory taste, motor face & glands
Nerve VIII (8)
Vestibulocochlear, equilibrium, hearing, sensory
Nerve IX (9)
Glossopharyngeal, motor salivary glands, sensory tongue
Nerve X (10)
Vagus, motor pharynx & larynx, sensory heart & viscera
Nerve XI (11)
Accessory, neck muscles, soft palate, motor
Nerve XII (12)
Hypoglossal, tongue, motor